20 research outputs found
The article aims to reveal the context of occurrence of ethical dilemmas providing social in-home services. The paper analyses situations experienced by social workers that determine the occurrence of ethical dilemmas in the provision of in-home services.
The study involved 6 social workers providing in-home services with the work experience in service provision from 10 to 14 years. The research data collection method is the semi-structured interview. The data obtained in the interviews were analysed using the descriptive analysis method.
Analysing the situation of social in-home services recipients it was observed that social in-home services are provided to the elderly, who, because of illnesses or age, are not able to look after themselves at home, who do not get help from relatives or such help is insufficient. It is stated that not all potential clients accept or get social in-home services.
The article distinguishes the following factors influencing the occurrence of ethical dilemmas: conflicts of values, the wish of clients or of their relatives to deny the significance and meaningfulness of the services provided, ill-founded requirements of clients and their relatives, derogation of the professional status of the social worker, the conflict between personal and organizational values and the capability of the social security system
The question of civil participation in family policy decision-making
There has been a sufficient amount of family policy research in Europe, but the focus on family policy-making process is not satisfactory. The policy-making process is influenced by political, economic, socio-cultural context. Policy formation and analysis processes are intermixed. The aim of the paper is to analyse the use of scientific analysis and civil participation in the family policy decision-making process. The object of the paper is family policy decision-making process. The paper presents answers for the questions: how the scientific analysis is used in family policy decision-making, who is invited to participate in the process and who has the power to adjust the suggestions. The paper presents the results of the surveys conducted in 2010, highlighting the approach of 34 family policy experts to the problems in family policy issues. The confidentiality of the informants was assured, in accordance to professional ethics. The experts were selected through a purposive sampling strategy. The research technique is an in-depth expert interview. The analysis of the research results suggest that family policy legislation acts are hastily conceived, paying scant regard to the scientific analysis of the situation and research recommendations. The participation of non-governmental organisations or scientists in the formulation of legislation is more formal. The lack of citizenship results in the fact that non-governmental organisations and society play a passive role in expressing their interests. Such a situation has a negative impact on the assessment of family needs. According to experts, all this leads to passing ineffective legislation and establishing reckless and inadequate to the situation procedures.Tyrimų apie Europos šalių šeimos politiką yra daug, tačiau dėmesys šeimos politikos formavimo procesui nėra pakankamas. Politikos formavimo procesą veikia politinis, ekonominis, sociokultūrinis kontekstas. Politikos formavimo ir analizės procesai yra tarpusavyje susipynę. Vienas svarbių šeimos politikos formavimo veiksnių yra piliečių dalyvavimas, jį galima skirstyti į tradicinį ir bendradarbiaujantį. Tradicinis piliečių dalyvavimas yra neefektyvus ir kelia konfliktus, nes administratoriai sprendžia, kada ir kokius piliečius kviesti prie derybų stalo, kai sprendimai jau būna priimti. Priešingai šiam modeliui, bendradarbiaujančiam piliečių dalyvavimui būdingas bendras problemų sprendimas, pagarba kitokiems požiūriams ir galimybė daryti įtaką tiek procesui, tiek rezultatams. Straipsnio tikslas yra išanalizuoti ekspertų požiūrį į mokslinės analizės naudojimą ir piliečių dalyvavimą priimant šeimos politikos sprendimus. Straipsnio objektas yra šeimos politikos sprendimų priėmimo procesas. Straipsnyje pateikiami atsakymai į klausimus: kaip yra naudojama mokslinė analizė priimant šeimos politikos sprendimus, kas yra kviečiamas dalyvauti šiame procese ir kas turi teisę teikti siūlymus. Straipsnyje pristatomi 2010 metų tyrimo rezultatai, išryškinantys 34 šeimos politikos ekspertų požiūrį į šeimos politikos formavimo problemą. Vadovaujantis profesinės etikos principais yra užtikrintas informantų konfidencialumas. Ekspertai atrinkti taikant tikslinės atrankos strategiją. Tyrimo metodika – ekspertų giluminis interviu. Informantų nuomone, šeimos politikos sprendimai turi būti grindžiami įrodymais, gautais iš įvairių šaltinių, taikant skirtingus tyrimo metodus, turi būti orientuoti į klientą bei paremti socialinėmis vertybėmis. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatų analize galima daryti išvadą, kad nevyriausybinių organizacijų ir mokslininkų dalyvavimas rengiant teisės aktus yra formalus, tuomet šeimos politikos teisės aktai rengiami neapgalvotai, mažai kreipiamas dėmesys į mokslinę situacijos analizę ir mokslininkų rekomendacijas. Anot ekspertų, pilietiškumo stygius suponuoja nevyriausybinių organizacijų ir visuomenės pasyvumą, reiškiant savo interesus, o tai neigiamai atsiliepia šeimos poreikių įvertinimui. Visa tai lemia, pasak ekspertų, nekokybiškų teisės aktų ir neapgalvotų bei neadekvačių situacijai priemonių priėmimą
Competences of Older People to Use Smartphones as a Factor of Wellbeing in Contemporary Society
One of the key reflective aspects of modern society is the
application of information communication technologies. According to SEB
Bank and the information and communication technology company TEO [1]
more people aged 65 and over are discovering the Internet and smart
technology services to manage finances, communicate and spend their
leisure time. Technological development has a large group of supporters
even among seniors; however, many older adults have no skills and neither
the intention nor the possibility to use digital devices which are critical for
successful functioning in society. Escape from technological innovations
in no way makes life easier. Modern smartphones can make life more
enjoyable for seniors and to benefit society. The aim of this paper is to
investigate seniors’ opinions about the importance of increasing competence
in smartphone usage in their daily lives. The investigation was conducted
in two stages: 2018 April and 2018 September/October. During stage two,
groups were former of 10–12 seniors. During and after the training, the
participants were interviewed in focus groups about their opinions. The
study revealed that older people’s interest in new technologies activates their
participation in the learning process, promotes interest in innovations and
creates conditions for wellbeing in society
In 1992, Lithuania joined the Convention on the Rights of the Child, thus committing to ensuring children’s rights by all possible means. Parents take primary responsibility for the implementation of children’s rights, but in cases where a parent uses their authority against the interests of their child, the State has the power to intervene in a family. T. Furniss (1991) distinguished three basic models of intervention: Primary Punitive Intervention (PPI) (the monocausal model); Primary Children Protective Intervention (PCI) (the bicausal model); and Primary Therapeutic Intervention (PTI). The goal of this article is to discuss reforms in the children’s rights protection system in Lithuania by applying T. Furniss’ theoretical model. For a long time, the monocausal model dominated in the country. In 2017, corporal punishment was prohibited by law, which provided an impetus for the further reorganizational development of the children’s rights protection system. In 2018, new interventions and methods of social assistance such as case management and mobile teams were established, and these methods became responsible for the protection of children’s rights when a family faces challenges. Thus, the principles of the bicausal model were introduced, and further changes in 2020 added traits of the PTI model
Intergeneration learning as a dialog in overcoming loneliness of older adults
Increasing life expectancy and inclusion of older people in care system changes the intergenerational communication. Various professionals such as social workers and caregivers take care of older people needs. Little attention is paid to intergenerational learning and education in social care organizations despite it may help to overcome feeling of loneliness among older people. Loneliness is a negative emotion associated with a perceived gap between existing relationships and desired ones. It is widely recognized as one among the most significant and entrenched issues facing our aging society. The effect of loneliness is harmful to health and increases the risk of disability. Intergenerational links have been identified as an important issue in elderly care. Educational activities for the elderly are offered in various social care institutions in Lithuania. The research data reveal several predominant topics that would be relevant to older learners, such as loneliness, activity of older people, and communication
Location-Based Games as a Contemporary, Original, and Innovative Method of Seniors’ Teaching and Learning
This book is a result of the Location-based games as a contemporary, original, and
innovative method of seniors’ teaching and learning [LoGaSET] project, coordinated
by Foundation Pro Scientia Publica, financed from the Erasmus Plus KA2 strategic
partnership budget (nr 2017-1-PL01-KA204-038869). Dr Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska
(University of Wrocław, Poland) was the scientific coordinator of the project
Studies of social educating for master's degree in universities of Lithuania
The aim of the research work is to analyse studies for social educating in Lithuanian universities. Theoretical and analytical parts of the research includes sifting through the documentation what regulate high studies in Lithuania and comparing studies of social education in different universities of Lithuania. The results of the research improve that variority of study programmes' conditions separate skills and competences of social educators.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Assessment of home help services
The number of home help service recipients has a tendency to increase. As a result, home help service is becoming an increasingly important part of the Lithuanian social security system. The article discusses the main aspects of home help service assessment of recipients and carers. The aim of this article is to analyse the aspects of assessment of home help service by recipients and carers. Survey data collection involved unstructured interviews with home help service recipients and focus group interviews with carers. The data revealed the main home help service satisfaction factors. It turned out that for the successful provision of services, the skills and knowledge of carers are dapted them into the direct work with clients, as well as the ability to understand clients' needs. If the services implement the recipients' expectations, they are satisfied, and if not - they are dissatisfied. The assessment of analyzing home help support services revealed the need to increase the professionalism of carers and improve their psychological preparedness through further training of direct duties and improving communication skills with elderly and disabled person
Socialiniai ir demografiniai veiksniai, lemiantys agresijos ir smurto šeimoje apraiškas: agresoriaus modelio konstravimas
The purpose of the research was to discover some selected social and demographic
factors which can influence the displays of aggression and violence as well as the alcohol abuse.
Several factors were taken into analysis: men’s age, their education, place of residence and the jobs
which they perform. The analysis of the research results confirmed that displaying aggression
and / or violence is strictly related to abusing alcohol. The research indicated that aggression
and violence happen most frequently in families in which the men’s age is between 23 to 30; it
happens with men with higher and secondary education who are regular alcohol drinkers; most
often in the rural area.Straipsnyje analizuojami socialiniai-demografiniai agresijos ir smurto šeimoje veiksniai. Dabartiniai
agresijos ir smurto šeimoje moksliniai tyrimai rodo, kad svarbus tokio elgesio veiksnys
yra piktnaudžiavimas alkoholiu.
Pateikto tyrimo tikslas – ištirti pasirinktus socialinius-demografinius veiksnius, kurie gali
turėti įtakos agresijos, smurto ir prievartos apraiškoms bei piktnaudžiavimui alkoholiu. Remiantis
moksline literatūra galima teigti, kad agresija ir smurtas dažniausiai užfiksuojami pavartojus
alkoholio. Tyrime analizuojami tokie veiksniai: vyrų amžius, išsilavinimas, gyvenamoji vieta ir
darbo pobūdis. Tyrime dalyvavo 710 moterų. Moterys buvo iš dviejų vaivadijų: Varmijos Mozūrų
ir Pamario, esančių Šiaurės Lenkijoje. Duomenų apdorojimui buvo naudojama statistinė analizė,
panaudotas Chi kvadrato testas ir Kramerio Vxy koeficientas.
Rezultatų analizė patvirtino, kad agresijos ir smurto apraiškos yra glaudžiai susijusios su
alkoholio vartojimu. Tyrimai parodė, kad agresija ir smurtas dažniausiai pasireiškia šeimose,
kur vyrų amžius 23–30 metų; pasireiškia tarp turinčių aukštesnįjį ir vidurinį išsilavinimą, kurie
dažnai vartoja alkoholį bei didžiausias paplitimas yra kaimo vietovėse. Tyrimai nepatvirtino
ryšio tarp vyrų atliekamo darbo bei agresijos ir smurto apraiškų. Tyrimas leidžia daryti bendrą
sociologinį-demografinį šiuolaikinio agresoriaus modelio eskizą, kuriam yra būdinga: aukštesnysis
išsilavinimas, 30 metų ir jaunesnis amžius bei gyvenimas kaimo vietovėje