10 research outputs found


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    THE EFFECT OF DEFOLIATION INTENSITY ON PRODUCTIVITY OF Indigofera zollingeriana. This research aims to know the effect of defoliaion intensity on productivity (fresh production, dry weight production, proportion of leaves and stems) and to know the defoliation intensity with optimal productivity of forage Indigofera zollingeriana. This research was conducted in December 2019 until March 2020. It consisted of defoliation intensity at 75cm (T75), 100cm (T100), 125cm (T125), and 150cm (T150). The design used in this experiment is Completely Randomized Design. The variables in this research were 1. fresh production leaves and stems; 2. dry weight production leaves and stems; 3. the proportion of leaves and stems dry weight production of forages Indigofera zollingeriana. The results showed that the difference of intensity defoliation had a significantly effect (P<0,01) on productivity (fresh production, dry weight production, proportion of leaves and stems) forage Indigofera zollingeriana. Defoliation intensity 75 cm have significantly (P<0,01) fresh and dry weight leaf of Indigofera zollingeriana than hight defoliation 125 cm and 150 cm. Intensity defoliation 125 cm have significantly (P<0,01) leaf-stem ratio of Indigofera zollingeriana than any other. It conclude that intensity defoliation 125 cm have highly productivity.   Keywords: Indigofera zollingeriana, cutting intensity, productivit

    Pengaruh jarak tanam terhadap pertumbuhan legum Indigofera zollingeriana dengan rumput Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott dalam sistem tumpangsari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jarak tanam terhadap pertumbuhan legum Indigofera zollingeriana dan rumput Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott dalam sistem tumpangsari, menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan kombinasi jarak tanam, yaitu, K1: Iz 1,00 m x 0,50 m dan Pp 1,00 m x  0,50 m, K2: Iz 1,00 m x 0,50 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,750 m, K3: Iz 1,00 m x 1,00 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,50 m, K4: Iz 1,00 m x 1,00 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,75 m, K5: Iz 1,00 m x 1,50 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,50 m, dan K6: Iz 1,00 m x 1,50 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,75 m. Variabel yang diukur yaitu tinggi, diameter dan jumlah cabang Indigofera zollingeriana dan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah anakan Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott. Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan kombinasi jarak tanam memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap pertumbuhan hijauan Indigofera zollingeriana dan Pennisetum purpureum. Uji BNJ menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi K6 menghasilkan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah cabang Indigofera zollingeriana dan tinggi, diameter dan jumlah anakan pennisetum purpureum cv Mott yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) lebih tinggi dari kombinasi K1, K2, K3, K4, namun berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05) dengan kombinasi K5. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kombinasi K5 yaitu jarak tanam Iz 1,00 m x 1,50 m dan Pp 1,00 m x 0,50 m merupakan jarak tanam yang optimal untuk mendapatkan pertumbuhan tertinggi dari Indigofera zollingeriana dan Pennisetum purpureum cv Mott.Kata Kunci: Jarak tanam, pertumbuhan, Indigofera, Pennisetum, tumpangsar


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    UTILIZATION OF BOKASHI FESES COW ON PRODUCTIVITY RATOON OF KAWALI SORGHUM VARIETY. This study aims to determine the effect of bokashi cow feces on the productivity of ratoon sorghum variety of kawali. This research was implemented in Wusa village at districts Talawaan. The design used was completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of 4 treatments and 5 replications to obtain 20 units of trial. The treatment consists of P0= without fertilization, P1= 4 kg of fertilization, P2= 8 kg of fertilization, P3= 12 kg of fertilization.  The measured variables are number of tillers, plant height, and panicle weight. Result of the analysis showed that treatment with 12 kg/plot provides highly significant effect (P <0.01) of the number of tillers, plant height, and panicle weight compared with other treatments, ie 8 and 4 kg/plot. The HSD test indicated that treatment number of tillers showed that between treatment P3, P0, P1, and P2 showed highly significant. In the treatments of advanced test HSD indicated also that plant height between P3, P0, P1, and P2 showed highly significant. In the treatment of panicle weight of advanced test of HSD showed that between treatment P3 and P0, treatment of P3 and P1 is very different, but the treatment of P3 and P2 showed no significant difference. Based on this research it can be concluded that cattle feces bokashi as the organic fertilizer up to 12 kg produced the best effect on number of tillers, plant height, and panicle weight. Keywords: Bokashi, productivity, ratoon, sorghum, kawal

    Pengaruh tingkat kepadatan tanaman terhadap pertumbuhan Sorgum Brown Mid Rib (BMR) yang diberi pupuk bokashi kotoran ayam pada kondisi ternaung

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    THE IMPACT OF PLANT’S DENSITY ON THE GROWTH OF SORGHUM BROWN MID RIB WITH CHICKEN MANURE FERTILIZER IN AN ELEVATED STATE. The purpose of this research was determines growth of sorghum BMR with different population density use chicken manure fertilizer in an elevated state. This experiment was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment consisted of four planting density, (P1=(1 plant/Polybag) P2=(2 plants/polybag) P3=(3 plants/polybag) P4=(4 plants/polibag), each treatment had seven replications. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance and HSD test. The variables measured were growth that are plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves. The results showed that different planting population were significant different (P&lt;0.01) on plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves. HSD test showed that planting population P1=(1 plant/Polybag) were significant (P&lt;0.01) have higher plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves than P3=(3 plants/polybag) and P4=(4 plants/polybag). It can be concluded that planting density P1=(1 plant/Polybag) have the highest growth of sorghum BMR that were highest plant’s height, leaf length, and number of leaves


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    THE INFLUENCE CHICKEN MANURE BOKASHI ON VEGETATIVE GROWTH OF BROWN MIDRIB SORGHUM (BMR) UNDER SHADE. The aim of this experiment was to study the effects of application of chicken manure bokashi on the vegetative growth of Brown Midrib (BMR) sorghum.  Completely Randomized Design (CRD) has been used according to Steel and Torrie (1995). The treatments were level of chicken manure  bokashi as follows B1= 0 gram; B2= 200 gram; B3= 400 gram and B4=  800 gram/polybag, with 7 replications to form 28 numbers of observations. The variables measured were plant height, leaf number and  length of leaf. Analysis of Variance showed that treatments effected significanly different (P0.05) on all variable measured, but both treatments gave a good performance of all variable measured significantly (P<0,05) better than treatments  B2 and B1. Based on this research result it can be concluded that utilization of chicken manure bokashi up to 400 gram/polybag could provide nutrients requirement to support vegetative growth of sorghum BMR in term of height of plant, leaf number and length of leaf. Keywords: Bokashi, chicken manure, growth, BMR sorghum, shaded


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    THE EFFECT OF CHICKEN MANURE BOKASHI LEVEL ON GROWTH OF LAMTORO (Leucaena leucocephala). The aim of this experiment was to study the effect  of organic fertilizer Bokashi from chicken manure on performance of Leucaena leucocephala in term of tall of plant, number of compound leaves and number of leaflets. Treatment consisted of four level of bokashi as follows B1 = 0 gram,  B2 = 200 gram, B3 = 400 gram and  B4 = 800 gram bokashi/ polybag.  Design has been used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 7 replications.  Analysis of variance showed that  level of bokashi at 400 and 800 gram / polybag gave a significant difference (P<0,05) better than others levels in term of tall of plant, number of compound leaves and number of leaflets. Tuckey Simultaneous Test showed that both treatments gave the significant different (P<0,05) higher than others levels. Based on these results it can be concluded that application of 400 gram/polybag  organic fertilizer bokashi chicken manure enough to produce good performance of Lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala) in term of tall of plant, number of compound leaves  and number of leaflets. Keywords: Bokashi, leucaena, growth, chicken manure


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    GROWTH RESPONSE OF Brachiaria humidicola cv Tully grass WITH ORGANIC FERTILIZER BOKASHI LAYING CHICKEN. This study aims to determine the growth response i.e stolon length, number of nodes, number of phytomers, and number of tillers of Brachiaria humidicola cv Tully with bokashi organic laying hens fertilizer. The completely randomized design was applied using four treatments and five replications for each treatment. The treatments were assigned level of bokashi. The levels of bokashi that B0 = 0 tons/ha (control), B1 = 2 tons/ha (1.8 kg/plot), B2 = 4 tons/ha (3.6 kg/plot) and B3 = 6 tons/ha (5.4 kg/plot). The variables measured consisted of stolon length, number of nodes, number of phyitomers, number of tillers. The Results of analysis of variance showed that treatment very significantly different (P <0.01) on stolon length, number of phyitomers, number of tillers and significantly different (P <0.05) on the number of nodes. Test of Honest Significance Difference (HSD) showed that B1 (1.8 kg / plot), B2 (3.6 kg / plot), and B3 (5.4 kg / plot) have higher length of stolone, number of phyitomers and number of tillers than B0. B3 and B2 had higher numbers of nodes than B0. It was concluded that the level 1.8 kg/plot organic fertilizer bokashi chicken laying equivalent to 2 tons/ha gave highest B. humidicola cv Tully growth response. Keywords: growth, B. humidicola cv Tully, bokashi laying Chicke


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    ESSENTIAL SODIUM MINERAL DEMOCRACY (Na) AND POTASSIUM (K) CHILDREN OF PACU HORSE (YEARLING) INDONESIA THAT IS PROVIDED LOCAL FEED AND IMPORT FEED.This study aims to determine the ability of racehorses to digest feed both local and imported feed in Tonsewer and Kanonang villages for 30 days consisting of preparation and data collection. The data collected were the type and amount of feed (Sodium and Potassium) given to race horses and the amount of feces (animal/day), then 10 local feed samples and 10 imported feed samples were taken. The results showed that the average of sodium digestibility for local feed was 67.58% and imported feed was 71.03%, while Potassium digestibility for local feed was 62.26% and imported feed was 66.02%. The conclusion of this study was that the digestibility of imported Sodium and Potassium feeds is better compared to local feed.Keywords: Digestibility, Sodium, Potassium


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    THE GROWTH OF BENGAL GRASS (Panicum maximum cv. Jacq) GIVEN BIO-SLURRY FERTILIZER OF PIG. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of bio-slurry fertilizer on the growth of Bengal grass. This study uses organic material fertilizer derived from biogas from pigs for the growth of Bengal grass. A completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments had been used for data analysis. Treatments design as follows: B0: without fertilizer application, B1: 10 tons / ha (25 g / polybag), B2: 20 tons / ha (50g / polybag), B3: 30 tons / ha (75 g /polybag) and was conducted in four replications. The results showed that the treatment of Bio-slurry fertilizer have a very significant effect (P <0.01) on plant height, number of leaves, and number of seedlings. Application of bio-slurry fertilizer for pigs on Bengal grass (Panicum maximum cv. Jacq) up to a dose of 75 grams / polybag in B3 treatment produced the best growth with plant height of 114.44 cm, number of leaves 10.06 strands, and number of 3.00 seedlings..Keywords: growth, bengal grass, bio-slurry


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    EFFECT OF APPLICATION OF CHICKEN MANURE FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH OF SUPER-1 SORGHUM VARIETY GROWTH. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a potential cereal crop to be cultivated and developed as a ruminant’s fodders in Indonesia, specifically in marginal and dryland areas.The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of chicken manure as a fertilizer on the growth parameters of super-1 sorghum.This study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) which consists of 4 treatments and 5 replicates in each treatment, with a total of 20 experimental units, was used as experimental design. After a significant F test, Tukey’s test (where necessary) was used to inspect treatment differences among group means. Statistical significance was accepted at P &lt; 0.05. Treatments were formulated as follow: P0 = no fertilizer (as a control), P1 = chicken manure fertilizer of 3.5 tonnes/ha, P2 = chicken manure fertilizer of 4.5 tonnes/ha, and P3 = chicken manure fertilizer of 6.5 tonnes/ha. Variables measured were: plant height, leaves count, and leaves length. Research results showed that treatments gave a significant effect (P &lt;0,05) on plant height, leaves count, and leaves length. Chicken manure fertilizer of 6.5 ton/ha (P3) had a higher plant height, leaves count, and leaves length values compared with P0 (without fertilizer), P1 (chicken manure fertilizer of 3.5 tonnes/ha), and P2 (chicken manure fertilizer of 4.5 tonnes/ha). It can be concluded that the application of chicken manure fertilizer up to 6.5 tonnes/ha gives the best effect on plant height, leaves count, and leaves length of sorghum crops as a fodder . Key words: Chicken manure fertilizer, Growth, Sorghum, Fodder