163 research outputs found

    Outline of a novel architecture for cortical computation

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    In this paper a novel architecture for cortical computation has been proposed. This architecture is composed of computing paths consisting of neurons and synapses only. These paths have been decomposed into lateral, longitudinal and vertical components. Cortical computation has then been decomposed into lateral computation (LaC), longitudinal computation (LoC) and vertical computation (VeC). It has been shown that various loop structures in the cortical circuit play important roles in cortical computation as well as in memory storage and retrieval, keeping in conformity with the molecular basis of short and long term memory. A new learning scheme for the brain has also been proposed and how it is implemented within the proposed architecture has been explained. A number of mathematical results about the architecture have been proposed, many of which without proof.Comment: 21 pages, four figure

    A structural and a functional aspect of stable information processing by the brain

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    In this paper a model of neural circuit in the brain has been proposed which is composed of cyclic sub-circuits. A big loop has been defined to be consisting of a feed forward path from the sensory neurons to the highest processing area of the brain and feed back paths from that region back up to close to the same sensory neurons. It has been mathematically shown how some smaller cycles can amplify signal. A big loop processes information by contrast and amplify principle. It has been assumed that the spike train coming out of a firing neuron encodes all the information produced by it as output. This information over a period of time can be extracted by a Fourier transform. The Fourier coefficients arranged in a vector form will uniquely represent the neural spike train over a period of time. The information emanating out of all the neurons in a given neural circuit over a period of time will be represented by a collection of points in a multidimensional vector space. This cluster of points represents the functional or behavioral form of the neural circuit. It has been proposed that a particular cluster of vectors as the representation of a new behavior is chosen by the brain interactively with respect to the memory stored in that circuit and the synaptic plasticity of the circuit. It has been proposed that in this situation a Coulomb force like expression governs the dynamics of functioning of the circuit and stability of the system is reached at the minimum of all the minima of a potential function derived from the force like expression. The calculations have been done with respect to a pseudometric defined in a multidimensional vector space.Comment: Sixteen pages, two figures. Accepted for publication in Cognitive Neurodynamics (Springer

    An FFT based measure of phase synchronization

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    In this paper phase of a signal has been viewed from a different angle. According to this view a signal can have countably infinitely many phases, one associated with each Fourier component. In other words each frequency has a phase associated with it. It has been shown that if two signals are phase synchronous then the difference between phases at a given component changes very slowly across the subsequent components. This leads to an FFT based phase synchronization measuring algorithm between any two signals. The algorithm does not take any more time than the FFT itself. Mathematical motivations as well as some results of implementation of the algorithm on artificially generated signals and real EEG signals have been presented.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Revised draft (substantial revision). Under review in a journa

    Differential Operator in Seizure Detection

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    Differential operators can detect significant changes in signals. This has been utilized to enhance the contrast of the seizure signatures in depth EEG or ECoG. We have actually taken normalized exponential of absolute value of single or double derivative of epileptic ECoG. Variance operation has been performed to automatically detect seizures. A novel method for determining the duration of seizure has also been proposed. Since all operations take only linear time, the whole method is extremely fast. Seven novel parameters have been introduced whose patient specific thresholding brings down the rate of false detection to a bare minimum. Results of implementation on the ECoG data of four epileptic patients have been reported with an ROC curve analysis. High value of the area under the ROC curve indicates excellent detection performance.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, two tables. Submitted to Computers in Biology and Medicine (Elsevier

    Fourier Uniformity: An Useful Tool for Analyzing EEG Signals with An Application to Source Localization

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    If two signals are phase synchronous then the respective Fourier component at each spectral band should exhibit certain properties. In a pair of artificially generated phase synchronous signals the phase difference at each frequency band changes very slowly over the subsequent frequency bands. This has been called Fourier uniformity in this paper and a measure of it has been proposed. An usefulness of this measure has been outlined in the case of cortical source localization of scalp EEG.Comment: Accepted for oral presententation in the International Joint Conference of Neural Networks 2009, Atlanta, USA. It will not be included in the proceedings for the author's inability to attend the conferenc

    A Geometric Analysis of Time Series Leading to Information Encoding and a New Entropy Measure

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    A time series is uniquely represented by its geometric shape, which also carries information. A time series can be modelled as the trajectory of a particle moving in a force field with one degree of freedom. The force acting on the particle shapes the trajectory of its motion, which is made up of elementary shapes of infinitesimal neighborhoods of points in the trajectory. It has been proved that an infinitesimal neighborhood of a point in a continuous time series can have at least 29 different shapes or configurations. So information can be encoded in it in at least 29 different ways. A 3-point neighborhood (the smallest) in a discrete time series can have precisely 13 different shapes or configurations. In other words, a discrete time series can be expressed as a string of 13 symbols. Across diverse real as well as simulated data sets it has been observed that 6 of them occur more frequently and the remaining 7 occur less frequently. Based on frequency distribution of 13 configurations or 13 different ways of information encoding a novel entropy measure, called semantic entropy (E), has been defined. Following notion of power in Newtonian mechanics of the moving particle whose trajectory is the time series, a notion of information power (P) has been introduced for time series. E/P turned out to be an important indicator of synchronous behaviour of time series as observed in epileptic EEG signals.Comment: 29 pages, 12 figure

    A Mathematical Model of Tripartite Synapse: Astrocyte Induced Synaptic Plasticity

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    In this paper we present a biologically detailed mathematical model of tripartite synapses, where astrocytes modulate short-term synaptic plasticity. The model consists of a pre-synaptic bouton, a post-synaptic dendritic spine-head, a synaptic cleft and a peri-synaptic astrocyte controlling Ca2+ dynamics inside the synaptic bouton. This in turn controls glutamate release dynamics in the cleft. As a consequence of this, glutamate concentration in the cleft has been modeled, in which glutamate reuptake by astrocytes has also been incorporated. Finally, dendritic spine-head dynamics has been modeled. As an application, this model clearly shows synaptic potentiation in the hippocampal region, i.e., astrocyte Ca2+ mediates synaptic plasticity, which is in conformity with the majority of the recent findings (Perea & Araque, 2007; Henneberger et al., 2010; Navarrete et al., 2012).Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures, Journal of Biological Physics (to appear

    Behavioral response to strong aversive stimuli: A neurodynamical model

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    In this paper a theoretical model of functioning of a neural circuit during a behavioral response has been proposed. A neural circuit can be thought of as a directed multigraph whose each vertex is a neuron and each edge is a synapse. It has been assumed in this paper that the behavior of such circuits is manifested through the collective behavior of neurons belonging to that circuit. Behavioral information of each neuron is contained in the coefficients of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) over the output spike train. Those coefficients form a vector in a multidimensional vector space. Behavioral dynamics of a neuronal network in response to strong aversive stimuli has been studied in a vector space in which a suitable pseudometric has been defined. The neurodynamical model of network behavior has been formulated in terms of existing memory, synaptic plasticity and feelings. The model has an analogy in classical electrostatics, by which the notion of force and potential energy has been introduced. Since the model takes input from each neuron in a network and produces a behavior as the output, it would be extremely difficult or may even be impossible to implement. But with the help of the model a possible explanation for an hitherto unexplained neurological observation in human brain has been offered. The model is compatible with a recent model of sequential behavioral dynamics. The model is based on electrophysiology, but its relevance to hemodynamics has been outlined.Comment: Submitted to journa

    A Novel Matrix Representation of Discrete Biomedical Signals

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    In this work we propose a novel symmetric square matrix representation of one or more digital signals of finite equal length. For appropriate window length and sliding paradigm this matrix contains useful information about the signals in a two dimensional image form. Then this representation can be treated either as an algebraic matrix or as a geometric image. We have shown applications of both on human multichannel intracranial electroencephalogram (iEEG). In the first application we have shown that for certain patients the highest eigenvalue of the matrix obtained from the epileptic focal channels goes up during a seizure. The focus of this paper is on an application of the second concept, by which we have come up with an automatic seizure detection algorithm on a publicly available benchmark data. Except for delay in detection in all other aspects the new algorithm outperformed the detection performance based on a support vector machine based algorithm. We have also indicated how this sparse random matrix representation of brain electrical signals can encode the activities of the brain

    Comparison of feature extraction and dimensionality reduction methods for single channel extracellular spike sorting

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    Spikes in the membrane electrical potentials of neurons play a major role in the functioning of nervous systems of animals. Obtaining the spikes from different neurons has been a challenging problem for decades. Several schemes have been proposed for spike sorting to isolate the spikes of individual neurons from electrical recordings in extracellular media. However, there is much scope for improvement in the accuracies obtained using the prevailing methods of spike sorting. To determine more effective spike sorting strategies using well known methods, we compared different types of signal features and techniques for dimensionality reduction in feature space. We tried to determine an optimum or near optimum feature extraction and dimensionality reduction methods and an optimum or near optimum number of features for spike sorting. We assessed relative performance of well known methods on simulated recordings specially designed for development and benchmarking of spike sorting schemes, with varying number of spike classes and the well established method of kk-means clustering of selected features. We found that almost all well known methods performed quite well. Nevertheless, from spike waveforms of 64 samples, sampled at 24 kHz, using principal component analysis (PCA) to select around 46 to 55 features led to the better spike sorting performance than most other methods (Wilcoxon signed rank sum test, p<0.001p < 0.001).Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure
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