19 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Myoglobin, Aerobic Capacity, Nitric Oxide Synthase Activity and Mitochondrial Function in Fish Hearts

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    The dynamic interactions between nitric oxide (NO) and myoglobin (Mb) in the cardiovascular system have received considerable attention. The loss of Mb, the principal O2 carrier and a NO scavenger/producer, in the heart of some red-blooded fishes provides a unique opportunity for assessing this globin’s role in NO homeostasis and mitochondrial function. We measured Mb content, activities of enzymes of NO and aerobic metabolism [NO Synthase (NOS) and citrate synthase, respectively] and mitochondrial parameters [Complex-I and -I+II respiration, coupling efficiency, reactive oxygen species production/release rates and mitochondrial sensitivity to inhibition by NO (i.e., NO IC50)] in the heart of three species of red-blooded fish. The expression of Mb correlated positively with NOS activity and NO IC50, with low NOS activity and a reduced NO IC50 in the Mb-lacking lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) as compared to the Mb-expressing Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and short-horned sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius). Collectively, our data show that NO levels are fine-tuned so that NO homeostasis and mitochondrial function are preserved; indicate that compensatory mechanisms are in place to tightly regulate [NO] and mitochondrial function in a species without Mb; and strongly suggest that the NO IC50 for oxidative phosphorylation is closely related to a fish’s hypoxia tolerance

    Osmotic pressure-adaptive responses in the eye tissues of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax)

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    Purpose: The rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax), is a teleost fish, which avoids freezing by becoming virtually isosmotic with seawater. The effects that such massive changes in osmolarity have on both its visual system and its highly evolved and specialized circulation are not known. New knowledge about the osmotic adaptation of the rainbow smelt eye is highly relevant to the adaptation and survival of this species and to its ability to feed as a visual predator in the face of environmental pressures. Moreover, the molecular physiologic response of the smelt to osmotic stress might provide valuable insights into understanding and managing mammalian pathological hyperosmolarity conditions, such as diabetes. We undertook the present study to provide an initial assessment of gene expression in ocular vasculature during osmotic adaptation in rainbow smelt. Methods: Immunohistochemistry with species cross reactive antibodies was used to assess blood vessel protein expression in paraffin sections. Western blotting was used to further verify antibody specificity for orthologs of mammalian blood vessel proteins in rainbow smelt. Thermal hysteresis and the analysis of glycerol concentrations in vitreous fluid were used to assess the physiologic adaptive properties of cold stressed eyes. Results: Glycerol levels and osmotic pressure were significantly increased in the vitreal fluid of smelt maintained at <0.5 °C versus those maintained at 8–10 °C. Compared to the 8–10 °C adapted specimens, the rete mirabile blood vessels and connecting regions of the endothelial linings of the choroidal vessels of the <0.5 °C adapted specimens showed a higher expression level of Tubedown (Tbdn) protein, a marker of the endothelial transcellular permeability pathway. Expression of the zonula occludens protein ZO-1, a marker of the endothelial paracellular permeability pathway showed a reciprocal expression pattern and was downregulated in rete mirabile blood vessels and connecting regions in the endothelial linings of choroidal vessels in <0.5 °C adapted specimens. Smelt orthologs of the mammalian Tbdn and zoluna occludens protein 1 (ZO-1) proteins were also detected by western blotting using anti-mammalian antibodies raised against the same epitopes as those used for immunohistochemistry. Conclusions: This work provides the first evidence that molecules known to play a role in ocular vascular homeostasis are expressed and may be differentially regulated during anti-freezing cold adaptation in smelt eyes. We propose a hypothesis that in a state of cold-induced hyperosmolarity, changes in ZO-1 expression are associated with the passage of small solutes from the plasma space to ocular fluid, while changes in Tbdn expression regulate the passage of proteins between the ocular fluid and plasma space. This work also provides fundamental insight into the mechanisms underlying the adaptation of the blood-retinal barrier to metabolically relevant compounds such as glycerol

    Improved mitochondrial function in salmon (Salmo salar) following high temperature acclimation suggests that there are cracks in the proverbial ‘ceiling’

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    Mitochondrial function can provide key insights into how fish will respond to climate change, due to its important role in heart performance, energy metabolism and oxidative stress. However, whether warm acclimation can maintain or improve the energetic status of the fish heart when exposed to short-term heat stress is not well understood. We acclimated Atlantic salmon, a highly aerobic eurythermal species, to 12 and 20 °C, then measured cardiac mitochondrial functionality and integrity at 20 °C and at 24, 26 and 28 °C (this species’ critical thermal maximum ± 2 °C). Acclimation to 20 °C vs. 12 °C enhanced many aspects of mitochondrial respiratory capacity and efficiency up to 24 °C, and preserved outer mitochondrial membrane integrity up to 26 °C. Further, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production was dramatically decreased at all temperatures. These data suggest that salmon acclimated to ‘normal’ maximum summer temperatures are capable of surviving all but the most extreme ocean heat waves, and that there is no ‘tradeoff’ in heart mitochondrial function when Atlantic salmon are acclimated to high temperatures (i.e., increased oxidative phosphorylation does not result in heightened ROS production). This study suggests that fish species may show quite different acclimatory responses when exposed to prolonged high temperatures, and thus, susceptibility to climate warming