84 research outputs found

    Personalized Feedback Versus Money: The Effect on Reliability of Subjective Data in Online Experimental Platforms

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    We compared the data reliability on a subjective task from two platforms: Amazon's Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and LabintheWild. MTurk incentivizes participants with financial compensation while LabintheWild provides participants with personalized feedback. LabintheWild was found to produce higher data reliability than MTurk. Our findings suggest that online experiment platforms providing feedback in exchange for study participation can produce more reliable data in subjective preference tasks than those offering financial compensation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/134704/1/Ye et al. 2017.pd

    Why girls play: results of a qualitative interview study with female video game players

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    "Qualitative interviews with 7 female players were conducted to gather information on the motives and attitudes of female users of video and computer games. Participants were asked about the importance of different gratifications of game play, critical incidents that initiated their interest in games and their perceived competence in the use of computer technology. Special attention was paid to potential shortcomings of contemporary video and computer games in addressing female players specific needs and the question whether female users can identify with in-game characters of today's computer games. The results indicate that the motive to win is of minor importance for female players. Additionally, many interviewees reported a lack of support for their hobby, especially from same-sex friends. Identification with the avatar is an important component of the gaming experience for the female players in this study. At the same time, contemporary computer games that are often situated in primarily masculine contexts (e.g. war, competition) make it difficult for female users to identify with in-game characters." (author's abstract

    Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis

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    Though statistical analyses are centered on research questions and hypotheses, current statistical analysis tools are not. Users must first translate their hypotheses into specific statistical tests and then perform API calls with functions and parameters. To do so accurately requires that users have statistical expertise. To lower this barrier to valid, replicable statistical analysis, we introduce Tea, a high-level declarative language and runtime system. In Tea, users express their study design, any parametric assumptions, and their hypotheses. Tea compiles these high-level specifications into a constraint satisfaction problem that determines the set of valid statistical tests, and then executes them to test the hypothesis. We evaluate Tea using a suite of statistical analyses drawn from popular tutorials. We show that Tea generally matches the choices of experts while automatically switching to non-parametric tests when parametric assumptions are not met. We simulate the effect of mistakes made by non-expert users and show that Tea automatically avoids both false negatives and false positives that could be produced by the application of incorrect statistical tests.Comment: 11 page

    The Case for Anticipating Undesirable Consequences of Computing Innovations Early, Often, and Across Computer Science

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    From smart sensors that infringe on our privacy to neural nets that portray realistic imposter deepfakes, our society increasingly bears the burden of negative, if unintended, consequences of computing innovations. As the experts in the technology we create, Computer Science (CS) researchers must do better at anticipating and addressing these undesirable consequences proactively. Our prior work showed that many of us recognize the value of thinking preemptively about the perils our research can pose, yet we tend to address them only in hindsight. How can we change the culture in which considering undesirable consequences of digital technology is deemed as important, but is not commonly done?Comment: More details at NSF #2315937: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2315937&HistoricalAwards=fals

    "That's important, but...": How Computer Science Researchers Anticipate Unintended Consequences of Their Research Innovations

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    Computer science research has led to many breakthrough innovations but has also been scrutinized for enabling technology that has negative, unintended consequences for society. Given the increasing discussions of ethics in the news and among researchers, we interviewed 20 researchers in various CS sub-disciplines to identify whether and how they consider potential unintended consequences of their research innovations. We show that considering unintended consequences is generally seen as important but rarely practiced. Principal barriers are a lack of formal process and strategy as well as the academic practice that prioritizes fast progress and publications. Drawing on these findings, we discuss approaches to support researchers in routinely considering unintended consequences, from bringing diverse perspectives through community participation to increasing incentives to investigate potential consequences. We intend for our work to pave the way for routine explorations of the societal implications of technological innovations before, during, and after the research process.Comment: Corresponding author: Rock Yuren Pang, email provided below. Kimberly Do and Rock Yuren Pang contributed equally to this research. The author order is listed alphabetically. To appear in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), April 23-April 28, 2023, Hamburg, Germany. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 16 page

    Imagine a dragon made of seaweed: How images enhance learning in Wikipedia

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    Though images are ubiquitous across Wikipedia, it is not obvious that the image choices optimally support learning. When well selected, images can enhance learning by dual coding, complementing, or supporting articles. When chosen poorly, images can mislead, distract, and confuse. We developed a large dataset containing 470 questions & answers to 94 Wikipedia articles with images on a wide range of topics. Through an online experiment (n=704), we determined whether the images displayed alongside the text of the article are effective in helping readers understand and learn. For certain tasks, such as learning to identify targets visually (e.g., "which of these pictures is a gujia?"), article images significantly improve accuracy. Images did not significantly improve general knowledge questions (e.g., "where are gujia from?"). Most interestingly, only some images helped with visual knowledge questions (e.g., "what shape is a gujia?"). Using our findings, we reflect on the implications for editors and tools to support image selection.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    NLPositionality: Characterizing Design Biases of Datasets and Models

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    Design biases in NLP systems, such as performance differences for different populations, often stem from their creator's positionality, i.e., views and lived experiences shaped by identity and background. Despite the prevalence and risks of design biases, they are hard to quantify because researcher, system, and dataset positionality is often unobserved. We introduce NLPositionality, a framework for characterizing design biases and quantifying the positionality of NLP datasets and models. Our framework continuously collects annotations from a diverse pool of volunteer participants on LabintheWild, and statistically quantifies alignment with dataset labels and model predictions. We apply NLPositionality to existing datasets and models for two tasks -- social acceptability and hate speech detection. To date, we have collected 16,299 annotations in over a year for 600 instances from 1,096 annotators across 87 countries. We find that datasets and models align predominantly with Western, White, college-educated, and younger populations. Additionally, certain groups, such as non-binary people and non-native English speakers, are further marginalized by datasets and models as they rank least in alignment across all tasks. Finally, we draw from prior literature to discuss how researchers can examine their own positionality and that of their datasets and models, opening the door for more inclusive NLP systems.Comment: ACL 202

    Neuropsychological functions of nonverbal hand movements and gestures during sports

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    Emotional body-distant gestures are a prominent feature of winning athletes. Because negative emotions have been associated to increased self-touch behaviour, we investigated the hypothesis that athletes change from a more body-distant nonverbal hand movement behaviour when winning to a body-focused behaviour when losing. Nonverbal hand movements of professional right-handed tennis athletes were videotaped during competition and analyzed by certified raters using the NEUROpsychological GESture(NEUROGES)System. The results showed that losing athletes increase their irregular, on body, and phasic on body hand movements, particularly with the left hand. Emotion / attitude rise gestures with the right hand characterised winning athletes. The data suggest that the nonverbal hand movements of athletes serve different neuropsychological functions. Winners nonverbally express their positive feelings by body-distant gestures but change towards their own body to regulate stress when losing
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