88 research outputs found
Diagnostische Bedeutung der alkalischen Phosphatase und ihrer Isoenzyme im Blutserum von KĂŒhen
Die alkalische Phosphatase (AP) ist in Form von verschiedenen Isoenzymen in fast allen Geweben und FlĂŒssigkeiten des Organismus vorhanden. Durch die Auftrennung der Gesamt-AP in ihre Isoenzyme ist eine Lokalisation von krankhaften Prozessen möglich. Da in der VeterinĂ€rmedizin die AP-Isoenzymdiagnostik bisher nicht praktisch zum Einsatz kommt, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Aussagekraft der Isoenzym-AktivitĂ€ten bei verschiedenen Krankheitsbildern und die Eignung dieses Verfahren fĂŒr den Einsatz in Klinik und Praxis untersucht. Die Untersuchungen wurden an insgesamt 106 Rindern durchgefĂŒhrt. 25 gesunde Rinder bildeten eine Kontrollgruppe. 69 an Diarrhoe erkrankte KĂŒhe wurden gemÀà ihrer PrimĂ€rerkrankung in 6 Gruppen eingeteilt: Labmagenverlagerung nach links (LMV li) (n=28), Labmagenverlagerung nach rechts (LMV re) (n=20), Enteritis (n=5), Strangulationsileus (n=4), Labmagenulcera (n=5) und Endometritis / Mastitis (n=7). Zwei weitere Gruppen bildeten Rinder mit einer Leberfunktionsstörung (n=20) und Rinder mit einer hochgradigen AktivitĂ€tserhöhung der Gesamt-AP â„ 300 U/l (n=12). Zudem wurden Blutproben vom Tag der Aufnahme und der Entlassung verglichen. Die AP-Isoenzyme im Blutserum wurden mit Hilfe des Testkits HYDRAGEL ISO-PAL K20 der Firma Sebia, Fulda elektrophoretisch auf Agarosegel aufgetrennt in die Leber-1-, Leber-2-, Knochen- und intestinalen Isoenzyme. AuĂerdem wurden bestimmt: Gesamt-Alkalische-Phosphatase, Glutamat-Dehydrogenase, Aspartat-Amino-Transferase (ASAT), Gamma-Glutamyl-Transferase, Alanin-Amino-Trans-ferase, Gesamtbilirubin, GesamteiweiĂ, Harnstoff, Beta-HydroxybuttersĂ€ure, Cholesterol, Calcium, anorganisches Phosphat und Leukozyten. Bei den gesunden KĂŒhen betrĂ€gt die mediane AktivitĂ€t der Gesamt-AP 122 U/l, die der intestinalen AP 22,7 U/l und die der Leber-1-AP 51,0 U/l. Bei den KĂŒhen mit Diarrhoe ist die intestinale AP-AktivitĂ€t bei Erkrankung signifikant erhöht (M=28,2 U/l). Bei der Unterteilung in verschiedene Erkrankungen weist sie bei den Tieren mit Strangulationsileus eine signifikant höhere AktivitĂ€t als bei den anderen Krankheiten auf (M=71,4 U/l). Die Gesamt-AP-AktivitĂ€t ist jedoch in keinem Fall signifikant erhöht und gibt somit keinen Hinweis auf einen AktivitĂ€tsanstieg der intestinalen AP. Nach Abklingen der Diarrhoe ist die Wiederherstellung der Darmfunktion anhand einer Normalisierung der intestinalen AP-AktivitĂ€t nachvoll-ziehbar, da zwischen den gesunden KĂŒhen und den rekonvaleszenten Tieren (M=24,2 U/l) kein signifikanter Unterschied besteht. Jedoch lĂ€sst die AktivitĂ€t des intestinalen Isoenzyms keine RĂŒckschlĂŒsse auf die zu Grunde liegende Grund-erkrankung zu, weil auch bei den anderen Erkrankungen Ă€hnlich hohe AktivitĂ€ten der intestinalen AP wie beim Ileus existieren. AuffĂ€llig ist auch eine HypocholesterolĂ€mie bei den KĂŒhen mit LMV li (M=1,86 mmol/l), LMV re (M=1,92 mmol/l) und besonders bei den Tieren mit Ileus (M=1,36 mmol/l) gegenĂŒber den Gesunden (M=3,45 mmol/l). Die Untersuchung von Gesamt-AP-AktivitĂ€t und Leber-1-AP-AktivitĂ€t bei den Patien-ten mit einer Leberfunktionsstörung ergibt, dass der Grad der Erhöhung dieser Parameter einen RĂŒckschluss auf die Schwere der Erkrankung zulĂ€sst. Bei den spĂ€ter verstorbenen KĂŒhen sind fĂŒr die Gesamt-AP (M=178 U/l) und fĂŒr das Leber-1-Isoenzym (M=116,5 U/l) die hochgradigsten AktivitĂ€tsanstiege zu verzeichnen. Eine Prognose hinsichtlich des Ausgangs der Erkrankung ist allerdings nicht zu treffen, weil keine signifikanten AktivitĂ€tsunterschiede zwischen KĂŒhen mit Exitus letalis und Heilung bestehen. Aber die ASAT-AktivitĂ€ten (M=278,1 U/l) und die Bilirubinkonzen-trationen (M=20,5 ”mol/l) sind bei den Tieren mit Exitus letalis deutlich höher als bei den rekonvaleszenten KĂŒhen (M=145,6 U/l bzw. 12,5 ”mol/l) und sind somit prognostisch verwertbar. Auf Grund dieser Ergebnisse erscheint die Aussagekraft der AP-Isoenzymdiagnostik als zu gering, um diese Methodik in Praxis und Klinik zur Zeit anzuwenden
Fluxes, Vacua, and Tadpoles meet Landau-Ginzburg and Fermat
Type IIB flux vacua based on Landau-Ginzburg models without K\"ahler
deformations provide fully-controlled insights into the non-geometric and
strongly-coupled string landscape. We show here that supersymmetric flux
configurations at the Fermat point of the model, which were found
long-time ago to saturate the orientifold tadpole, leave a number of massless
fields, which however are not all flat directions of the superpotential at
higher order. More generally, the rank of the Hessian of the superpotential is
compatible with a suitably formulated tadpole conjecture for all fluxes that we
found. Moreover, we describe new infinite families of supersymmetric 4d
Minkowski and AdS vacua and confront them with several other
swampland conjectures.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figur
Roiu paisjaÌrve tervendamise eeltoÌoÌd â limnoloogiline hinnang
Uuring lĂ€htub veekogude tervendamisel ĂŒldisest EL Veepoliitika Raamdirektiivi eesmĂ€rgist,
mille jÀrgi peavad siseveekogud saavutama hea ökoloogilise seisundi. Siseveekogude seisund
on hea vĂ”i vĂ€ga hea, kui vee-ökosĂŒsteemi esmasproduktsioon ja lagundamine on tasakaalus.
Sellest lÀhtudes on oluline hinnata ideaalvariandis kogu elustikku, setete koostist, levikut,
toitesoolade sisebilanssi, vÀlisbilanssi ja veebilanssi. Roiu paisjÀrv on tehisveekogu, pindalalt
(5,5 ha) ja mahult vÀike. SeepÀrast koguti setteproove kolmest punktist, planktoni ja vee
omaduste proovid ĂŒhest punktist. Seevastu taimi uuriti ĂŒle kogu jĂ€rve. EMĂ PKI
Limnoloogiakeskus pole Roiu paisjÀrve varem uurinud. SeepÀrast on suurt rÔhku pööratud
Töös kirjeldatakse veekogu, esitatakse eripÀrad, funktsioneerimise peamised mÔjurid, liikide
seisund, veekogu ökoloogiline seisund. Hinnatakse koormustaluvust. Uuringu raames
uuritakse kÔiki paisjÀrve sissevoole, mis vÔivad olla oluliseks surveteguriks paisjÀrve
seisundile. Lisaks tuleb tuvastada sissevooludest paisjÀrve suunatav reostuskoormus ning
anda soovitused nende mÔju vÀhendamiseks. Antakse jÀrve seisundi tervendamiseks
Töödest vÔtsid osa jÀrgmised EMà PKI Limnoloogiakeskuse töötajad: prof. I. Ott; PhD. H.
Timm; PhD. H. Tammert; MSc. K. Saar; BSc. R. Laarmaa; MSc. M. Lehtpuu; MSc. T.
Krause; MSc. A. Palm; MSc. M. Sepp, K. Ott; PhD. E.-J. Haberman
Kurepalu paisjaÌrve tervendamise eeltoÌoÌd â limnoloogiline hinnang
Uuring lĂ€htub veekogude tervendamisel ĂŒldisest EL Veepoliitika Raamdirektiivi eesmĂ€rgist,
mille jÀrgi peavad siseveekogud saavutama hea ökoloogilise seisundi. Siseveekogude seisund
on hea vĂ”i vĂ€ga hea, kui vee-ökosĂŒsteemi esmasproduktsioon ja lagundamine on tasakaalus.
Sellest lÀhtudes on oluline hinnata ideaalvariandis kogu elustikku, setete koostist, levikut,
toitesoolade sisebilanssi, vÀlisbilanssi ja veebilanssi. Kurepalu paisjÀrv on tehisveekogu,
pindalalt (13,7 ha) ja mahult vÀike, veevahetus intensiivne, seepÀrast koguti setteproove
kolmest punktist, planktoni ja vee omaduste proovid ĂŒhest punktist. Seevastu taimi uuriti ĂŒle
kogu jÀrve. EMà PKI Limnoloogiakeskus pole Kurepalu paisjÀrve varem uurinud. SeepÀrast
on suurt rÔhku pööratud inventuurile.
Töös kirjeldatakse veekogu, esitatakse eripÀrad, funktsioneerimise peamised mÔjurid, liikide
seisund, veekogu ökoloogiline seisund. Hinnatakse koormustaluvust. Uuringu raames
uuritakse paisjÀrve sissevoole, mis vÔivad olla oluliseks surveteguriks paisjÀrve seisundile.
Lisaks tuleb tuvastada sissevooludest paisjÀrve suunatav reostuskoormus ning anda
soovitused nende mÔju vÀhendamiseks. Antakse jÀrve seisundi tervendamiseks soovitused.
Töödest vÔtsid osa jÀrgmised EMà PKI Limnoloogiakeskuse töötajad: prof. I. Ott; PhD. H.
Timm; PhD. H. Tammert; MSc. K. Saar; BSc. R. Laarmaa; MSc. M. Lehtpuu; MSc. T.
Krause; MSc. A. Palm; MSc. M. Sepp, K. Ott; PhD. E.-J. Haberman
Afferent Visual Pathway Affection in Patients with PMP22 Deletion-Related Hereditary Neuropathy with Liability to Pressure Palsies
Background The PMP22 gene encodes a protein integral to peripheral myelin. Its
deletion leads to hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
(HNPP). PMP22 is not expressed in the adult central nervous system, but
previous studies suggest a role in CNS myelin development. The objective of
this study was to identify potential structural and functional alterations in
the afferent visual system in HNPP patients. Methods Twenty HNPP patients and
18 matched healthy controls (HC) were recruited in a cross-sectional study.
Participants underwent neurological examination including visual acuity,
visual evoked potential (VEP) examination, optical coherence tomography (OCT),
and magnetic resonance imaging with calculation of brain atrophy, regarding
grey and white matter, and voxel based morphometry (VBM), in addition answered
the National Eye Instituteâs 39-item Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-
VFQ). Thirteen patients and 6 HC were additionally examined with magnetic
resonance spectroscopy (MRS). Results All patients had normal visual acuity,
but reported reduced peripheral vision in comparison to HC in the NEI-VFQ (p =
0.036). VEP latency was prolonged in patients (P100 = 103.7±5.7 ms) in
comparison to healthy subjects (P100 = 99.7±4.2 ms, p = 0.007). In OCT,
peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness RNFL was decreased in the
nasal sector (90.0±15.5 vs. 101.8±16.5, p = 0.013), and lower nasal sector
RNFL correlated with prolonged VEP latency (Rho = -0.405, p = 0.012). MRS
revealed reduced tNAA (731.4±45.4 vs. 814.9±62.1, p = 0.017) and tCr
(373.8±22.2 vs. 418.7±31.1, p = 0.002) in the visual cortex in patients vs.
HC. Whole brain volume, grey and white matter volume, VBM and metabolites in a
MRS sensory cortex control voxel did not differ significantly between patients
and HC. Conclusion PMP22 deletion leads to functional, metabolic and macro-
structural alterations in the afferent visual system of HNPP patients. Our
data suggest a functional relevance of these changes for peripheral vision,
which warrants further investigation and confirmation
Two alanine aminotranferases link mitochondrial glycolate oxidation to the major photorespiratory pathway in Arabidopsis and rice
The major photorespiratory pathway in higher plants is distributed over chloroplasts, mitochondria, and peroxisomes. In this pathway, glycolate oxidation takes place in peroxisomes. It was previously suggested that a mitochondrial glycolate dehydrogenase (GlcDH) that was conserved from green algae lacking leaf-type peroxisomes contributes to photorespiration in Arabidopsis thaliana. Here, the identification of two Arabidopsis mitochondrial alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferases (ALAATs) that link glycolate oxidation to glycine formation are described. By this reaction, the mitochondrial side pathway produces glycine from glyoxylate that can be used in the glycine decarboxylase (GCD) reaction of the major pathway. RNA interference (RNAi) suppression of mitochondrial ALAAT did not result in major changes in metabolite pools under standard conditions or enhanced photorespiratroy flux, respectively. However, RNAi lines showed reduced photorespiratory CO2 release and a lower CO2 compensation point. Mitochondria isolated from RNAi lines are incapable of converting glycolate to CO2, whereas simultaneous overexpression of GlcDH and ALAATs in transiently transformed tobacco leaves enhances glycolate conversion. Furthermore, analyses of rice mitochondria suggest that the side pathway for glycolate oxidation and glycine formation is conserved in monocotyledoneous plants. It is concluded that the photorespiratory pathway from green algae has been functionally conserved in higher plants
Disentangling dyskinesia from parkinsonism in motor structures of patients with schizophrenia
Patients with schizophrenia frequently suffer from motor abnormalities, but underlying alterations in neuroarchitecture remain unclear. Here, we aimed to disentangle dyskinesia from parkinsonism in motor structures of patients with schizophrenia and to assess associated molecular architecture. We measured grey matter of motor regions and correlated volumetric estimates with dyskinesia and parkinsonism severity. Associations with molecular architecture were identified by cross-modal spatial correlations between ensuing maps of abnormality-related volume alterations and neurotransmitter maps from healthy populations. Both phenomena were linked to (specific) striatal and basal forebrain reductions as well as to D1 receptor density. Dyskinesia also manifested in cerebellar decrease, while parkinsonism was associated with less motor cortex volume. The parkinsonism-related brain pattern was additionally associated with 5-HT1A/2A and ”-opioid receptors distribution. Findings suggest the need to develop psychopharmacological compounds that display not only selectivity for receptor subtypes but also anatomical selectivity for alleviating dyskinesia without worsening parkinsonism and vice versa
Spinocerebellar ataxia type 14: refining clinicogenetic diagnosis in a rare adultâonset disorder
Objectives: Genetic variant classification is a challenge in rare adult-onset disorders as in SCA-PRKCG (prior spinocerebellar ataxia type 14) with mostly private conventional mutations and nonspecific phenotype. We here propose a refined approach for clinicogenetic diagnosis by including protein modeling and provide for confirmed SCA-PRKCG a comprehensive phenotype description from a German multi-center cohort, including standardized 3D MR imaging.
Methods: This cross-sectional study prospectively obtained neurological, neuropsychological, and brain imaging data in 33 PRKCG variant carriers. Protein modeling was added as a classification criterion in variants of uncertain significance (VUS).
Results: Our sample included 25 cases confirmed as SCA-PRKCG (14 variants, thereof seven novel variants) and eight carriers of variants assigned as VUS (four variants) or benign/likely benign (two variants). Phenotype in SCA-PRKCG included slowly progressive ataxia (onset at 4-50 years), preceded in some by early-onset nonprogressive symptoms. Ataxia was often combined with action myoclonus, dystonia, or mild cognitive-affective disturbance. Inspection of brain MRI revealed nonprogressive cerebellar atrophy. As a novel finding, a previously not described T2 hyperintense dentate nucleus was seen in all SCA-PRKCG cases but in none of the controls.
Interpretation: In this largest cohort to date, SCA-PRKCG was characterized as a slowly progressive cerebellar syndrome with some clinical and imaging features suggestive of a developmental disorder. The observed non-ataxia movement disorders and cognitive-affective disturbance may well be attributed to cerebellar pathology. Protein modeling emerged as a valuable diagnostic tool for variant classification and the newly described T2 hyperintense dentate sign could serve as a supportive diagnostic marker of SCA-PRKCG
Airborne DNA reveals predictable spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi.
Fungi are among the most diverse and ecologically important kingdoms in life. However, the distributional ranges of fungi remain largely unknown as do the ecological mechanisms that shape their distributions1,2. To provide an integrated view of the spatial and seasonal dynamics of fungi, we implemented a globally distributed standardized aerial sampling of fungal spores3. The vast majority of operational taxonomic units were detected within only one climatic zone, and the spatiotemporal patterns of species richness and community composition were mostly explained by annual mean air temperature. Tropical regions hosted the highest fungal diversity except for lichenized, ericoid mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi, which reached their peak diversity in temperate regions. The sensitivity in climatic responses was associated with phylogenetic relatedness, suggesting that large-scale distributions of some fungal groups are partially constrained by their ancestral niche. There was a strong phylogenetic signal in seasonal sensitivity, suggesting that some groups of fungi have retained their ancestral trait of sporulating for only a short period. Overall, our results show that the hyperdiverse kingdom of fungi follows globally highly predictable spatial and temporal dynamics, with seasonality in both species richness and community composition increasing with latitude. Our study reports patterns resembling those described for other major groups of organisms, thus making a major contribution to the long-standing debate on whether organisms with a microbial lifestyle follow the global biodiversity paradigms known for macroorganisms4,5
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