44 research outputs found

    Right and Left Joint System Representation of a Rational Matrix Function in General Position (System Representation Theory for Dummies)

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    For a rational matrix function R of one variable in general position, the matrix functions R(x)/R(y) and R(y)\R(x) of two variables are considered. For these matrix functions of two variables, representations which are analogous to the system representations (or realizations) of a rational matrix function of one variable are constructed. This representation is called the joint right [the joint left] system representation

    A functional model for the Fourier--Plancherel operator truncated on the positive half-axis

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    The truncated Fourier operator FR+\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}}, (FR+x)(t)=12πR+x(ξ)eitξdξ,   tR+, (\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}}x)(t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int\limits_{\mathbb{R^{+}}}x(\xi)e^{it\xi}\,d\xi\,,\ \ \ t\in{}{\mathbb{R^{+}}}, is studied. The operator FR+\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}} is considered as an operator acting in the space L2(R+)L^2(\mathbb{R^{+}}). The functional model for the operator FR+\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}} is constructed. This functional model is the multiplication operator on the appropriate 2×22\times2 matrix function acting in the space L2(R+)L2(R+)L^2(\mathbb{R^{+}})\oplus{}L^2(\mathbb{R^{+}}). Using this functional model, the spectrum of the operator FR+\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}} is found. The resolvent of the operator FR+\mathscr{F}_{\mathbb{R^{+}}} is estimated near its spectrum.Comment: 17 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.381

    On a family of Laurent polynomials generated by 2x2 matrices

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    To a 2×22\times2 matrix GG with complex entries, we relate the sequence of Laurent polynomial L_n(z,G)=\tr \big(G\big[\begin{smallmatrix}z&0\\ 0&z^{-1}\end{smallmatrix}\big]G^{\ast}\big)^n. It turns out that for each nn, the family {Ln(z,G)}G\big\{L_n(z,G)\big\}_G, where GG runs over the set of all 2×22\times2 matrices, is a three-parametric family. A natural parametrization of this family is found. The polynomial Ln(z,G)L_n(z,G) is expressed in terms of these parameters and the Chebyshev polynomial TnT_n. The zero set of the polynomial Ln(z,G)L_n(z,G) is described.Comment: 15 page

    Self-adjoint boundary conditions for the prolate spheroid differential operator

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    We consider the formal prolate spheroid differential operator on a finite symmetric interval and describe all its self-adjoint boundary conditions. Only one of these boundary conditions corresponds to a self-adjoint differential operator which commute with the Fourier operator truncated on the considered finite symmetric interval.Comment: 10 page

    On measures which generate the scalar product in a space of rational functions

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    Let z1,z2,,znz_1,z_2,\,\ldots\,,z_n be pairwise different points of the unit disc and L(z1,z2,zn)\mathscr{L}(z_1,z_2,\,\ldots\,z_n) be the linear space generated by the rational fractions 1tz1,1tz2, ,1tzn\frac{1}{t-z_1} , \frac{1}{t-z_2} , \cdots\ , \frac{1}{t-z_n}\cdot Every non-negative measure σ\sigma on the unit circle T\mathbb{T} generates the scalar product \langle\,f\,,\,g\,\rangle_{\!_{L^2_\sigma}} =\int\limits_{\mathbb{T}}f(t)\,\bar{g(t)}\,\sigma(dt), \quad \forall\,f,g\,\in\,L^2_\sigma. The measures σ\sigma are described which satisfy the condition \langle\,f\,,\,g\,\rangle_{\!_{L^2_\sigma}}= \langle\,f\,,\,g\,\rangle_{\!_{L^2_m}},\quad \forall\,f,g\in\mathscr{L}(z_1,z_2,\,\ldots\,z_n), where mm is the normalized Lebesgue measure on T\mathbb{T}.Comment: 9 page

    Steiner-Minkowski Polynomials of Convex Sets in High Dimension, and Limit Entire Functions

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    For a convex set (K) of the (n)-dimensional Euclidean space, the Steiner-Minkowski polynomial (M_K(t)) is defined as the (n)-dimensional Euclidean volume of the neighborhood of the radius (t). Being defined for positive (t), the Steiner-Minkowski polynomials are considered for all complex (t). The renormalization procedure for Steiner polynomial is proposed. The renormalized Steiner-Minkowski polynomials corresponding to all possible solid convex sets in all dimensions form a normal family in the whole complex plane. For each of the four families of convex sets: the Euclidean balls, the cubes, the regular cross-polytopes and the regular symplexes of dimensions (n), the limiting entire functions, as (n) tends to infinity, are calculated explicitly.Comment: 15 page

    On the roots of a hyperbolic polynomial pencil

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    Let ν0(t),ν1(t),,νn(t)\nu_0(t),\nu_1(t),\,\ldots\,,\nu_n(t) be the roots of the equation R(z)=tR(z)=t, where R(z)R(z) is a rational function of the form R(z)=z+k=1nαkzμk,R(z)=z+\sum\limits_{k=1}^n\frac{\alpha_k}{z-\mu_k}, μk\mu_k are pairwise different real numbers, αk>0,1kn\alpha_k>0,\,1\leq{}k\leq{}n. Then for each real ξ\xi, the function eξν0(t)+eξν1(t)++eξνn(t)e^{\xi\nu_0(t)}+e^{\xi\nu_1(t)}+\,\cdots\,+e^{\xi\nu_n(t)} is exponentially convex on the interval <t<-\infty<t<\infty.Comment: 9 page

    The function (coshat2+b)(\cosh\sqrt{at^2+b}) is exponentially convex

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    Given positive numbers aa and bb, the function at2+b\sqrt{at^2+b} is exponentially convex function of tt on the whole real axis. Three proofs of this result are presented.Comment: 20 page

    On Transformation of Potapov's Fundamental Matrix Inequality

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    According to V.P.Potapov, a classical interpolation problem can be reformulated in terms of a so-called Fundamental Matrix Inequality (FMI). To show that every solution of the FMI satisfies the interpolation problem, we usualy have to transform the FMI in some special way. In this paper the number of of transformations of the FMI which come into play are motivated and demonstrated by simple, but typical examples

    On the completeness of Gaussians in a Hilbert functional space

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    The completeness of Gaussians in a Hilbert functional space is establishedComment: 23 page