177 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of the human p58 killer cell inhibitory receptor (KIR2DL3) specific for HLA-Cw3-related MHC class I

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    AbstractBackground: T cells and natural killer (NK) cells perform complementary roles in the cellular immune system. T cells identify infected cells directly through recognition of antigenic peptides that are displayed at the target cell surface by the classical major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. NK cells monitor the target cell surface for malfunction of this display system, lysing potentially infected cells that might otherwise evade recognition by the T cells. Human killer cell inhibitory receptors (KIRs) control this process by either inhibiting or activating the cytotoxic activity of NK cells via specific binding to MHC class I molecules on the target cell.Results: We report the crystal structure of the extracellular region of the human p58 KIR (KIR2DL3), which is specific for the human MHC class I molecule HLA-Cw3 and related alleles. The structure shows the predicted topology of two tandem immunoglobulin-like domains, but comparison with the previously reported structure of the related receptor KIR2DL1 reveals an unexpected change of 23° in the relative orientation of these domains.Conclusions: The altered orientation of the immunoglobulin-like domains maintains an unusually acute interdomain elbow angle, which therefore appears to be a distinctive feature of the KIRs. The putative MHC class I binding site is located on the outer surface of the elbow, spanning both domains. The unexpected observation that this binding site can be modulated by differences in the relative domain orientations has implications for the general mechanism of KIR–MHC class I complex formation

    Molecular recognition of paired receptors in the immune system

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Cell surface receptors are responsible for regulating cellular function on the front line, the cell membrane. Interestingly, accumulating evidence clearly reveals that the members of cell surface receptor families have very similar extracellular ligand-binding regions but opposite signaling systems, either inhibitory or stimulatory. These receptors are designated as paired receptors. Paired receptors often recognize not only physiological ligands but also non-self ligands, such as viral and bacterial products, to fight infections. In this review, we introduce several representative examples of paired receptors, focusing on two major structural superfamilies, the immunoglobulin-like and the C-type lectin-like receptors, and explain how these receptors distinguish self and non-self ligands to maintain homeostasis in the immune system.We further discuss the evolutionary aspects of these receptors as well as the potential drug targets for regulating diseases. © 2012 Kuroki, Furukawa and Maenaka

    Crystallization strategy for the glycoprotein-receptor complex between measles virus hemagglutinin and its cellular receptor SLAM.

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    Measles virus (MV), one of the most contagious agents, infects immune cells using the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) on the cell surface. A complex of SLAM and the attachment protein, hemagglutinin (MVH), has remained elusive due to the intrinsic handling difficulty including glycosylation. Furthermore, crystals obtained of this complex are either nondiffracting or poorly-diffracting. To solve this problem, we designed a systematic approach using a combination of the following techniques; (1) a transient expression system in HEK293SGnTI(-) cells, (2) lysine methylation, (3) structure-guided mutagenesis directed at better crystal packing, (4) Endo H treatment, (5) single-chain formation for stable complex, and (6) floating-drop vapor diffusion. Using our approach, the receptor-binding head domain of MV-H covalently fused with SLAM was successfully crystallized and diffraction was improved from 4.5 Å to a final resolution of 3.15 Å . These combinational methods would be useful as crystallization strategies for complexes of glycoproteins and their receptors.Measles virus (MV), one of the most contagious agents, infects immune cells using the signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) on the cell surface. A complex of SLAM and the attachment protein, hemagglutinin (MVH), has remained elusive due to the intrinsic handling difficulty including glycosylation. Furthermore, crystals obtained of this complex are either nondiffracting or poorly-diffracting. To solve this problem, we designed a systematic approach using a combination of the following techniques; (1) a transient expression system in HEK293SGnTI(-) cells, (2) lysine methylation, (3) structure-guided mutagenesis directed at better crystal packing, (4) Endo H treatment, (5) single-chain formation for stable complex, and (6) floating-drop vapor diffusion. Using our approach, the receptor-binding head domain of MV-H covalently fused with SLAM was successfully crystallized and diffraction was improved from 4.5 Å to a final resolution of 3.15 Å . These combinational methods would be useful as crystallization strategies for complexes of glycoproteins and their receptors

    Ca2+ Regulates ERp57-Calnexin Complex Formation

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    ERp57, a member of the protein disulfide isomerase family, is a ubiquitous disulfide catalyst that functions in the oxidative folding of various clients in the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In concert with ER lectin-like chaperones calnexin and calreticulin (CNX/CRT), ERp57 functions in virtually all folding stages from co-translation to post-translation, and thus plays a critical role in maintaining protein homeostasis, with direct implication for pathology. Here, we present mechanisms by which Ca2+ regulates the formation of the ERp57-calnexin complex. Biochemical and isothermal titration calorimetry analyses revealed that ERp57 strongly interacts with CNX via a non-covalent bond in the absence of Ca2+. The ERp57-CNX complex not only promoted the oxidative folding of human leukocyte antigen heavy chains, but also inhibited client aggregation. These results suggest that this complex performs both enzymatic and chaperoning functions under abnormal physiological conditions, such as Ca2+ depletion, to effectively guide proper oxidative protein folding. The findings shed light on the molecular mechanisms underpinning crosstalk between the chaperone network and Ca2+

    Evaluation of the reactivity and receptor competition of HLA-G isoforms toward available antibodies: Implications of structural characteristics of HLA-G isoforms

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系The human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-G, which consists of seven splice variants, is a tolerogenic immune checkpoint molecule. It plays an important role in the protection of the fetus from the maternal immune response by binding to inhibitory receptors, including leukocyte Ig-like receptors (LILRs). Recent studies have also revealed that HLA-G is involved in the progression of cancer cells and the protection from autoimmune diseases. In contrast to its well characterized isoform, HLA-G1, the binding activities of other major HLA-G isoforms, such as HLA-G2, toward available anti-HLA-G antibodies are only partially understood. Here, we investigate the binding specificities of anti-HLA-G antibodies by using surface plasmon resonance. MEM-G9 and G233 showed strong affinities to HLA-G1, with a nM range for their dissociation constants, but did not show affinities to HLA-G2. The disulfide-linker HLA-G1 dimer further exhibited significant avidity effects. On the other hand, 4H84 and MEM-G1, which can be used for the Western blotting of HLA-G isoforms, can bind to native HLA-G2, while MEM-G9 and G233 cannot. These results reveal that HLA-G2 has a partially intrinsically disordered structure. Furthermore, MEM-G1, but not 4H84, competes with the LILRB2 binding of HLA-G2. These results provide novel insight into the functional characterization of HLA-G isoforms and their detection systems. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Molecular mechanism of the recognition of bacterially cleaved immunoglobulin by the immune regulatory receptor LILRA2

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Human leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptors (LILRs) typically regulate immune activation by binding to the human leukocyte antigen class I molecules. LILRA2, a member of the LILR family, was recently reported to bind to other unique ligands, the bacterially degraded Igs (N-truncated Igs), for the activation of immune cells. Therefore, LILRA2 is currently attracting significant attention as a novel innate immune receptor. However, the detailed recognition mechanisms required for this interaction remain unclear. In this study, using several biophysical techniques, we uncovered the molecular mechanism of N-truncated Ig recognition by LILRA2. Surface plasmon resonance analysis disclosed that LILRA2 specifically binds to N-truncated Ig with weak affinity (Kd = 4.8 mM) and fast kinetics. However, immobilized LILRA2 exhibited a significantly enhanced interaction with N-truncated Ig due to avidity effects. This suggests that cell surface-bound LILRA2 rapidly monitors and identifies bi- or multivalent abnormal N-truncated Igs through specific cross-linking to induce immune activation. Van\u27t Hoff analysis revealed that this interaction is enthalpy-driven, with a small entropy loss, and results from differential scanning calorimetry indicated the instability of the putative LILRA2-binding site, the Fab region of the N-truncated Ig. Atomic force microscopy revealed that N truncation does not cause significant structural changes in Ig. Furthermore, mutagenesis analysis identified the hydrophobic region of LILRA2 domain 2 as the N-truncated Ig-binding site, representing a novel ligand-binding site for the LILR family. These results provide detailed insights into the molecular regulation of LILR-mediated immune responses targeting ligands that have been modified by bacteria. © 2020 Yamazaki et al. Published under exclusive license by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Erratum: Synthesis of glycerolipids containing simple linear acyl chains or aromatic rings and evaluation of their Mincle signaling activity (Chem. Commun. (2019) 55 (711–714) DOI: 10.1039/C8CC07322H)

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系The authors regret that the structures of brartemicin and compounds 6a and b presented in Fig. 2 of the article were incorrect. The correct structures are depicted below. In addition, explanations of the R’ groups have been added below each compound. (Figure Presented). This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistr

    Canonical versus non-canonical transsynaptic signaling of neuroligin 3 tunes development of sociality in mice

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    社会性の発達を調節する新たな機構を発見. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-03-26.Neuroligin 3 (NLGN3) and neurexins (NRXNs) constitute a canonical transsynaptic cell-adhesion pair, which has been implicated in autism. In autism spectrum disorder (ASD) development of sociality can be impaired. However, the molecular mechanism underlying NLGN3-mediated social development is unclear. Here, we identify non-canonical interactions between NLGN3 and protein tyrosine phosphatase δ (PTPδ) splice variants, competing with NRXN binding. NLGN3-PTPδ complex structure revealed a splicing-dependent interaction mode and competition mechanism between PTPδ and NRXNs. Mice carrying a NLGN3 mutation that selectively impairs NLGN3-NRXN interaction show increased sociability, whereas mice where the NLGN3-PTPδ interaction is impaired exhibit impaired social behavior and enhanced motor learning, with imbalance in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic protein expressions, as reported in the Nlgn3 R451C autism model. At neuronal level, the autism-related Nlgn3 R451C mutation causes selective impairment in the non-canonical pathway. Our findings suggest that canonical and non-canonical NLGN3 pathways compete and regulate the development of sociality

    Structural and thermodynamic analyses reveal critical features of glycopeptide recognition by the human PILRα immune cell receptor

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Before entering host cells, herpes simplex virus-1 uses its envelope glycoprotein B to bind paired immunoglobulin-like type 2 receptor α (PILRα) on immune cells. PILRα belongs to the Siglec (sialic acid (SA)-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin)- like family, members of which bind SA. PILRα is the only Siglec member to recognize not only the sialylated O-linked sugar T antigen (sTn) but also its attached peptide region. We previously determined the crystal structure of PILRα complexed with the sTn-linked glycopeptide of glycoprotein B, revealing the simultaneous recognition of sTn and peptide by the receptor. However, the contribution of each glycopeptide component to PILRα binding was largely unclear. Here, we chemically synthesized glycopeptide derivatives and determined the thermodynamic parameters of their interaction with PILRα. We show that glycopeptides with different sugar units linking SA and peptides (i.e. "GlcNAc-Type" and "deoxy- GlcNAc-Type" glycopeptides) have lower affinity and more enthalpy-driven binding than the wild type (i.e. GalNAc-Type glycopeptide). The crystal structures of PILRα complexed with these glycopeptides highlighted the importance of stereochemical positioning of the O4 atom of the sugar moiety. These results provide insights both for understanding the unique O-glycosylated peptide recognition by the PILRα and for the rational design of herpes simplex virus-1 entry inhibitors. © 2017 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc

    Virological characteristics of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 variant

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    SARS-CoV-2オミクロンBA.2.75株(通称ケンタウロス)のウイルス学的性状の解明. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-10-12.The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.2.75 variant emerged in May 2022. BA.2.75 is a BA.2 descendant but is phylogenetically distinct from BA.5, the currently predominant BA.2 descendant. Here, we show that BA.2.75 has a greater effective reproduction number and different immunogenicity profile than BA.5. We determined the sensitivity of BA.2.75 to vaccinee and convalescent sera as well as a panel of clinically available antiviral drugs and antibodies. Antiviral drugs largely retained potency but antibody sensitivity varied depending on several key BA.2.75-specific substitutions. The BA.2.75 spike exhibited a profoundly higher affinity for its human receptor, ACE2. Additionally, the fusogenicity, growth efficiency in human alveolar epithelial cells, and intrinsic pathogenicity in hamsters of BA.2.75 were greater than those of BA.2. Our multilevel investigations suggest that BA.2.75 acquired virological properties independent of BA.5, and the potential risk of BA.2.75 to global health is greater than that of BA.5