318 research outputs found

    The deveropment of introduction to nursing - The first report. From the viewpoint of Humanologies by Murtin Buber.

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    看護学概論は看護の本質を追究する教科である。近年,看護の質が論じられ,その中でも患者―看護婦関係の質や患者理解の質が重視されている。本研究は,マルチン・ブーバーの人間学の立場を理解し,人間を尊重した看護を実践したフローレンス・ナイチンゲールの生涯と看護婦観を彼の人間学の立場から分析した。更に,関係の仕方と看護の関係について言及した。Introduction to nursing is a subject which inquire into the intrinsic nature of nursing. Recently, the quality of nursing has been discussed and the quality of patient-nurse relationship and patient understanding are brought to our notice. This paper aims to talk with the understanding of the Humanologies by Murtin Buber and to analyze the life and view of nurse of Florence Nightingale who had realised a human-respected nursing from viewpoint of the course of relationship that M. Buber discussed. Furthermore I discussed in relation to the quality of nursing and the couse of relationship by M. Buber'viewpoint

    The development of introduction to nursing - The second report. Nursing educational counseling to understand I-thau relationship.

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    本研究は,看護学概論の展開―第2報として,マルチン・ブ-バーが述べた関係の仕方と看護の関わりについて,筆者の面接指導を使って説明する。面接対象は看護を学ぶ学生で,自己理解,他者理解に関して「われ―それ」の関係から「われ―なんじ」の関係を体験的に理解した。その関係の変化によって学生の患者理解は深まり,看護の質も変化した。この面接から筆者が考える人間尊重の看護とは,患者と看護婦の「われ―なんじ」の関係の中で行なわれることが解った。In this study, the relationship between the quality of nursing care and Murtin Buber's concept of "the relation" is examined through the nursing educational counseling conducted by the writer. The subject of these nursing eucational counseling is a nursing student. The student's understanding of self and others has developed from "I-it relationship" to "I-thau relationship" as she experiences nursing care. Due to these change in the relation, her understanding of the patient and self-understanding has deepened, which consequently changed the quality of her nursing care. Through these nursing educational counseling, it has been recognized that the nursing care which is based on humanism is achieved in "I-thau relationship" between the nurse and the patient

    The subjective lived experience that patients have with chronic renal disease

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    本研究では慢性腎疾患を有する若い成人の内的経験世界を検討した。5名の患者が疾病に関してどのようなことを経験しているのかについて非組織的な深層面接を受けた。分析の結果,患者の内的経験世界は,(1)患者が経験している感情や思考,(2)疾病や自己についての解釈,(3)重要な他者への信頼,(4)自己の変化と発達(成長)という4つに特徴づけられることが明らかになった。しかるべき質の高い看護を提供するためには,看護者は,患者の内的経験世界を理解することが必要である。This study explored the inner experiences of young adults with chronic renal disease. Five patients received an in-depth and non-structured interview for what they were experiencing as related to the disease. Analyses showed that the patients' inner experiences could be characterized as follows : (1) feelings and thoughts the patients experience, (2) interpretations they give to the disease and to their self, (3) reliance they place on significant others surrounding them and (4) change and development they make in their self-concept. Nurses are required to understand the inner experiences of patients in order to provide them with due care of high quality

    Interpersonal values in 4-year course nursing students : Comparisons with 3-year course nursing students and students not majoring in nursing science

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    1999年4年制看護課程に入学した看護学生の入学時の対人関係価値をKG-SIVによって現実の自己像とナースの理想像について調査し,これを同年に非看護課程に入学した学生と3年制看護課程に異なる時期(1990年,1993年,1996年)に入学した看護学生3コホートと比較した。その結果,4年制看護学生は非看護学生に比べ,「博愛」と「同調」を重視する程度が強く,「支持」と「承認」,「独立」を重視する程度が弱かった。また,彼女ら の対人関係価値は3年制看護課程の学生のそれに類似していた。さらに,コホートの年次的移行のなかで看護学生の対人関係価値は「支持」と「独立」への動機づけが増大し,「博愛」への動機づけが滅退する傾向を見せた。This survey studied the interpersonal values held by a cohort of students admitted to a four-year course of nursing program in 1999 to determine whether they had the same interpersonal values as the third-year course nursing students. The KG-SIV (Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values) was administered twice at the beginning of the program. The subjects described 'self' for the first testing, while they described 'ideal nurse' for the second testing. Their scores on the self and the ideal nurse were compared with those obtained for three cohorts of nursing students who started the three-year course of nursing program in 1990, 1993 and 1996, respectively. Their scores on self were also compared with the scores obtained for four-year course students not majoring in nursing. Analyses showed that compared to the students not majoring in nursing the four-year course nursing students rated the values of Benevolence and Conformity as more important, while they rated the values of Support, Recognition and Independence as less important. Their scores were simliar to the scores given by the three-year course nursing students. Also, the values of Support and Independence increased while those of Benevolence decreased across the four cohorts of nursing students. It was concluded that nursing students hold distinctive interpersonal values as compared to non-nurses irrespective of their particular nursing program. Such values are ones that are beneficial to the nursing profession

    White Patchy Materials Formed in a Scoriacious Road-cut Profile on Miyake Island(Plant Production Science Soil Science)

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    Sulfurous gas, sulfur or sulfates are frequently contained in volcanic ejecta. We found white patchy materials (WPM) in a road-cut profile on Miyake Island, Japan. The layer containing WPM consists of scoria deposit in 1874. The major materials we identified in the WPM were CaSO_4・2H_2O and amorphous silica according to X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analyses. A possible process for crystallization of CaSO_4・2H_2O in the WPM is the dissolution of CaSO_4・2H_2O contained in the overlying 2000 ash and its re-precipitation on the surface of the scoriacious road-cut profile. Emission of sulfur dioxide gas, converted to sulfuric acid in water, has been so abundant since the 2000 eruption that we further examined reaction products between crushed scoria and dilute H_2SO_4 (0.1-2.5mol L^). CaSO_4・2H_2O was also identified in the reaction products as well as alunogen, iron sulfate, etc. Because alunogen is highly soluble in water, CaSO_4・2H_2O was the major crystalline product after rinsing with water

    Effects of repeated crush injuries on motor functional recovery of the sciatic nerve

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    信州大学博士(医学)・学位論文・平成25年1月30日授与(乙第1153号)・伊坪 敏郎Objectives: The present study was conducted to examine whether repeated crush injuries have significant effects on motor functional recovery of peripheral nerves. Methods: Repeated crush injuries of the sciatic nerve were inflicted on adult rats at 1-week intervals, and functionality of the sciatic nerve was assessed by the static sciatic index each week for 8 weeks after the final injury. To determine the effects of repeated crush injuries on motor functional recovery of the sciatic nerve, tibialis anterior muscle fibers from single and triple crush injuries were examined, and fiber size and fiber reinnervation during the 2- to 4-week period after the final injury were measured. Results: Compared to single crush injuries, which completely recovered by post-injury week 4, double crush injuries resulted in retarded, but complete recovery by post-injury week 6, whereas triple crush injuries resulted in marked retardation in the regenerative process with incomplete recovery during week 8 of the experimental period. Muscle fiber size for rats with triple crush did not recover to normal range at post-injury week 4, despite its normal size for rats with single crush. The rate of reinnervation increased prominently between post-injury weeks 2 and 3 in both injuries, but the rate with triple crush was lower than that with single crush at post-injury week 3. Discussion: These results, which contradict those of a previous study that reported early functional recovery, indicate that repeated crush injuries inhibit motor functional recovery of the damaged sciatic nerve, as evidenced by delayed and incomplete regeneration, atrophied muscle fibers, and delayed reinnervation.ArticleNEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH. 34(9):908-914 (2012)journal articl

    Differences in interpersonal values for three cohorts of new nursing students

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    医療短大入学年(1990年,1993年,1996年)において異なるコホートをなす看護学生の対人関係価値を入学直後に自己像と理想のナース像についてKG-SIV(Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values)によって測定した。その結果,自己像評定では入学年が進むにつれて「支持」や「独立」の価値を重視する傾向が増大するのに対し,「博愛」の価値は逆に重視されない傾向が見いだされた。また,特に1996年では理想のナース像に対する要求水準が低くなることも明らかになった。この結果を看護学生の社会化過程と関連づけて考察した。KG-SIV (Kikuchi-Gordon Survey of Interpersonal Values) was administered twice to three cohorts of new nursing students admitted to School of Health Sciences, Okayama University, respectively, in 1990, 1993, and 1996. For the first testing, they indicated the values that were important to them, while for the second they indicated those that were important to an ideal nurse they had in their mind. Analyses showed that perceived values of Support and Independence increased while those of Benevolence decreased with the admission years. They also showed a reduced level of aspiration for an ideal nurse, particularly in 1996. Findings were discussed as they were related with a socialization process that nursing students would undertake in prospective nurse training

    Conceptualizing the Japanese Prosocial Behavior from the Viewpoint of the “Seven Practices of Giving” in Buddhism

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    What is the Japanese-specific prosocial behavior, if any? We attempted to articulate it in terms of the Buddhist Seven Practices of Giving: (a) bodily/behavioral, (b) seat-offering/letting-go, (c) house-offering/hospitality, (d) kind words-giving, (e) smiling, (f) tender looking, and (g) mental/compassionate practices. We argued with psychological evidence that the West-originated concept of prosociality refers basically to active overt behaviors toward others’ welfare, whereas the Japanese prosociality involves one’s subtle facial expressions and inner gentle attitudes. A possible underlying mechanism might well be theorized, based on Haruki’s “alien reinforcement” theory, which can ably explain social behaviors especially in collective cultures

    Method of Quantifying Size of Retinal Hemorrhages in Eyes with Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Using 14-Square Grid: Interrater and Intrarater Reliability

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    Purpose. To describe a method of quantifying the size of the retinal hemorrhages in branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO) and to determine the interrater and intrarater reliabilities of these measurements. Methods. Thirty-five fundus photographs from 35 consecutive eyes with BRVO were studied. The fundus images were analyzed with Power-Point® software, and a grid of 14 squares was laid over the fundus image. Raters were asked to judge the percentage of each of the 14 squares that was covered by the hemorrhages, and the average of the 14 squares was taken to be the relative size of the retinal hemorrhage. Results. Interrater reliability between three raters was higher when a grid with 14 squares was used (intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), 0.96) than that when a box with no grid was used (ICC, 0.78). Intrarater reliability, which was calculated by the retinal hemorrhage area measured on two different days, was also higher (ICC, 0.97) than that with no grid (ICC, 0.86). Interrater reliability for five fundus pictures with poor image quality was also good when a grid with 14 squares was used (ICC, 0.88). Conclusions. Although our method is subjective, excellent interrater and intrarater reliabilities indicate that this method can be adapted for clinical use