14 research outputs found

    Culture-Expanded Human Invariant Natural Killer T Cells Suppress T-Cell Alloreactivity and Eradicate Leukemia

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    Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is a major cause of significant morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are potent regulators of immune responses, protect from lethal GVHD, and promote graft-versus-leukemia effects in murine studies. Since iNKT cells constitute less than 0.5% of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), in vitro expansion with their glycolipid ligands is required before they can be used for cytotherapy and experimental purposes. Three weeks of cell culture and autologous restimulation with either KRN7000, PBS44, or PBS57 resulted in a robust proliferation of iNKT cells from human PBMCs. Next, iNKT cells were sorted to a purity higher than 90% being crucial for further experimental and clinical applications. These iNKT cells significantly decreased activation and proliferation of allogeneic CD3+ T lymphocytes. In addition, leukemia cell lines and primary leukemia cells were efficiently lysed by culture-expanded iNKT cells. Importantly, culture-expanded donor iNKT cells promoted robust antileukemia activity against HLA-matched allogeneic patient leukemia cells. Our data indicate that the adoptive transfer of culture-expanded iNKT cells could be a powerful cytotherapeutic approach to induce immune tolerance and prevent leukemia relapse after allogeneic HCT in humans

    Ein innovatives humanes in vitro CRISPR/Cas9-Modell zur Untersuchung KMT2A-rearrangierter Leukämien

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    KMT2A-Translokationen spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Leukämogenese. Sie sind mit einer schlechten Prognose verbunden und erfordern dringend neue Behandlungsstrategien. In der Arbeit für diese Dissertation wurde das CRISPR/Cas9-System verwendet, um ein innovatives Leukämiemodell zu generieren, das auf 100% reinen KMT2A-rearrangierten (KMT2Ar) Zellen aus Nabelschnurblut basiert, die ein unbestimmtes Wachstum in Zellkultursystemen zeigen. Dieses Modell teilte die phänotypischen, morphologischen und molekularen Merkmale von Patientenleukämiezellen, sodass die Krankheit realitätsgetreu nachgeahmt werden konnte. Somit dient es als ideale Plattform für pharmakologische Studien

    The RORɣ/SREBP2 pathway is a master regulator of cholesterol metabolism and serves as potential therapeutic target in t(4;11) leukemia

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    Dysregulated cholesterol homeostasis promotes tumorigenesis and progression. Therefore, metabolic reprogramming constitutes a new hallmark of cancer. However, until today, only few therapeutic approaches exist to target this pathway due to the often-observed negative feedback induced by agents like statins leading to controversially increased cholesterol synthesis upon inhibition. Sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) are key transcription factors regulating the synthesis of cholesterol and fatty acids. Since SREBP2 is difficult to target, we performed pharmacological inhibition of retinoic acid receptor (RAR)-related orphan receptor gamma (RORγ), which acts upstream of SREBP2 and serves as master regulator of the cholesterol metabolism. This resulted in an inactivated cholesterol-related gene program with significant downregulation of cholesterol biosynthesis. Strikingly, these effects were more pronounced than the effects of fatostatin, a direct SREBP2 inhibitor. Upon RORγ inhibition, RNA sequencing showed strongly increased cholesterol efflux genes leading to leukemic cell death and cell cycle changes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Combinatorial treatment of t(4;11) cells with the RORγ inhibitor showed additive effects with cytarabine and even strong anti-leukemia synergism with atorvastatin by circumventing the statin-induced feedback. Our results suggest a novel therapeutic strategy to inhibit tumor-specific cholesterol metabolism for the treatment of t(4;11) leukemia

    MAT2A as Key Regulator and Therapeutic Target in MLLr Leukemogenesis

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    Epigenetic dysregulation plays a pivotal role in mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) pathogenesis, therefore serving as a suitable therapeutic target. S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is the universal methyl donor in human cells and is synthesized by methionine adenosyltransferase 2A (MAT2A), which is deregulated in different cancer types. Here, we used our human CRISPR/Cas9-MLL-rearranged (CRISPR/Cas9-MLLr) leukemia model, faithfully mimicking MLLr patients’ pathology with indefinite growth potential in vitro, to evaluate the unknown role of MAT2A. Comparable to publicly available patient data, we detected MAT2A to be significantly overexpressed in our CRISPR/Cas9-MLLr model compared to healthy controls. By using non-MLLr and MLLr cell lines and our model, we detected an MLLr-specific enhanced response to PF-9366, a new MAT2A inhibitor, and small interfering (si) RNA-mediated knockdown of MAT2A, by alteration of the proliferation, viability, differentiation, apoptosis, cell cycling, and histone methylation. Moreover, the combinational treatment of PF-9366 with chemotherapy or targeted therapies against the SAM-dependent methyltransferases, disruptor of telomeric silencing 1 like (DOT1L) and protein arginine methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5), revealed even more pronounced effects. In summary, we uncovered MAT2A as a key regulator in MLL leukemogenesis and its inhibition led to significant anti-leukemic effects. Therefore, our study paves the avenue for clinical application of PF-9366 to improve the treatment of poor prognosis MLLr leukemia

    Human invariant natural killer T cells promote tolerance by preferential apoptosis induction of conventional dendritic cells

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    Graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. We recently showed in murine studies and in vitro human models that adoptively transferred invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells protect from GvHD and promote graft-versus-leukemia effects. The cellular mechanisms underlying GvHD prevention by iNKT cells in humans, however, remain unknown. In order to study relevant cellular interactions, dendritic cells (DC) were either generated from monocytes or isolated directly from blood of healthy donors or GvHD patients and co-cultured in a mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) with T cells obtained from healthy donors or transplantation bags. Addition of culture-expanded iNKT cells to the MLR-induced DC apoptosis in a cell contact-dependent manner, thereby preventing T-cell activation and proliferation. Annexin V/propidium iodide staining and image stream assays showed that CD4(+)CD8(–), CD4(–)CD8(+) and double negative iNKT cells are similarly able to induce DC apoptosis. Further MLR assays revealed that conventional DC (cDC) but not plasmacytoid DC (pDC) could induce alloreactive T-cell activation and proliferation. Interestingly, cDC were also more susceptible to apoptosis induced by iNKT cells, which correlates with their higher CD1d expression, leading to a bias in favor of pDC. Remarkably, these results could also be observed in GvHD patients. We propose a new mechanism how ex vivo expanded human iNKT cells prevent alloreactivity of T cells. iNKT cells modulate T-cell responses by selective apoptosis of DC subsets, resulting in suppression of T-cell activation and proliferation while enabling beneficial immune responses through pDC