463 research outputs found

    Disparities in Perpetrators, Locations, and Reports of Victimization for Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents

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    Purpose Sexual and gender minority (SGM) adolescents are more likely to become victims of bullying and harassment than heterosexual, cisgender adolescents, but little is known about the contextual details of these victimization experiences. This study aims to examine by whom and where adolescents are bullied or harassed, to whom adolescents report such victimization, and whether these experiences differ between SGM and heterosexual, cisgender adolescents. Methods Participants in this nationally representative study were 29,879 students (mean age = 14.1) from 136 Dutch middle/high schools across grades 7–12 (14.5% sexual minority, 2.7% gender minority) who completed a survey about their school-based experiences. Results Perpetrators of victimization of SGM students were more often teachers and school staff compared with heterosexual, cisgender adolescents. Furthermore, SGM students experienced victimization in private locations (in the rest- or changing rooms/parking lots, at home), more often than heterosexual, cisgender students. Finally, SGM students felt less safe than their heterosexual, cisgender peers to report these experiences to teachers or parents, and were more likely to report their experiences to the police or the school janitor. SGM students who reported victimization experiences were less likely to receive support: the problems were less often acted on and persisted more often than those of heterosexual, cisgender students. Conclusions SGM adolescents are not only victimized more often, but also by different perpetrators (teachers, other school staff) and in more private places. Their victimization is also less likely to be recognized or acted on by those responsible for adolescent’s safety: teachers or parents

    Toward tailored interventions:explaining, assessing, and preventing persistent victimization of bullying

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    Bullying can have long-lasting consequences for victims. Although some anti-bullying interventions appear to be effective, the question is whether they help all victims. Which victims are being bullied for a longer period ("persistently") and what actions are needed to help them? My dissertation showed that victims that were not helped by an anti-bullying program were more anxious, were rejected by more students and reported greater problems in their relationship with parents. Moreover, victims could end up in a vicious circle of rejection in one environment (home or school) that predicted negative behavior in another environment (school or home), and also resulted in rejection there. To better understand the situation of persistent victims, a research instrument is needed that can properly distinguish between victims of bullying and victims of other forms of aggression. This is possible when a research instrument asks young people about the presence of the unique characteristics of bullying: repetition, intensity, power differential and goal-directedness. The next step is to develop tailored interventions for persistent victims. Examples from my dissertation are interventions that help young people to think positively about themselves and about others, and a monitor that help teachers to recognize victims earlier. Social safety monitoring is now mandatory in the Netherlands, and schools could make better use of the results. Interventions should also involve parents more actively. In short, society cannot settle for current effective interventions. Actions are needed for persistent victims, because all students have the right to enjoy their school period

    Disparities in persistent victimization and associated internalizing symptoms for heterosexual versus sexual minority youth

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    This study investigated whether lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents were at higher risk for persistent victim- ization of bullying compared to heterosexual adolescents, and how victimization trajectories were associated with inter- nalizing symptom development across LGB and heterosexual adolescents. Data came from a five-wave study (MageT1 = 11.1 to MageT5 = 22.3; n = 151 LGB; n = 1,275 heterosexual) and informants were adolescents and their par- ents. Adolescents were classified in three victimization trajectories: persistent (5.6%), decreasing (28.1%) or low (66.3%) victimization. LGB adolescents reported more persistent victimization, relative to no (OR = 6.79, 95% CI [3.52, 13.13]) or decreasing victimization (OR = 3.09, 95% CI [1.53, 6.24]), compared to heterosexual peers. Further, persistent victim- ization was more strongly associated with anxiety among LGB than among heterosexual adolescents

    The effectiveness of the Dutch Meaningful Roles program in children : a study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled study

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    Background: A positive, prosocial classroom climate is associated with improved social competence and academic achievement, as well as with decreased internalizing problems and antisocial behavior in children. It is expected that motivation to behave prosocially is needed to achieve a prosocial climate in the classroom, and that such motivation can be enhanced through three components of self-determination theory (SDT): competence, relatedness, and autonomy. The goal of this protocol is to describe the design of a study aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of a classroom-based program based on SDT components promoting a prosocial classroom climate. Methods: A cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted to examine the effectiveness of the classroom-based program Meaningful Roles, aiming to improve prosocial classroom climate through increasing children’s intrinsic prosocial motivation, stimulated by increasing social autonomy, social competence, and social relatedness. A multi-informant (i.e., children, teachers, and school leaders) and multi-method (i.e., questionnaires and focus groups) approach will be used to assess primary outcomes (i.e., prosocial behavior, intrinsic (prosocial) motivation, social autonomy, social competence, and social relatedness) and secondary outcomes (i.e., school wellbeing, social position, bullying, victimization, and civic skills), as well as moderators (i.e., working elements, child, teacher, school, and program characteristics, and program integrity). Discussion: The current study will provide information on the effectiveness of a classroom-based program promoting a prosocial classroom climate. It is of crucial importance that the school environment can provide a positive, prosocial classroom climate in which children feel safe and can achieve optimal social and academic competence and wellbeing. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials (NCT05891067)

    The Systematic Application of Network Diagnostics to Monitor and Tackle Bullying and Victimization in Schools

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    Despite increased attention to tackling bullying and the use of effective anti-bullying programs that can reduce victimization for many, some children remain victimized. Preventing persistent victimization requires that teachers identify victims and intervene at an early stage, but this is often difficult because teachers cannot always recognize victimization or the underlying social dynamics that determine what kind of interventions are necessary. This proposal discusses how network diagnostics of the social structure of the classroom can help teachers to recognize and reduce victimization more systematically. First, it discusses research that shows promising effects of the use of network diagnostics to reduce health problems. It describes how these diagnostics (for bullying and victimization, social position, and school well-being) can help in recognizing victimization and tailoring interventions to the most relevant students. Second, this proposal discusses a systematic stepwise approach for teachers to interpret the diagnostics and translate them into structural actions. Overall, this proposal aims to raise awareness of the potential of network information to facilitate the daily practice of reducing bullying and gives researchers directions for further empirical research on teachers’ role in tackling bullying and on the situations that may affect whether their approaches are effective. Moreover, it discusses potential barriers to teachers’ use of network diagnostics, such as a lack of time and resources at school

    Caught in a vicious cycle? Explaining bidirectional spillover between parent-child relationships and peer victimization

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    Relationships with parents and peers are crucial for children's socialization, but how parent-child and peer relationships mutually affect each other is not well understood. Guided by spillover theory, we zoomed in on the bidirectional interplay between parental rejection and warmth on the one hand and peer victimization on the other, and examined whether children's maladjustment symptoms mediated hypothesized cross-domain spillover effects. Data stem from five waves of the longitudinal KiVa study among 9,770 children (50% boys; mean age = 9.16, standard deviation = 1.29). Results from random intercept cross-lagged panel models showed that higher parental rejection and lower parental warmth predicted increases in peer victimization and vice versa across waves, thus supporting the bidirectional model. Moreover, spillover from parent-child rejection and warmth to peer victimization was partially driven by children's depressive symptoms and bullying perpetration. Vice versa, spillover from peer victimization to parent-child rejection and warmth was partially driven by children's social anxiety, depressive symptoms, conduct problems, and bullying perpetration. Thus, children might get caught in persistent problems in two important social domains, and these two domains influence each other through children's maladjustment. Family and school interventions should be integrated to prevent a downwards spiral

    How School Contexts Shape the Relations Among Adolescents' Beliefs, Peer Victimization, and Depressive Symptoms

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    The present research examined how school contexts shape the extent to which beliefs about the potential for change (implicit theories) interact with social adversity to predict depressive symptoms. A preregistered multilevel regression analysis using data from 6,237 ninth-grade adolescents in 25 U.S. high schools showed a three-way interaction: Implicit theories moderated the associations between victimization and depressive symptoms only in schools with high levels of school-level victimization, but not in schools with low victimization levels. In high-victimization schools, adolescents who believed that people cannot change (an entity theory of personality) were more depressed when they were victimized more frequently. Thus, the mental health correlates of adolescents' implicit theories depend on both personal experiences and the norms in the context

    Bullying and Victimization Trajectories in the First Years of Secondary Education:Implications for Status and Affection

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    Bullying is known to be associated with social status, but it remains unclear how bullying involvement over time relates to social position (status and affection), especially in the first years at a new school. The aim of this study was to investigate whether (the development of) bullying and victimization was related to the attainment of status (perceived popularity) and affection (friendships, acceptance, rejection) in the first years of secondary education (six waves). Using longitudinal data spanning the first- and second year of secondary education of 824 adolescents (51.5% girls; M(age) T1 = 12.54, SD = 0.45) in the SNARE-study, joint bullying and victimization trajectories were estimated using parallel Latent Class Growth Analysis (LCGA). The four trajectories (decreasing bully, stable high bully, decreasing victim, uninvolved) were related to adolescents’ social position using multigroup analysis that examined differences in slope and intercepts (T1 and T6) of social positions, and indicated that the relative social position of the different joint trajectories was determined at the start of secondary education and did not change over time, with one exception: adolescents continuing bullying were besides being popular also increasingly rejected over time. Although bullying is functional behavior that serves to optimize adolescents’ social position, anti-bullying interventions may account for the increasing lack of affection that may hinder bullies’ long-term social development

    Sexual and Gender Identity-Based Microaggressions: Differences by Sexual and Gender Identity, and Sex Assigned at Birth Among Dutch Youth

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    Research describes several sexual and gender identity-based microaggressions that sexual and gender minority (SGM) people might experience. We aimed to examine the occurrence of different sexual and gender identity-based microaggressions among SGM youth and to identify differences by sexual and gender identity, and sex assigned at birth. Open-ended questions about daily experiences were coded for 16 types of sexual and gender identity-based microaggressions in two daily diary studies among Dutch SGM youth (Study 1: N = 90, M age = 17.64 SD = 1.78; Study 2: N = 393, M age = 18.36 SD = 2.65). Several types of microaggressions were identified, and there was sizable variability in the reported frequency. Overall, lesbian women and bisexual youth were less likely to report microaggressions than gay youth. Bisexual youth were less likely to report use of heterosexist or transphobic terminology than gay youth and youth assigned male at birth were less likely to report invalidation of LGBTQ identity than youth assigned female at birth. Last, gender minority youth were more likely to report familial microaggressions, invalidation of LGBTQ identity, and threatening behaviors than cisgender youth. Overall, this study provides empirical support using mixed qualitative and quantitative methods for theorized typologies of microaggressions among Dutch SGM youth

    Microaggressions and depressive symptoms in sexual minority youth:The roles of rumination and social support.

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    Mental health disparities between sexual minority and heterosexual youth are often explained by discriminatory experiences and rejection. Although many studies focus on explicit victimization, the consequences of subtle, everyday discriminations (“microaggressions”) against sexual minority youth are unknown. With an online study among 267 Dutch sexual minority youth (ages 16–22 years) we investigated indirect associations between sexual orientation microaggression experiences and depressive symptoms through rumination and whether these could be buffered by sexuality-specific support. Microaggression experiences were indirectly related to depressive symptoms, through rumination. We found no buffering effects of support. Findings call for awareness of the potentially negative impact of subtle discriminatory experiences, in addition to explicit discrimination, and the negative mental health outcomes that may develop as a result of ruminative emotion regulation
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