5 research outputs found

    Data Matters: Chicago's Babies

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    October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. The Social IMPACT Research Center took a look at infant mortality rates and low birth weight rates of Chicago Community Areas and compared these data to the public health goals as outlined in the Chicago Department of Public Health's Healthy Chicago 2020 agenda, to see how Chicago babies were faring on these health indicators

    Data Matters: How Cool Are Seniors in Your Neighborhood?

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    Temperatures in Chicago can reach dangerous levels in the summertime. The Social IMPACT Research Center took a look at the availability of public cooling centers in relation to senior poverty rates throughout the city, to examine what the options are for poor seniors who may be more susceptible to the negative effects of severe heat

    Poor by Comparison: Report on Illinois Poverty

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    A report that examines how Illinois compares to other states on over 25 key metrics associated with poverty and hardship. In addition to addressing the state budget's structural deficit and tax policy, the report offers additional recommendations that, if implemented, would help ensure the people of Illinois can live the best lives possible and make Illinois more competitive in the process

    2015 State Rankings Data

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    This companion to the report Poor by Comparison contains state rankings on over 25 different indicators related to poverty

    Infant Mortality Rate and Low Birth Weight Rate by Chicago Community Area

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    October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. The Social IMPACT Research Center took a look at infant mortality rates and low birth weight rates in Chicago Community Areas and compared these data to the public health goals as outlined in the Chicago Department of Public Health's Healthy Chicago 2020 agenda, to see how Chicago babies are faring on these health indicators