3 research outputs found
The global response: How cities and provinces around the globe tackled Covid-19 outbreaks in 2021
Background: Tackling the spread of COVID-19 remains a crucial part of ending the pandemic. Its highly contagious nature and constant evolution coupled with a relative lack of immunity make the virus difficult to control. For this, various strategies have been proposed and adopted including limiting contact, social isolation, vaccination, contact tracing, etc. However, given the heterogeneity in the enforcement of these strategies and constant fluctuations in the strictness levels of these strategies, it becomes challenging to assess the true impact of these strategies in controlling the spread of COVID-19.Methods: In the present study, we evaluated various transmission control measures that were imposed in 10 global urban cities and provinces in 2021 Bangkok, Gauteng, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, London, Manila City, New Delhi, New York City, Singapore, and Tokyo.Findings: Based on our analysis, we herein propose the population-level Swiss cheese model for the failures and pit-falls in various strategies that each of these cities and provinces had. Furthermore, whilst all the evaluated cities and provinces took a different personalized approach to managing the pandemic, what remained common was dynamic enforcement and monitoring of breaches of each barrier of protection. The measures taken to reinforce the barriers were adjusted continuously based on the evolving epidemiological situation.Interpretation: How an individual city or province handled the pandemic profoundly affected and determined how the entire country handled the pandemic since the chain of transmission needs to be broken at the very grassroot level to achieve nationwide control
Patient with multiple congenital disorders
PediatrijaVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«pePediatricsHealth CareIevads: 6 mÄneÅ”u vecs pacients ir iestÄjies BKUS 2019.gada septembrÄ« sakarÄ ar galvas traumu. NeatliekamÄs palÄ«dzÄ«bas nodaÄ¼Ä tika veikta diagnostika, kuras rezultÄtÄ tika atklÄtas vairÄkas patoloÄ£ijas ā sastrÄgums MAL, periorÄlÄ cianoze, attÄ«stÄ«bas aizture, hipotonuss, galvas apkÄrtmÄra palielinÄÅ”anos, sirds trokÅ”Åi. Pacients tika nosÅ«tÄ«ts un neiroloÄ£ijas un neiroÄ·irurÄ£ijas klÄ«nikÄ turpmÄkai izmeklÄÅ”anai un ÄrstÄÅ”anai. Tika plÄnota Ä£enÄtiskÄ testÄÅ”ana kardioloÄ£iskÄ izmeklÄÅ”ana. RezultÄtÄ- obstruktÄ«va hidrocefÄlija suprasellÄrÄs cistas dÄļ, sirds iedzimta patoloÄ£ija, aortas koarktÄcija. Ä¢enÄtiskÄ testÄÅ”ana neatkÄja nekÄdus sindromus. MultidisciplinÄrs konsÄ«lijs nolÄma veikt balona angioplastiju pirms ventrikupoleritoneÄlÄs Å”untÄÅ”anas un tad, Ä·irurÄ£isku aortas koarktÄcijas korekciju.
KÄ zinÄms no iepriekÅ”Äjiem ierakstiem pacienta kartÄ, viÅÅ” tika ÄrstÄts 2019. gada vasarÄ BKUS sakarÄ ar cirkÅ”Åa trÅ«cÄm.
Darba hipotÄze: Aortas koarktÄcija izraisÄ«ja germinÄlÄ matriksa asiÅoÅ”anu, kas savukÄrt noveda pie suprasellÄrÄs arahnoidÄlÄs cistas veidoÅ”anÄs, lÄ«dz ar ko ir izveidojusies gan smadzeÅu vÄderiÅu paplaÅ”inÄÅ”anÄs, gan akvedukta stenoze, rezultÄtÄ sÄka attÄ«stÄ«ties obstruktÄ«vÄ hidrocefÄlija un pieauga galvas apkÄrtmÄrs.
Darba metode: literatÅ«ras izvÄrtÄÅ”ana un analÄ«ze, patoloÄ£iju raÅ”anÄs mehÄnismu un ÄrstÄÅ”anas iespÄju izpÄte
SecinÄjumi: HipotÄze ir daļÄji pierÄdÄ«ta, pÄtÄ«jums ir jÄturpina ar mÄrÄ·i atrast lÄ«dzÄ«gus gadÄ«jumus un aprakstÄ«t tos
āIntroduction: A male patient, 6 months old, admitted to hospital in September 2019 due to a head trauma, with a frontal skull fracture. The emergency department examination showed cardiac murmur, congestion of the pulmonary circulation, perioral cyanosis, developmental retardation, hypotonus and an enlarged head. From previous history, earlier this year the patient was admitted to the same hospital for planned inguinal herniorrhaphy. The patient was further admitted to the neurology and Neurosurgery Clinic, and further neurologic, cardiologic and genetic examination was planned. Further examination revealed a dilated suprasellar arachnoideal cyst and obstructive hydrocephalus; cardiological examination showed congenital vitium cordis (CVC), aortal coarctation, necessitating surgical intervention for both (shunting, aortoplasty). Genetic testing did not show any known genetic syndromes. A multidisciplinary consilium was formed to decide further treatment options ā it was decided to perform aortal balloon angioplasty as a temporary measure prior to ventricular shunting, to be followed by further aortal surgical correction.
It is known that patient was previously administered to BKUS earlier that year due to inguinal hernias.
Hypothesis: Coarctation of aorta triggered germinal matrix hemorrhage, which then led to suprasellar arachnoideal cyst, due to what obstructive hydrocephalus has developed
Methods: literature review with aim to understand pathogenetical mechanism and treatment possibilities of described pathologies.
Conclusion: Hypothesis is partially proved. Further investigation is needed in order to find similar cases and to describe them
The Global Response: How Cities and Provinces Around the Globe Tackled Covid-19 Outbreaks in 2021.
Background: Tackling the spread of COVID-19 remains a crucial part of ending the pandemic. Its highly contagious nature and constant evolution coupled with a relative lack of immunity make the virus difficult to control. For this, various strategies have been proposed and adopted including limiting contact, social isolation, vaccination, contact tracing, etc. However, given the heterogeneity in the enforcement of these strategies and constant fluctuations in the strictness levels of these strategies, it becomes challenging to assess the true impact of these strategies in controlling the spread of COVID-19. Methods: In the present study, we evaluated various transmission control measures that were imposed in 10 global urban cities and provinces in 2021- Bangkok, Gauteng, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta, London, Manila City, New Delhi, New York City, Singapore, and Tokyo. Findings: Based on our analysis, we herein propose the population-level Swiss cheese model for the failures and pitfalls in various strategies that each of these cities and provinces had. Furthermore, whilst all the evaluated cities and provinces took a different personalized approach to managing the pandemic, what remained common was dynamic enforcement and monitoring of breaches of each barrier of protection. The measures taken to reinforce the barriers were adjusted continuously based on the evolving epidemiological situation. Interpretation: How an individual city or province handled the pandemic profoundly affected and determined how the entire country handled the pandemic since the chain of transmission needs to be broken at the very grassroot level to achieve nationwide control. Funding: The present study did not receive any external funding