11 research outputs found

    Invasive species Lemna L. (Lemnaceae) in the flora of Bulgaria

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    Background and Purpose: During the investigations of flora of Bulgaria new species from genus Lemna have been found in Bulgaria. Materials and methods: They were conducted during the period 2010 - 2015 for which purpose we explored diverse pools in different parts of Bulgaria (hot and cold swamps, spillages of rivers and streams, hot mineral waters). The species were determined by Flora of North America. Results: In the flora of Bulgaria we found the following new (invasive) species L. minuta KUNTH., L. obscura (AUSTIN) Daubs, L. perpusilla TORR. and L. valdiviana PHILIPI. Their morphology, chorology and ecology was recorded and data about the accompanying species are also given. Conclusion: Finding these Lemna species in several distant locations in our country is a clear indication that the species is transferred on the territory of Bulgaria a long time ago. The species are most likely invading from neighboring fields in Southeast Europe - Greece, Romania, Turkey and others

    Ефект на Acorus calamus L. екстракт върху растежа и кръвните параметри на обикновен шаран (Cyprinus carpio L.), отглеждан в рециркулационна система

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the sweet flag (A. calamus L.) extract addition of growth performance, haematological (white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit) and biochemical (glucose, urea, creatinine, total protein, albumin, ASAT, ALAT, Ca, P, Mg, triglycerides, cholesterol) blood parameters of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) cultivated in recirculation system. Carps were randomly selected and distributed into four concrete tanks for the growth trial (8 fish/tank). Fish were divided into experimental (E) and control groups (C), each of them with two replicates and mean initial weight 908.5±171.2 g and 913.8±147.4 g, respectively. They were fed with pelleted carp feed with 25% crude protein, produced by the "Top mix" company, having a granule size of 6 mm. To the fish feed on the experimental group (E) was added 1% aqueous extract of A. calamus root, as well as oiling the pellets with 5 mL of sunflower oil for every 100 g of feed. Carps from control group (C) were fed with feed only greased with the same amount of sunflower oil. The daily ration that the studied fish received was 1.8% of their live weight. The duration of the trial period was 45 days. At the end of the experiment with 5.2% was measured a higher average live weight in the fish receiving the sweet flag supplement compare to the value of this parameter of carps from control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P0.05).Better blood biochemical and haematological parameters were measured in carp fed with sweet flag supplement.Целта на това проучване е да се определи ефектът от добавянето на екстракт от блатен аир (A. calamus L) върху растежа, хематологични (бели кръвни клетки, червени кръвни клетки, хемоглобин, хематокрит) и биохимични (глюкоза, урея, креатинин, общ протеин, албумин, ASAT, ALAT, Ca, P, Mg, триглицериди, холестерол) кръвни параметри на обикновен шаран (Cyprinus carpio L.), отглеждан в рециркулационна система. Рибите се разделят на експериментални (Е) и контролни групи (С), всяка от тях с две повторения и средно тегло 908.5 ± 171.2 g и 913.8 ± 147.4 g, съответно. Те са хранени с гранулиран фураж за шарани с 25% суров протеин, произведен от фирма "Top mix", с размер на гранулите 6 mm. Към храната за рибите от експерименталната група (Е) се прибавя 1% воден екстракт от корен на A. calamus, както и омасляване на пелетите с 5 мл слънчогледово масло на всеки 100 г фураж. Шараните от контролната група (С) са хранени с фураж, само омаслен със същото количество слънчогледово масло. Дневната дажба на изследваната риба е 1.8% от тяхното живо тегло. Продължителността на експерименталния период е 45 дни. В края на експеримента с 5.2% се измерва по-високо средно живо тегло на рибата, получаваща добавката с блатен аир, в сравнение със стойността на този параметър за шараните от контролната група, като разликите са статистически значими (Р0,05). По-високи биохимични и хематологични параметри на кръвта са измерени при шараните, хранени с добавка на блатен аир

    Култивиране на маруля (Lactuca sativa L.) и дъгова пъстърва (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) в аквапонна рециркулационна система

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    Aquaponics is combined growing fish and plants in a recalculating system. Therefore, it is very important to achieve optimal conditions for their cultivation. The purpose of this study was to trace the influence of the water used by the cultivated fish on the biomass of the lettuce in the aquaponic system. In this connection, two types of hydroponic sections were built and integrated into an existing recirculation aquaculture system. The hydrochemical parameters were measured during the trial. The duration of experiment was 60 days. Forty specimens from the fish species rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with an average weight of 13.4 g in good health condition were growing of the each of tanks of the aquaponic system. Sixteen lettuce seedlings were planted on the hydroponic section filled with light weight expanded clay aggregate (LECA) and the other sixteen plants were planted on the floating raft hydroponic section. At the end of the trial the fresh weight of the lettuce plants was measured. The productivity of lettuce plants is highly dependent on the type of plant growing medium and the fish biomass. A better removal capacity in ammonium, nitrate and ortho-phosphate were observed in the LECA section compared with the cleaning capacity in the raft section as a part of experimental aquaponics system.Аквапониката е комбинирано отглеждане на риби и растения в рециркулационна система. Ето защо е много важно да се постигнат оптимални условия за тяхното отглеждане. Целта на това изследване е да се проследи влиянието на водата, използвана от култивирането на рибата върху биомасата на марулята в аквапонната система. В тази връзка бяха изградени и интегрирани два типа хидропонни секции в съществуващата рециркулационна система. Хидрохимичните параметри бяха измерени по време на опита. Продължителността на експеримента беше 60 дни. Четиридесет риби от дъгова пъстърва (Oncorhynchus mykiss) със средно тегло от 13.4 грама в добро здравословно състояние бяха отглеждани във всяка вана от аквапонната рециркулационна система. Шестнадесет марули бяха поставени в хидропонната секция пълна с лек експандиран глинен агрегат (LECA), а други шестнадесет растения бяха засадени на плаващия хидропонен участък. В края на изпитването беше измерено свежото тегло на марулята. Продуктивността на марулята е силно зависима от типа на хранителната среда и от биомасата на рибите. По-добър капацитет на отстраняване на амония, нитратите и фосфатите се наблюдава в LECA секцията в сравнение с капацитета на почистване в плаващата секцията, като част от експерименталната аквапонна система

    Treatment of wastewater originating from aquaculture and biomass production in laboratory algae bioreactor using different carbon sources

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    The aim of present study was to explore the effect of different carbon sources on biomass accumulation in microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chuii and their ability to remove N and P compounds during their cultivation in aquaculture wastewater. Microalgae cultivation was performed in laboratory bioreactor consisted from 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, containing 250 mL wastewater from semi closed recirculation aquaculture system. The cultures were maintained at room temperature (25-27ºC) on a fluorescent light with a light: dark photoperiod of 15 h: 9 h. The microalgae species were cultivated in wastewater with different carbon sources: glucose, lactose and saccharose. The growth of strains was checked for 96 h period. In the present study, N. oculata and T. chuii showed better growth in wastewater from aquaculture with saccharose carbon source during the experiment. The most effective reduce of nitrate and total nitrogen was proved in N. oculata cultivated in wastewater with glucose as carbon source. T. chuii cultivated in wastewater containing glucose showed 8.27% better cleaning effect in ammonium compared with N. oculata. T. chuii grew in wastewater with glucose as carbon source showed 19.5% better removal effect in phosphate compared with N. oculata strain

    Treatment of wastewater originating from aquaculture and biomass production in laboratory algae bioreactor using different carbon sources

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    The aim of present study was to explore the effect of different carbon sources on biomass accumulation in microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chuii and their ability to remove N and P compounds during their cultivation in aquaculture wastewater. Microalgae cultivation was performed in laboratory bioreactor consisted from 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks, containing 250 mL wastewater from semi closed recirculation aquaculture system. The cultures were maintained at room temperature (25-27ºC) on a fluorescent light with a light: dark photoperiod of 15 h: 9 h. The microalgae species were cultivated in wastewater with different carbon sources: glucose, lactose and saccharose. The growth of strains was checked for 96 h period. In the present study, N. oculata and T. chuii showed better growth in wastewater from aquaculture with saccharose carbon source during the experiment. The most effective reduce of nitrate and total nitrogen was proved in N. oculata cultivated in wastewater with glucose as carbon source. T. chuii cultivated in wastewater containing glucose showed 8.27% better cleaning effect in ammonium compared with N. oculata. T. chuii grew in wastewater with glucose as carbon source showed 19.5% better removal effect in phosphate compared with N. oculata strain

    Eficiencia de bioconcentration de Lemna minor L. and Lemna gibba L. para metales traza en tres embalses del sureste de Bulgaria

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    Eficiencia de bioconcentration de Lemna minor L. and Lemna gibba L. para metales traza en tres embalses del sureste de Bulgaria La lenteja de agua se utiliza en el tratamiento de aguas residuales para eliminar sustancias nocivas, minerales y contaminación orgá- nica. El propósito del presente estudio fue investigar la eficiencia de bioconcentración de metales pesados en Lemna minor y Lemna gibba provenientes de tres embalses del sureste de Bulgaria: el canal de la ciudad de Elhovo, el canal del lago Vaja y el canal del lago Mandra. Se analizaron los contenidos de proteína cruda, lípidos y ceniza en las especies estudiadas de Lemna. Los metales pesados en agua y plantas acuáticas se determinaron con un espectrómetro de absorción atómica (AAS) "A Analyst 800" - Perkin Elmer. Las concentraciones de metales en L. minor y L. gibba mostraron una tendencia descendente: Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu>Ni> Cr>Pb>Cd en las tres masas de agua.Abstract: Duckweed is used in wastewater treatment to remove inorganic substances, mineral and organic contamination. The purpose of present study was to investigate a Lemna minor and Lemna gibba bioconcentration efficiency of trace metals in three southeast Bulgarian water reservoirs. Three waterbodies located on the territory of South East Bulgaria: water canal town Elhovo, water canal Vaja Lake and water canal Mandra Lake was studied. Crude protein, lipid, ash content in studied species of Lemna were analyzed. The trace metal content in water and aquatic plants was determined on an atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS) "A Analyst 800" - Perkin Elmer. The concentrations of metals in both L. minor and L. gibba and for all sites showed a downward trend: Mn>Fe> Zn>Cu>Ni>Cr>Pb>Cd

    Muriella australis J. Phillipson (Chlorophyta), una nueva especie para la flora de algas de Bulgaria

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    Muriella australis J. Phillipson (Chlorophyta), una nueva especie para la flora de algas de Bulgaria Se cita una nueva especie de alga para Bulgaria. Esta rara especie (sólo conocida su locus classicus de Australia, aislada de suelo) se ha encontrado también en los montes Rópode, en la capa aerofílica del lecho de las fuentes de la villa de Slaveyno (provincia de Smolyan). Se ha extendido la diagnosis de la especie. Se ha realizado una revisión de la especie y del género.Abstract: A new species and genus Muriella australis for the algal flora of Bulgaria аre reported in this article. This rare species (known only from locus classicus in Australia, isolated from soil) was discovered also in Rhodope Mountains, Bulgaria in aerophilic coating on the bed of the fountains in village Slaveyno (Smolyan district). The diagnosis of the species was extended and expanded. A review of the species to the genus concerned was accomplished

    Una nueva especie de cianobacteria del género Anabaena (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) de Bulgaria

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    Una nueva especie de cianobacteria del género Anabaena (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) de Bulgaria Se describe una nueva especie del género de Cyanobacterias, Anabaena Bory ex Born. et Flah. (Nostocales) de las montañas Ródope de Bulgaria. Anabaena rhodopensis sp. nova. tiene acinetas con paredes celulares esculpidas. Se dan los datos biométricos para el tamaño de las células vegetativas, heterocistos y acinetos.Abstract: A new species of cyanobacterial genus Anabaena Bory ex Born. et Flah. (Nostocales) from Rhodope Mountains in Bulgaria is described. Anabaena rhodopensis sp. nova. has akinetes with sculptured cell walls. Biometrical data for size of vegetative cells, heterocytes and akinetes are given

    Antifungal and Antioxidant Potential of Methanolic Extracts from Acorus calamus L., Chlorella vulgaris Beijerinck, Lemna minuta Kunth and Scenedesmus dimorphus (Turpin) Kützing

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    Plant extracts are an important alternative to antibiotics, which are ever more restricted because of their developing microbial resistance and some adverse effects that have been observed following frequent application. The aim of the present study was to determine the antifungal and antioxidant activity of the methanolic extracts of Acorus calamus, Chlorella vulgaris, Lemna minuta and Scenedesmus dimorphus. The antifungal activity of the extracts against strains of Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus carbonarius, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium chrysogenum and Alternaria alternata was evaluated via the agar well diffusion method. The antioxidant activity of the extracts was measured through the determination of three parameters—total phenolic content, total flavonoid content and radical scavenging potential (determined through UV/Vis analysis). A. calamus extracts had the highest antimicrobial activity against eight fungal strains, followed by the C. vulgaris, L. minuta and S. dimorphus extracts, which were inhibitory against two to three strains. Among the extracts from the species studied, the extract from S. dimorphus showed the highest antioxidant potential, as determined via the DPPH (1,1’-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil-radical) method. This correlated to its high total phenolic and flavonoid content. From A. calamus and L. minuta, methanolic extracts were obtained that exhibited similar values of the aforementioned parameters, followed by C. vulgaris extracts, which showed the lowest antioxidant activity. Based on the Pearson correlation coefficients, the impacts of the total phenolic content and the total flavonoid content on radical scavenging capacity are similar, and flavonoids were a significant part of the total phenolic compounds extracted from the plant materials studied