38 research outputs found

    Study of Various Image Fusion Techniques for the Enhancement of Digital Images

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    Image fusion is process which is applied to combine two distorted images in order to obtain a single meaningful image. Image fusion is done by extracting some important features from more than one image. Then these extracted features are merged to a single image which is fused image. The fused image has more enhanced quality in comparison to the input images. The image fusion is done by using specific techniques. Some of the techniques are discussed in this work. Image fusion attracts number of researchers to this domain. This work also provides an overview to the work that had been done in past by various authors. This is a guide to the scholars who are working in this domain

    (R1987) Hermite Wavelets Method for System of Linear Differential Equations

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    In this research paper, we present an accurate technique for solving the system of linear differential equations. Such equations often arise as a result of modeling in many systems and applications of engineering and science. The proposed scheme is based on Hermite wavelets basis functions and operational matrices of integration. The demonstrated scheme is simple as it converts the problem into algebraic matrix equation. To validate the applicability and efficacy of the developed scheme, some illustrative examples are also considered. The results so obtained with the help of the present proposed numerical technique by using Hermite wavelets are observed to be more accurate and favorable in comparison with those by using Haar wavelets

    Pure Contention-Based MAC Layer Protocols to avoid The Hidden Node Problem – A Review

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    One of the problems in Cognitive radio is the hidden node problem which as a result of sightless collisions leads to packet loss, degrading the QOS of the network, delays in transfers and many more problems. In this paper we discuss the advancements made in contention-based protocols to avoid the hidden node problem. We arrange them in three classes, which are Sender-initiated, Receiver-initiated and Hybrid protocols. In the end, we discuss the challenges associated with hidden node problem

    A Survey of Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The spectrum sensing is the base line on which the whole process of cognitive radio works. It has raised new facets for cognitive radio and many opportunistic spectrum access approaches. To avoid the interference with the licensed users and determining the accessible spectrum for increasing the spectrum’s usage is its pivotal task of cognitive radio. Generally detection performance is compromised with receiver uncertainty, multipath fading and shadowing issues and an effective method to alleviate the effect of these issues is the cooperative spectrum sensing. This paper provides the introduction to spectrum sensing, its techniques, cooperative spectrum sensing, and System requisites for cooperative sensing, its advantages and disadvantages, and elements of cooperative spectrum sensing and further describes various research area. Finally, this paper concludes that cooperative sensing becomes crucial if the network all together is to prevent interference with each primary user

    Analysis of Various Techniques of Steganography for Embedding and Securing Data

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    Data has become vulnerable to attackers and viruses so that security of the data has become main purpose now days. The steganography is a proficient technique to secure the data and has a long history but now the steganography has changed a lot. In modern steganography the digital carrier, electronic text, disk space, network packets, digital images, digital videos, digital audio etc are used for hiding the data. This study is organized with an objective to have an overview to steganography and its various types. The techniques for image steganography are also discussed in this work

    High-Quality in Data Authentication Dodging Massive Attack in VANETS

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    VANET plays an important role in the Security terms. VANET network is due to their unique features like as a high dynamic network (topology) and Mobility prediction. It attracts so much attention to the industry. VANET wireless networks are rapidly increased commercial and academic interests. Mobile connectivity, Traffic congestion management and road safety are some applications that have arisen within this network model. The routing protocol is a reactive type which means if there is data to be sent then the way will create. On-demand Distance Vector routing protocol is a generally used network topology based on rules for VANET. In surveyed of the routing protocol implemented a balance AODV method used for identifying the malicious nodes in the network. A balanced AODV routing method is defined with following characteristics:- (i) Use of threshold adaptive according to the network situations and balance index i.e node nature. (ii) Detect the malicious node in the network. (iii) Detection and prevention methods in real-time and independent on each vehicle node. In research paper, implement a B-AODV routing protocol and RSA method for detection and prevention the malicious node in the vehicular network. In this proposed algorithm, each vehicle node is employing balance index for acceptable and reject able REQ information’s (Bits). The consequences of the simulation tool in MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) indicates BAODV and RSA method is used to detect and prevent the flood attach and loss of network bandwidth. Comparison between AODV, BAODV, RSA in normal phase defines B-AODV is exactly matched with AODV in the vehicular network and performance analysis overhead, an end to end delay and packet delivery rate

    BER Performance Analysis of Frequency-Hopping and Direct-Sequencing Spread Spectrum for Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Cognitive radio is an encouraging technology for future wireless communication networks. Due to the rapid increase in wireless services, the RF spectrum is going through a scarcity problem. This has forced mobile operators to participate in multi-million dollar auctions to reserve some spectrum resources. Cognitive radio tries to solve this scarcity problem by effectively using the unused portions of the spectrum. FHSS and DSSS are two spread spectrum technologies used for cognitive radios. In this paper, both techniques have been discussed extensively. DSSS accesses spectrum in a sequence whereas FHSS accesses spectrum by a hopping sequence and thus provide immunity to interference and jamming signals. Also, they have been concatenated to cognitive radio and analyzed to find which spread spectrum technology provides better communication. Simulations have been performed in MATLAB environment and results are shown in the form of number of error bits (BER) generated for a range of SNR values. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150514

    Characterization of Type 1 ribosome inactivating proteins in edible plants

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    The ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs) from plants possess RNA N-glycosidase activity that depurinates the major rRNA, thus damaging ribosome in an irreversible manner and arresting protein synthesis. RIPs occur in fungi, bacteria and plants and are abundant in angiosperms, where they appear to have defensive role. RIPs are presently classified as rRNA N-glycosidase in the enzyme nomenclature (EC and do exhibit other enzymatic activities such as ribonuclease and deoxyribonuclease activities. RIPs are classified into two groups based on their difference in their primary structure. Type I RIPs consist of a single polypeptide chain of approximately 26&ndash;35 kDa that possess an RNA N-glycosidase activity. These proteins have attracted a great deal of attention because of their anti-viral, anti-tumor, and anti-microbial activities, which is useful in medical research and development. Here, we describe isolation of a novel protein from Momordica sp, a highclimbing vine from family Cucurbitaceae which is native to the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Arabia and Caribbean. The purified protein has been verified by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry to contain only single chain Type-1 ribosome inactivating proteins (RIPs). With present experiments, we determined the presence of RIPs in edible plant materials, including some that are eaten raw by human beings. The novel protein is further characterized to validate its therapeutic potential.<br /

    Image Restoration using RBF Neural Network and Filling-In Technique

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    Image restoration is known as enhancement and recovery of images. Personal pictures captured by varied digital cameras will simply be manipulated by a range of dedicated image process algorithms .The aim of this paper is to implement a model of neural network with Filling-in technique to resolve the problem of image restoration, which is retrieving the original image degraded by invariant blur. The algorithm is proposed in this paper implements a general RBF neural network model with Probabilistic approach which differentiates the pixels of image according to their level of corruption and employees different ways to correct it. Less corrupted are corrected by remaining part of pixel using Filling-in technique, while others are corrected by using RBF neural network image restoration resulting in better signal to blur noise and better visual quality. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15026

    Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by balsamin, a ribosome inactivating protein of Momordica balsamina

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    Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are endowed with several medicinal properties, including antiviral activity. We demonstrate here that the recently identified type I RIP from Momordica balsamina also possesses antiviral activity, as determined by viral growth curve assays and single-round infection experiments. Importantly, this activity is at play even as doses where the RIP has no cytotoxic effect. In addition, balsamin inhibits HIV-1 replication not only in T cell lines but also in human primary CD4(+) T cells. This antiviral compound exerts its activity at a viral replicative step occurring later than reverse-transcription, most likely on viral protein translation, prior to viral budding and release. Finally, we demonstrate that balsamin antiviral activity is broad since it also impedes influenza virus replication. Altogether our results demonstrate that type I RIP can exert a potent anti-HIV-1 activity which paves the way for new therapeutic avenues for the treatment of viral infections