46 research outputs found

    The Beginning and the Change of “Attractive Science” for Elementary, Junior and High School Student carried out in Extension Courses( 1994〜2016)

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    大学開放実践センターでは一般市民を対象とした講座だけでなく,小中高校生を対象とした「おもしろサイエンス」の夏季講座が開講されている。近年サイエンスへの魅力を高める類似の試みが方々で見られるようになったが,20年以上の歴史を持つ夏季講座はそれほど多くはない。この間延べ300名近くの小中高校生が夏休み中の一定期間に大学でサイエンスを体験することができた。小学生,中学生,高校生のための夏季講座はそれぞれ開設のスタート時期や中断の時期が異なるが,すでに23年が経緯しているのでその誕生から変遷を振り返ってみた。“Attractive Science” for elementary, junior and high school student has been carried out as a summer seminar in extension courses. This summer seminar has long history of 23 years although some similar seminars were carried out as spot trial for short time at other places. Approximate 300 students have been experienced at this summer seminar in extension courses. The beginning and the change of this summer seminar were considered back for 23 years

    “Andante for Health and Science” carried out in Extension Courses

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    従来から開講していた科学のアンダンテに健康を加味して,薬の効くしくみを中心とした内容とした。健康問題に対する人々の関心が高く,予想以上の受講者であった。大学初年用のテキストを用いて,化学構造式に基礎を置きながら図解中心に理解できる内容としたが,受講者の中には健康食品やサプリメント,そして受講者自身が服用している薬に関する情報の入手を希望される人もいた。講座終了後のアンケートの結果,講座に対する評価では,どの項目でもほぼ高い評価が得られたものと考えられる。“Andante for health and science” was carried out in extension courses. Learner can know how to work various medicine in this course. Learners increase owing to healthy subject on the title. Most of learners satisfied content of lecture by using of the illustrated text for the first year of. But a couple of learners wanted to know health food and supplement and to get information about their taking medicine. Questionnaire indicated high evaluation for each item in this lecture

    “Science for Citizens” carried out in Extension Courses

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    小中高の児童や生徒の理科教育に対しては,理科教育振興法の補助金等で理科実験室の備品や設備の充実が計られ,それなりの学習効果があげられてきている。これに対して学校教育を終えた一般人にとっては,理科実験に接する機会が極めて少なく,また自然科学の基本原理をかなり忘却している場合が多い。本講座では「市民のための科学」という目標で,家庭でも使える教材を用いて科学的事象を程よい歩調で学習することを試みた。この試みの5年間にわたる実績と課題について報告する。There has been no chance for citizen to exercise scientific experiment with conventional tools. Such trial run was carried out in the extension courses of Tokushima University. Only several learners took this course in the first and second year. But learners increased owing to alternation of title and addition of healthy subject in the fourth and fifth year. The title and contents are important for learners. Senior citizen learners are strongly interested in healthy subject as well as science topics

    Attempt to read to Children Picture Books and to do Science Magic by Animation

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    図書館の催し物の一環として,徳島市立図書館こども室のお話の部屋で水の科学マジックと絵本の読み聞かせのコラボレーションを行った。その際に,主催側と参加者側との双方向での交流を深めるためにアニマシオンという方法を試みた。参加者が低学年の児童が多かったので,予定した水に関するチャートの代わりに科学マジックの割合を増やして行った結果,6歳の児童にも高い関心が得られた。そしてアニマシオンの働きかけを検証した結果,ほぼ目標とした効果が得られた。It was attempted to read to children picture books and to do science magic by Animation. Owing to children of lower age science magic was first performed then to read picture books. A six year boy indicated good impression in his questionnaire. His mother said that he tried to do the science magic at his home. Animation effect was almost achieved in the objective of noticing of surrounding,sensing of fan,and cooperating with participants


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    The relationship between the indole alkaloid gramine concentration and aphid population was examined seedling and maturation stages in 14 barley lines of Hordeum spontaneum and H. unlgare. The density of Schizaphis graminum did not differ significantly with the gramine concentration in the seedling in the greenhouse. However, the population of Rhopalosiphum padi sometimes differed with the seedling. The plant resistance to the natural infestation of cereal aphids was obvious at the heading stage. There was a negative correlation between the high population density of aphids and gramine concentration. The gramine concentration was high in matured resistant resistant lines, especially wild lines, as compared with susceptible lines due to higher biodegradation activity.オオムギ(Hordeum spontaneum及びH.vulgare)14系統の幼苗期と成熟期における、アブラムシの密度とインドールアルカロイド化合物であるグラミン含量の関係を調べた。温室内の幼苗では、グラミン含量に関わらずムギミドリアブラムシ(Schizaphis graminum)の寄生密度に有意差は認められなかった。一方、ムギクビレアブラムシ(Rhopalosiphum padi)の密度は、幼苗間で異なる場合もあった。圃場におけるアブラムシの寄生に対して、抵抗性は出穂期に顕著に現れた。アブラムシの寄生密度とグラミン含量の間には負の相関が認められた。成熟期のオオムギでは、グラミンの分解活性の高い感受性系統と比較して、抵抗性系統のグラミン含量は多く、特に野生系統では著しかった

    Are the effects of vowel repetition influenced by frequencies? A corpus study on CVCVCV-structured nouns with and without vowel repetition

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    A psychological study by Tamaoka and Murata (2001) suggested that CVCVCV-structured nonwords (e.g., /kohomo/) with the same vowel repeated showed longer naming latencies than the same-structured nonwords without vowel repetition (e.g., /kohami/). One of the possible factors for prolonging vowel repetition could be the frequency of vowel repetition in Japanese. Thus, the present study calculated token frequencies for nouns with the same vowel repeated within a CVCVCV phonological structure, based on the Japanese lexical corpus (287,792,797 words) of Amano and Kondo (2000). The results showed that vowels were repeated among Japanese nouns with a CVCVCV string more frequently than the random possibility of 4 percent. In addition, nouns with the same vowels in the first and second positions (i.e., V1 and V2 in the CV1CV2CV3) showed significantly higher occurrences than the random chance of 20 percent, whereas nouns with the same vowels in the second and third positions appeared at the random level (i.e., V2 and V3). Since it is expected that higher frequency enhances speed and accuracy in naming, phonological structures with the same vowel repeated can be expected to be more quickly and accurately named. Conflicting results between the present corpus study and the experimental study by Tamaoka and Murata (2001) excluded the possibility of the frequency of vowel repetition affecting the speed and accuracy of phonological processing

    ニホン キンカイ リトウ ニオケル カンキョウ チョウサ : フーリエ ヘンカン セキガイ ブンコウホウ ニヨル ドウバン フショク ノ ケンキュウ

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    In order to research an atmosphere at the five isolated islands near Japan, copper plates were exposed to the atmosphere at each island for several weeks from 1994 to 1995. The surface of copper plates was monitored by FT-IR spectrometer. The only sample at Tsushima island was much different from those of Sado, Kikai, Hachijo, and Ogasawara island. IR spectra of the sample at Tsushima island showed the intensive effect with the air pollution of NOx. The air pollution of NOx at Tsushima island might be attributed to the seasonal wind and the industrial activities from Korea and China.国立情報学研究所『研究紀要公開支援事業』により電子化


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    This study reports on an indirect analysis of manganese from environmental samples of an old copper mine and its neighboring river. Sediment and surface water were analyzed for the presence of manganese. Manganese was extracted, in the case of sediment, using aqua regia, followed by oxidation to the violet permanganate complex (MnO_4^-) with potassium periodate, in a hot acid solution. Analysis of the permanganate complex, by colorimetric and spectrophotometric analytical methods, shows that the river contains a relatively high amount of manganese near the mine, and that the presence of chemical pollutants, directly or indirectly affect aquatic life

    ミナミアフリカ ムプマランガシュウ ノ モカツ コウトウ ガッコウ ニオケル リカ キョウシ ノ ジッセン カツドウ ノ ジレイ ケンキュウ

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    教育省による理科教師の育成とその強化に対する積極的な貢献は,決して否定するものではない。そしてこれを仲介するプログラムが導入されてきている。しかし以前から成績不振の学習者に,特に改善がなされたという報告はほとんどない。残念ながら,そのような知見は,南アフリカの学校における真の理科教育に結びつくものではない。この論文は,学校における真の理科教育に迫るもう一つの気がかりを追求しようとしたものである。ムプマランガ州の公立モカツ高校の5人の理科教師に口頭面接を行った。この調査により,教師が基本的な技能から離れ,無難な目的だけで実践活動を行っていることが明らかになった。それゆえ,その学校のレベルの適切なモニタリングと評価が緊急に必要とされる。The positive contributions made by the Department of Education towards the development and empowerment of science educators are undeniable. Several intervention programs are conducted through out the year. However, very little improvement has been reported especially amongst previously disadvantaged learners. Unfortunately, such information does not enable one to make access to the reality of science teaching in South African schools. This paper aims at pursuing an alternative way to approach the reality of science teaching in schools. An oral interview was conducted with five science educators at Mokatsu secondary school, a public school in Mpumalanga Province. This survey reveals that, apart from lack of fundamental skills, educators perform hands-on activities (science experiments and projects) for moderation purposes only. There is, therefore, a dire need for proper monitoring and evaluation at the school level.国立情報学研究所『研究紀要公開支援事業』により電子化