2 research outputs found

    Factors affecting value added disclosure of public listed companies in Singapore.

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    Value added statements are concerned with the calculation and presentation of value added and how this is shared among employees, the government, the providers of capital and the company for future investment. The employees receive their share as wages and salaries and the providers of capital receive their share as either interest or dividends. The government receives its share through the payment of corporate tax. Finally, the amount provided for future investment is captured as retained profits and depreciation. Hence, the distribution of value added can be viewed as the returns to each of the contributing factors of production, defined in broad terms.Master of Business Administration (Accountancy

    Team 7: Topological Analysis of Infrastructure Network

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    from Scythe : Proceedings and Bulletin of the International Data Farming Community, Issue 6 Workshop 18Critical Infrastructures work together to produce goods and services. For example, the power station generates electricity and the water purification station uses the electricity to produce drinking water. Disruption of Civil Infrastructures will affect our national security, economic well being and way of life. This provides a primary motivation to model and understand the interaction between infrastructures. Based on our works in military modeling and simulation (M&S), we have extended these M&S methodologies to the area of Critical Infrastructure Protection. However, we observed that it take a reasonable amount of modeling effort to model a large network of infrastructures