25 research outputs found

    Three-Quarters of Smartphone Owners Use Location-Based Services

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    Presents survey findings about the use of real-time location-based information and geosocial services such as Foursquare by gender, age, race/ethnicity, income, education, and type of phone. Examines the impact of the increase in smartphone adoption

    Generations and Their Gadgets

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    Outlines survey findings on trends in gadget ownership including cell phones; desktop, laptop, and tablet computers; mp3 players; game consoles; and e-book readers among Millennials, Gen X, Younger and Older Boomers, and the Silent and G.I. Generations

    Generations 2010

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    Examines trends in the prevalence of various online activities such as blogging and social networking among each generation compared with previous survey findings, with a focus on changes in the gaps between Millennials ages 18-33 and older generations

    Wikipedia, Past and Present

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    Presents survey findings on trends in the use of Wikipedia by gender, age, race/ethnicity, income, education, and home Internet connection type and compared with other online activities

    Digital Differences

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    Examines 2000-11 trends in Internet use, high-speed broadband access, methods of accessing the Internet, and online and mobile activities by gender, race/ethnicity, age, income, education, and disability status, as well as reasons for not going online

    4% of Online Americans Use Location-Based Services

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    Presents survey findings on the use of "geosocial," or location-based, services that allow users to share their location with friends, find others nearby, and leave comments by gender, race/ethnicity, age, wireless use, Internet activities, and location

    65% of Online Adults Use Social Networking Sites

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    Presents survey findings about trends in Americans' use of and attitudes toward social networking sites by gender, age, race/ethnicity, income, education, and location type

    28% of American Adults Use Mobile and Social Location-Based Services

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    Presents survey findings about uses of mobile or social location-based services to get directions or recommendations, check in to geosocial services, or use location-tagging on posts, by type of phone, gender, age, race/ethnicity, income, and education

    Cities and Drones: What Cities Need to Know about Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    NLC's municipal guide, Cities and Drones, is designed to serve as a primer on drones for local officials, providing insight into the recently released federal rules relating to drone operation, as well as offering suggestions for how local governments can craft their own drone ordinances to encourage innovation while also protecting their cities.Drones have the potential to revolutionize many industries and city services, particularly as their technology advances. There are many applications for drones within the public sector at the local and state level. Drones can be used for law enforcement and firefighting, as rural ambulances, and for inspections, environmental monitoring, and disaster management. Any commercial arena that involves outdoor photography or visual inspection will likely be experimenting with drones in the near future, as will retailers who want to speed up package delivery.However, drones also present challenges. There are some safety issues, for instance, when operators fly their drones over people or near planes. City residents often have privacy concerns when any small device hovering nearby could potentially be taking photos or video. The FAA's final rule on drones left some opportunity for city governments to legislate on this issue. Rather than ban them outright, city officials should consider how this new technology might serve residents or enhance city services

    Teens, Kindness and Cruelty on Social Network Sites

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    Analyzes survey findings about how teenagers navigate the world of "digital citizenship," including experiences of, reactions to, and sources of advice about online cruelty; privacy controls and practices; and levels of parental regulation