22 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of guideline dissemination and implementation strategies on health care professionals’ behaviour and patient outcomes in the cancer care context: a systematic review

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    Abstract Background Health care professionals (HCPs) use clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) to make evidence-informed decisions regarding patient care. Although a large number of cancer-related CPGs exist, it is unknown which CPG dissemination and implementation strategies are effective for improving HCP behaviour and patient outcomes in a cancer care context. This review aimed to determine the effectiveness of CPG dissemination and/or implementation strategies among HCPs in a cancer care context. Methods A comprehensive search of five electronic databases was conducted. Studies were limited to the dissemination and/or implementation of a CPG targeting both medical and/or allied HCPs in cancer care. Two reviewers independently coded strategies using the Mazza taxonomy, extracted study findings, and assessed study quality. Results The search strategy identified 33 studies targeting medical and/or allied HCPs. Across the 33 studies, 23 of a possible 49 strategies in the Mazza taxonomy were used, with a mean number of 3.25 (SD = 1.45) strategies per intervention. The number of strategies used per intervention was not associated with positive outcomes. Educational strategies (n = 24), feedback on guideline compliance (n = 11), and providing reminders (n = 10) were the most utilized strategies. When used independently, providing reminders and feedback on CPG compliance corresponded with positive significant changes in outcomes. Further, when used as part of multi-strategy interventions, group education and organizational strategies (e.g. creation of an implementation team) corresponded with positive significant changes in outcomes. Conclusions Future CPG dissemination and implementation interventions for cancer care HCPs may benefit from utilizing the identified strategies. Research in this area should aim for better alignment between study objectives, intervention design, and evaluation measures, and should seek to incorporate theory in intervention design, so that behavioural antecedents are considered and measured; doing so would enhance the field’s understanding of the causal mechanisms by which interventions lead, or do not lead, to changes in outcomes at all levels

    Magneto-optic probe measurements in low density-supersonic jets

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    A magneto-optic probe was used to make time-resolved measurements of the magnetic field in both a single supersonic jet and in a collision between two supersonic turbulent jets, with an electron density ⇡ 1018 cm3 and electron temperature ⇡ 4 eV. The magneto-optic data indicated the magnetic field reaches B ⇡ 200 G. The measured values are compared against those obtained with a magnetic induction probe. Good agreement of the time-dependent magnetic field measured using the two techniques is found

    Partikelkenngroessen. Analyse von Dieselpartikeln nach Abgaspartikelfilter bzw. Oxidationskatalysator im Hinblick auf wirkungsrelevante Kenngroessen Abschlussbericht

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    Parallel to emission reduction measures on the engine side, exhaust treatment systems for elimination of limited exhaust components are developed. The authors investigated the effects of oxydation catalysts and particulate filters on relevant particle characteristics. Particle filters were found to provide significant potential for reducing the particle number and the emitted particle surface, The potential of oxydation catalysts was lower by comparison, with the exception of limited emissions. The ultrafine particles formed during exhaust treatment in certain conditions did not have a solid core. According to recent research, this means a significant reduction of their toxicological potential. Further, it was found that the higher number of ultrafine particles is an effect provoked by the measuring conditions and is improbable to occur in real atmospheric conditionsParallel zu innermotorischen Massnahmen zur Verringerung der gasfoermigen Emissionen und der Partieklemissionen von Dieselmotoren werden Abgasnachbehandlungssysteme entwickelt, die mit hohem Wirkungsgrad die Emission limitierter Abgaskomponenten verringern koennen. In der vorliegenden Forschungsaufgabe wurde mit teilweise neuartigen Messverfahren an zwei Diesel-Pkw und einem Nutzfahrzeugdieselmotor untersucht, welchen Einfluss Oxidationskatalysatoren und Partikelfilter auf moeglicherweise wirkungsrelevante Partikelkenngroessen ausueben. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Partikelfilter im Hinblick auf moeglicherweise wirkungsrelevante Partikelkenngroessen ein signifikantes Potential zur Verringerung der Feststoffpartikelanzahl und der emittierten Partikeloberflaeche bieten. Oxidationskatalysatoren zeigten im Vergleich dazu mit Ausnahme der limitierten Emissionen ein deutlich geringeres Potential. Den bei der Abgasnachbehandlung unter bestimmten Bedingungen neu gebildeten ultrafeinen Partikeln konnte kein fester Kern nachgewiesen werden, was nach dem gegenwaertigen Kenntnisstand der Wirkungsforschung deren toxikologisches Potential signfikant reduziert. Wesentliches Ergebnis der Untersuchungen war weiterhin, dass es sich bei der bei Abgasnachbehandlung unter bestimmten Bedingungen im Abgassystem beobachteten Erhoehung der Anzahl ultrafeiner Partikel um einen durch die Messbedingungen provozierten Effekt handelt, der unter realen atmosphaerischen Bedingungen vermutlich nicht auftritt. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RA 1581(640) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Wirtschaft, Bonn (Germany); Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen 'Otto von Guericke' e.V. (AIF), Koeln (Germany)DEGerman