38 research outputs found

    ECNS 450.01: Advanced Topics in Economic Development

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    Impacts of child health on caregiver labor supply

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    The grant supported a pilot survey to understand the economic circumstances of households participating in a randomized health intervention aimed at improving child incidence of respiratory infection

    ECNS 560.01: Advanced Econometrics

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    Impacts of protected areas on respiratory health in the Brazilian Amazon

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    There is growing interest in the connection between the conservation of ecosystems and human health. Protection of ecosystems is often presented by opponents to be in direct conflict with human values, on the grounds that it restricts economic opportunities. At the same time, human health is a universal value that cuts across political, economic, and social divisions. To date, the empirical evidence for the extent to which conservation or land-use policy can generate health improvements is minimal. This project contributed by focusing on one large-scale policy, Brazil’s Amazon biome Protected Area (PA) network. It provided funds for processing and analysis of data on the impact of PAs on hospitalizations for respiratory illness

    ECNS 201S.01: Principles of Microeconomics

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    ECNS 433.01: Economics of the Environment

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    ECNS 433.R01: Economics of the Environment

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    ECNS 201S.02: Principles of Microeconomics

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    ECNS 201S.03: Principles of Microeconomics

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    ECNS 560.01: Advanced Econometrics

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