9 research outputs found

    DNA-optischer Sensorchip zur Detektion von Hybridisierungsereignissen in Realzeit

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    NukleinsĂ€uretests werden in vielen Bereichen der medizinischen Diagnostik bereits routinemĂ€ĂŸig eingesetzt und finden zur Zeit auch Eingang in die Lebensmittelanalytik. Der Nachweis der wenigen, in einer Probe vorliegenden DNA-MolekĂŒle bedingt in den meisten FĂ€llen einen Amplifikationsschritt, typischerweise durch die Polymerasekettenreaktion (PCR). Aufgrund der AnfĂ€lligkeit der PCR fĂŒr falsch positive Resultate (z.B. durch falsch hybridisierende Primer) wird hĂ€ufig gefordert, dass die IdentitĂ€t der PCR Produkte bestĂ€tigt werden muss, so in den amtlichen §35-Methoden nach dem LebensmittelbedarfsgegenstĂ€ndegesetz. Hier können die Sequenzierung der amplifizierten DNA, eine hochauflösende Gelelektrophorese nach Restriktionsspaltung oder in der Regel die Hybridisierung mit einer spezifischen DNA Sonde zum Einsatz kommen. In dem klassischen Southern Blot-Verfahren wird dazu zunĂ€chst gelelektrophoretisch die DNA aufgetrennt, auf eine Membran ĂŒbertragen, denaturiert und mit der markierten DNA Sonde hybridisiert. Die spezifisch gebundene, markierte DNA-Sonde wird dann in einer immunologischen FĂ€rbereaktion detektiert. In der vorliegenden PrĂ€sentation wird ein Biosensor vorgestellt, der dieses zeit- und arbeitsaufwendige Verfahren drastisch beschleunigt und vereinfacht

    Systemic toxicity of di-2-ethylhexyl terephthalate (DEHT) in rodents following four weeks of intravenous exposure

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    a b s t r a c t Background: Di-2-ethylhexyl-terephtalate (DEHT) is a general purpose plasticizer and a structural isomer to di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) being known for its toxicity. Despite the fact that DEHT is used in quite a number of synthetics for medical device production including equipment for intravenous administration, toxicity of DEHT has not been assessed after/during intravenous exposure. Hence we report here the results of a toxicity study in male and female rats with continuous intravenous infusion of DEHT over 4 weeks. Methods: The study was done according to OECD guidelines under GLP conditions. The dose was infused per day to male and female rats over a period of 4 weeks with saline (control), middle chain triglycerides (vehicle) as well as with 38.2, 114.5 or 381.6 mg DEHT/kg. Each group (n = 6) was closely monitored regarding survival, body weight development, food and water consumption. Moreover blood and urine samples were taken and a standardized necropsy as wall as a histological analysis was performed after the investigation period. Results: DEHT had no effect on survival, body weight development, food and water consumption in the whole dose range investigated. There were no indications as to hematotoxicity or immunotoxicity. Clinical chemistry and histopathology indicated no exposure related effect on hepatic, thyroidal and reproductive functions or organs. Conclusion: DEHT administered via intravenous infusion was tolerated systemically and locally without adverse effects up to and including 381.6 mg/kg/day (NOAEL = 381.6 mg/kg × day). In particular, there were no effects on reproductive tissues/organs, kidneys, liver hepatocytes and peroxisomes, which are known targets of DEHP-toxicity

    Sensing fatty acid binding protein with planar and fiber-optical surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy devices

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    The human heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) can be used as an early heart infarction marker in clinical diagnostics because its concentration in blood plasma increases about 1.5 to 3 hours after the onset of an acute myocardial infarction. Hence, it is of main interest to determine an infarct with a fast immunosensor. Surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy (SPRS) is one of the most versatile and sensitive direct optical technologies used for biochemical sensors. The aim of this study is the development of a direct optical immunosensor for the detection of H-FABP. Two different SPRS devices have been constructed: the well-known planar configuration and a new promising fiberoptical transducer. Both transducers are compared under the same conditions with regard to the measurement of H-FABP. They show a similar response and an excellent correspondence of the calibration curves. The detection limit of H-FABP in a competitive assay is about 200 ng ml(-1) in both cases

    Kinetic analysis of immunointeractions with covalently immobilized fatty acid-binding protein using a grating coupler sensor

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    Application of a grating coupler sensor (GCS) to the real time investigation of the interaction kinetics of covalently immobilized recombinant bovine heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) and corresponding antibody is described. The immobilization of the antigen is performed by activating the matrix hydroxyl groups with p-toluenesulfonyl chloride (TSC) and afterwards coupling the protein by reaction with its nucleophilic aminogroups. Covalent coupling via TSC permits reproducible measurements of immunointeractions on the same grating coupler sensor chip and complete regeneration after each binding cycle with glycine-hydrochloride. We demonstrate the analysis of binding data obtained on a GCS by linearization as well as direct curve fitting using the integrated rate equation for the determination of apparent rate and affinity constants. With both analysis methods we studied H-FABP/monoclonal anti-H-FABP-antibody interactions and obtained an average apparent association rate constant k(a) = 4.2 x 10(3) M-1 s(-1), a dissociation rate constant of k(d) = 1.3 x 10(-4) s(-1) and an equilibrium constant of K-D = 3 x 10(-8) M. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Disposable optical sensor chip for medical diagnostics: New ways in bioanalysis

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    An optical sensor system is described which is particularly well suited for medical point-of-care diagnostics. The system allows for all kinds of immunochemical assay formats and consists of a disposable sensor chip and an optical readout device. The chip is built up from a ground and cover plate with in- and outlet and, between, of an adhesive film with a capillary aperture of 50 mu m. The ground plate serves as a solid phase for the immobilization of biocomponents, In the readout device, an evanescent held is generated at the surface of the ground plate by total internal reflection of a laser beam. This field is used for the excitation of fluorophor markers. The generated fluorescence light is detected by a simple optical setup using a photomultiplier tube. Because of the evanescent field excitation, washing or separation steps can be avoided. With this system the pregnancy hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) could be determined in human serum with a detection limit of 1 ng/mL, Recovery values were 86, 106, and 102\% for 5, 50, and 100 ng/mL hCG, respectively. The SD in repeated measurements (n = 10) was 5.6\%, Furthermore, the feasibility of the system in competitive-type immunoassays was demonstrated for serum theophylline. A linear calibration curve of signal vs theophylline between 1 and 50 mg/L was obtained. Recovery values varied between 118\% (10 mg/L) and 81.0\% (20 mg/L)

    Kompetenzmanagement - Der Faktor Mensch entscheidet!: Eine gemeinsame Studie des Fraunhofer IPK und des Instituts fĂŒr angewandtes Wissen (iaw) Köln

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    Die gemeinsam vom Institut fĂŒr angewandtes Wissen e.V. (iaw-Köln) und dem Fraunhofer IPK Berlin durchgefĂŒhrte Online-Befragung bei 627 Mitarbeitern zeigt, zum einen wie derzeit Kompetenzmanagement in Unternehmen umgesetzt wird. Zum anderen werden zentrale Trends zur Gestaltung der persönlichen Kompetenzentwicklung aufgezeigt, die sich aus den Befragungsergebnissen ableiten lassen. Wo Kompetenzmanagement zum Einsatz kommt, wird es hĂ€ufig nicht konsequent umgesetzt. Zugleich zeigen sich immer mehr Bereiche, in denen vorhandene Instrumente nicht mehr greifen können. Die Deckung des kurzfristigen, aufgabenspezifischen Wissensbedarfs beispielsweise wird nur unzureichend durch das Unternehmen unterstĂŒtzt. Der Mitarbeiter ist in erster Linie auf sich alleine gestellt. Auf diesem Feld zeigt sich deutlicher Handlungsbedarf, sowohl wie diese UnterstĂŒtzung aussehen sollte als auch wie dieses Vorhaben in der Praxis umgesetzt werden kann. FĂŒr Unternehmen und deren Personalverantwortliche stellt dies eine große Herausforderung fĂŒr die Zukunft da, um in Zeiten knapper Budgets die vorhandenen Mitarbeiter optimal auf ihre Aufgaben vorzubereiten

    Chemical Sensors

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