11 research outputs found

    Real Returns to Career Decisions: The Physician's Specialty and Location Choices

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    In this article we estimate a spatial autoregressive multinomial probit model of the choice of location by general practitioners for establishing their initial practice. This model allows us to account for potential interdependencies among location ...

    Building Healthy Tribal Nations in Montana and Wyoming Through Collaborative Research and Development

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    We describe a collaborative approach to reducing health disparities affecting Montana and Wyoming tribal nations while promoting health-protective practices and interventions among these populations. Under the auspices of the Montana-Wyoming Tribal Leaders Council, a consortium has undertaken activities to (1) establish the research infrastructure necessary for conducting ongoing health disparities research, (2) develop a target research agenda that addresses tribally identified priority health issues and tests the feasibility of interventions, (3) develop increased research skills and cultural competency through mentoring activities, and (4) develop effective collaborative relationships. All research projects are user-defined and -authorized, and participation is voluntary

    Back To School: A Health Care Strategy For Youth

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