73 research outputs found

    Hands-on Experience Programs in Science, Intended for Pupils from Elementary to Upper Secondary School

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    本稿は1995年から2004年まで、小・中学生および高校生を対象に実施してきた各種の科学実験体験活動の実践報告である。これらの体験活動は、岡山大学教育学部理科教育講座の教員とそれぞれの研究室に属する学部生・大学院生たちが実践してきたものである。活動の企画、教材開発、活動の運営、子どもたちに対する実験内容の説明から実験指導に至るまで、ほとんどを学生たちの自主性に任せた。教員は学生たちに対する支援に徹することを原則とした。これらの活動を通して得られた成果や、実践活動を行うに当たって、日頃の自然科学の探究活動の大切さについても触れる。This is a report of various educational practices in science from 1995 to 2004, designed for elementary school pupils and lower/upper secondary school students. These out-school activities were carried out by the teachers and their students of graduate and undergraduate courses who belong to the Department of Science Education, Faculty of Education, Okayama University. Almost everything was left up to the initiative and judgment of graduate/undergraduate students, such as planning and organizing the programs, developing do-it-yourself science materials, explaining to pupils what the experiment is like and how to conduct the experiment. As facilitators of the program, we supported activities of graduate/undergraduate students. The benefits of taking an active part in these programs, and the importance of hands-on learning activities in science are shown and emphasized in this paper

    Transformed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma from marginal zone lymphoma in the anterior mediastinum: A case report and review of the literature

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    Marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) arising from the anterior mediastinum is rare. In the majority of reported cases, the tumor was incidentally discovered, reflecting its indolent clinical features. We present a 38-year-old woman who had no medical history, and presented with a bulky anterior mediastinal tumor complicated by life-threatening compression of the vasculature and bronchi. Biopsy specimens of the neoplasm suggested transformed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) from MZL. To our best knowledge, this is the first case report of anterior mediastinum MZL associated with an aggressive clinical course and life-threatening complications likely due to transformation to DLBCL

    The New Type of Lectures on the Development of Science Teaching Plans and Materials Tried in the Department ofEducation

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    岡山大学教育学部の理科教育講座に所属する3年生を対象に,理科教材・授業案開発を指向した新しい講義を始めたのでその報告を行う。本講義では,近隣の小,中学校や公民館,科学館等の協力も得て実践の場を確保し,開発した教材や授業案を実践することで生きた教材開発の訓練を行なうことを目指している。教科内容学担当教員と教科教育学担当教員の協働を模索すると同時に,大学教員の教科内容の専門知識や技量を教材や授業案に有効に活用できる講義を意識した。This is a report of the new type of lectures on the development of teaching plans and teaching materials attempted in the science class for 3rd grade students in the Department of Education Okayama Universlty. The students practiced the development of teaching plans and teaching materials, and they conducted their activities not only at university but also at the neighboring schools, the public hall, the science museum etc. We expected the development of further collaboration in the academic staffs in the science education course, and the science abilities will be helpful for the development of teaching plans and teaching materials

    The Lectures on the Development of Teaching Plans and Teaching Materials Tried in the Science Education Class in Master's Course, Okayama University

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    岡山大学大学院教育学研究科の理科教育専攻の講義として、教材開発・授業案開発をテーマとした新しい講義を試みたのでその報告を行う。本講義は、理科教育講座に所属する大学院生、理科教育講座の大学教員、附属学校の理科関係の教諭が三者協働で進めることが特徴である。課題設定、教材開発を含めた実践準備および実践を院生チームを組み遂行させ、さらに経験や専門性の異なる人材と論議を重ねて活動を進めることを通じ、将来、協働で学校現場の課題提案・解決を行うことのできる能力を養うことを目標とした。This is a report of the new type of lectures on the development of teaching plans and teaching materials attempted in the science class in the Master's Course, Okayama University. The lectures were conducted in collaboration of the graduate students and the academic staffs in the science education course, and the science teachers of the attached school of Okayama University. The graduate students were grouped into two teams of five or six people, assigned to decide on themes, prepare and practice the development of teaching plans and teaching materials. They conducted their activities discussing problems with people of different experience and specialty, thus developing the ability to jointly propose and solve problems at schools in future


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    カンボジア産餅麹の微生物相を調べ,発酵過程における主要糖化菌の取得と優良なアミラーゼ生産直のスクリーニングを行った。その結果,餅麹試料の最優勢菌はデンプン利用性のある糸状菌と菌糸状酵母であった。また,ここで分離した糸状菌2株,菌糸状酵母59株,細菌18株の計79株のデンプン利用性と菌体外アミラーゼ生産性を調べた。その結身77株(糸状菌2株,菌糸状酵母59株,細菌16株)に利用性が認められ,糸状菌を除くこれらの菌体外アミラーゼは液化型アミラーゼであった。しかし,糸状菌2株の菌体外アミラーゼは高いグルコース生成が認められるグルコアミラーゼ生産菌であった。これら2株の糸状菌は形態学的性状からRhizopus schipperaeに近縁のRhizopus sp.であった。A Cambodian koji-cake was analysed for microflora such as total bacteria, coli-form, molds, yeasts, acid-forming bacteria, alcohol fermentable microbes and amilolytic microbes, and also the screening of amylase producers was done. Amilolytic molds and filamentous yeasts were detected as dominant microbes on the microflora of the koji-cake sample. The seventy-seven strains (two strains of molds, fifty-nine strains of filamentous yeasts and sixteen strains of bacteria) isolated from the koji samples were examined for starch availability and productivity of extra-cellular amylase. Most of the isolates had liquefying activity similar to α-amylase type. However the two molds were excellent glucoamylase producers, which were identified as Rhizopus sp., closely related to Rhizopus schipperae by their morphological characteristics


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