19 research outputs found

    Knowledge spillovers within regional networks of innovation and the contribution made by public research

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    Usually, analyses of knowledge spillovers, if not relying on aggregated data, are based either on surveys conducted with enterprises or on surveys conducted with research establishments. Comparative case studies on micro level that include both groups are rather the exception. Therefore the knowledge transfer mostly can be illustrated just for one of these groups. Moreover knowledge and information rarely are differentiated. The set of data used in this paper allows to overcome these weaknesses. Based on 23 innovation networks located in the eastern part of Germany, the knowledge and information transfer between almost 700 participants, which interacted during a period of 5 years, can be observed. Following the pattern of regional systems of innovation (RIS) within the dataset the distinction of certain groups of participants is arranged (e.g. manufacturing enterprises, service enterprises, universities, non-university research establishments). Their uniform and common reference system - the respective regional innovation network – can be seen as additional quality of the data. The first part of the paper focuses on the determinants of knowledge spillovers within these innovation networks. It is analyzed, in what respect the co-operation experiences and in particular the network experience of the participants have a relevance regarding the knowledge transfer. Beyond that it is examined whether network characteristics (e.g. the coherence of the network on the whole; strength of ties in detail) affect the knowledge transfer. It is also examined whether intensive contacts affect only the transfer of knowledge, or whether the intensity of contact equally shape the information flow. Finally it is analysed, if division of labour is connected with the range of knowledge transfer. In the second part of the paper empirical results are presented that demonstrate the central role played by public research institutions in the process of knowledge transfer. The results indicate that universities are adding most information and most knowledge within the networked process of innovation. The winners of knowledge exchange – considering absolute as well as relative profits – are the manufacturing enterprises. Further the results confirm the assumption that public research holds an “antenna function” (boundary spanning function) for the enterprises due to its integration into the international science community.

    The InnoRegio-program: a new way to promote regional innovation networks - empirical results of the complementary research -

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    Ten years after German reunification the economic situation in the new Federal Länder is still unsatisfactory. New approaches are being sought in promotional policy so that the weaknesses that are known or suspected can be better targeted and removed. One of these weaknesses is the lack of research, and thconsequent shortage of innovation by companies. Another is inadequate regional cohesion between companies and related facilities. Formal and informal co-operation between the various regional protagonists is regarded as essential to strengthen corporate innovation and exploit the regional economic potential, and that means networking companies, research facilities, universities, the administration and politicians. In April 1999 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) therefore launched a promotional initiative known as the InnoRegio. Prospective participants were invited to enter a competition for promotion funds by putting forward concepts for the development of innovative regional joint ventures or associations. During the period from 1999 to 2005 the BMBF will provide a total of 255 million for this Initiative. Thus, the InnoRegio-Contest is the most important pillar of the ministry's innovation policy for East Germany. In the course of 2001, two further measures have been added to the promotion of regional innovative networks, "Innovative Regional Growth Cores" and "Interregional Alliances". The implementation of the InnoRegio Initiative will be monitored by complementary research until 2005 which is conducted by the DIW Berlin. This article outlines the concept of the promotion and selected empirical results of the development of the InnoRegio networks and the establishments involved. Finally, some conceptual differences between the three programs mentioned and their relation to innovation policy as well as regional policy in Germany are discussed.

    Knowledge spillovers within regional networks of innovation and the contribution made by public research

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    Usually, analyses of knowledge spillovers, if not relying on aggregated data, are based either on surveys conducted with enterprises or on surveys conducted with research establishments. Comparative case studies on micro level that include both groups are rather the exception. Therefore the knowledge transfer mostly can be illustrated just for one of these groups. Moreover knowledge and information rarely are differentiated. The set of data used in this paper allows to overcome these weaknesses. Based on 23 innovation networks located in the eastern part of Germany, the knowledge and information transfer between almost 700 participants, which interacted during a period of 5 years, can be observed. Following the pattern of regional systems of innovation (RIS) within the dataset the distinction of certain groups of participants is arranged (e.g. manufacturing enterprises, service enterprises, universities, non-university research establishments). Their uniform and common reference system - the respective regional innovation network – can be seen as additional quality of the data. The first part of the paper focuses on the determinants of knowledge spillovers within these innovation networks. It is analyzed, in what respect the co-operation experiences and in particular the network experience of the participants have a relevance regarding the knowledge transfer. Beyond that it is examined whether network characteristics (e.g. the coherence of the network on the whole; strength of ties in detail) affect the knowledge transfer. It is also examined whether intensive contacts affect only the transfer of knowledge, or whether the intensity of contact equally shape the information flow. Finally it is analysed, if division of labour is connected with the range of knowledge transfer. In the second part of the paper empirical results are presented that demonstrate the central role played by public research institutions in the process of knowledge transfer. The results indicate that universities are adding most information and most knowledge within the networked process of innovation. The winners of knowledge exchange – considering absolute as well as relative profits – are the manufacturing enterprises. Further the results confirm the assumption that public research holds an "antenna function” (boundary spanning function) for the enterprises due to its integration into the international science community

    Who are the brokers of knowledge in regional systems of innovation? A multi-actor network analysis

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    The discussion on regional innovation systems emphasizes the duality of local and global links. While the former enable effective knowledge exchange between regional actors, the latter are considered to provide regional systems with knowledge diverse to their knowledge base. Our empirical analysis of 18 German regional innovation networks highlights the importance of public research organizations for inter-regional knowledge exchange. The broker and gatekeeper function of public research organizations may be particularly important in lagging regions that typically suffer from a lack of large firms who often assume the role of gatekeepers of knowledge

    The impact of network structure on knowledge transfer: an application of social network analysis in the context of regional innovation networks

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    We analyze information and knowledge transfer in a sample of 16 German regional innovation networks with almost 300 firms and research organizations involved. The results indicate that strong ties are more beneficial for the exchange of knowledge and information than weak ties. Moreover, our results suggest that broker positions tend to be associated with social returns rather than with private benefits

    Das InnoRegio-Programm: Umsetzung der Förderung und Entwicklung der Netzwerke

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    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) hat mit seinem Programm InnoRegio neue Wege der Innovationsförderung in den neuen Bundesländern beschritten. Gefördert werden 23 in einem Wettbewerb ermittelte regionale Kooperationsgemeinschaften von Unternehmen und wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen, die sich zu Innovationsnetzwerken zusammengeschlossen haben. Der Förderzeitraum umfasst die Jahre 2000 bis 2006. Für das Programm stehen insgesamt 255 Mill. Euro zur Verfügung. Im vorliegenden Bericht wird über die Entwicklung im Zeitraum Herbst 2000 bis Herbst 2001 berichtet. In dieser Phase haben die als grundsätzlich förderwürdig eingestuften Netzwerke ihre Innovationsvorhaben weiterentwickelt und dafür Förderung beantragt. Dabei traten Probleme auf, die vor allem mit der mangelnden Erfahrung eines Teils der Netzwerkakteure mit einem solchen komplexen Förderprogramm zusammenhingen. Seitens des Projektträgers wurde diesen Problemen mit einer Modifizierung der Förderpraxis und intensiverer Beratung, seitens der Netzwerke mit Anpassungen von Organisationsstruktur und inhaltlichen Konzepten begegnet. Die Mehrzahl der InnoRegio-Teilnehmer ist trotz der Anfangsschwierigkeiten mit dem Förderansatz zufrieden. Bis März dieses Jahres sind fast 260 Projekte angelaufen, für die 68 Mill. Euro Fördermittel zugesagt wurden. Die weitere Projektumsetzung wird Aufschluss darüber geben, welche Innovationsanstöße von der Förderung ausgehen und welchen Nutzen in Kooperationen in Netzwerken dabei stiften

    Who are the knowledge brokers in regional systems of innovation? A multi-actor network analysis

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    The discussion on regional innovation systems emphasizes the duality of local and global links. Our empirical analysis of 18 German regional innovation networks shows that public research organizations, especially universities, are profoundly involved in knowledge exchange processes and possess more central (broker) positions within their regional innovation networks than private firms. This results, in part, from public research's gatekeeper function which can be particularly important in lagging regions that typically suffer from a lack of large firms which often fill this role in advanced regions. The transferred knowledge is absorbed, especially, by private firms without interregional R&D cooperation activity.Der Ansatz der regionalen Innovationssysteme betont die Bedeutung der Dualität globaler und lokaler Austauschbeziehungen für Innovationsprozesse. Unsere empirische Analyse von 18 regionalen Innovationsnetzwerken in Deutschland zeigt, dass öffentliche Forschungseinrichtungen - insbesondere Universitäten - intensiv in die Wissensaustauschprozesse dieser Netzwerke involviert sind und mehr zentrale (Wissensvermittler-)Positionen einnehmen als die in den untersuchten Netzwerken vertretenen Unternehmen. Dies resultiert zum Teil daraus, dass die öffentliche Forschung in Regionen mit Entwicklungsrückstand eine "Gatekeeper-Funktion" wahrnimmt, welche in besser entwickelten Regionen typischerweise größeren Unternehmen zukommt. Das in das Netzwerk eingespeiste Wissen wird insbesondere von denjenigen Unternehmen absorbiert, die über keine eigenen regionsexternen FuE-Partnerschaften verfügen

    The InnoRegio-program: a new way to promote regional innovation networks - empirical results of the complementary research -

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    Ten years after German reunification the economic situation in the new Federal Länder is still unsatisfactory. New approaches are being sought in promotional policy so that the weaknesses that are known or suspected can be better targeted and removed. One of these weaknesses is the lack of research, and thconsequent shortage of innovation by companies. Another is inadequate regional cohesion between companies and related facilities. Formal and informal co-operation between the various regional protagonists is regarded as essential to strengthen corporate innovation and exploit the regional economic potential, and that means networking companies, research facilities, universities, the administration and politicians. In April 1999 the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) therefore launched a promotional initiative known as the InnoRegio. Prospective participants were invited to enter a competition for promotion funds by putting forward concepts for the development of innovative regional joint ventures or associations. During the period from 1999 to 2005 the BMBF will provide a total of 255 million for this Initiative. Thus, the InnoRegio-Contest is the most important pillar of the ministry's innovation policy for East Germany. In the course of 2001, two further measures have been added to the promotion of regional innovative networks, "Innovative Regional Growth Cores" and "Interregional Alliances". The implementation of the InnoRegio Initiative will be monitored by complementary research until 2005 which is conducted by the DIW Berlin. This article outlines the concept of the promotion and selected empirical results of the development of the InnoRegio networks and the establishments involved. Finally, some conceptual differences between the three programs mentioned and their relation to innovation policy as well as regional policy in Germany are discussed