1 research outputs found

    Dekapodni rakovi u zaljevu Argolikos (istočni dio Sredozemnog mora, središnji dio Egejskog mora)

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    The study presents the biomass, the abundance and the depth distribution of the decapod crustaceans in Argolikos Gulf (Central Aegean Sea) from data collected in trawl surveys carried out throughout 2008. This work is the first systematic work in this important Greek area and will support the knowledge for understanding the decapods stocks’ fishery in the above area. A total of 28 species of decapod crustaceans was identified from a total of 42 hauls made in three depth zones (50-100 m, 100-200 m, 500-600 m). Among decapods recorded were 6 Dendrobranchiata (5 Penaeoidea, 1 Sergestoidea), 22 Pleocyemata (9 Brachyura, 8 Caridea, 2 Anomura, 1 Palinurid, 1 Astacideum, 1 Stenopodidea). The most abundant commercial species found in both shallower depth zones (50-100 m, 100-200 m ) was Parapenaeus longirostris while in the deepest one (500-600 m) Aristaeomorpha foliacea was the most numerous. Some new depth distribution records for the Eastern Mediterranean were obtained for some few species.U ovom radu su prikazani biomasa, abundancija i dubinska raspodjela dekapodnih rakova u Argolikos zaljevu (središnji dio Egejskog mora) dobiveni iz podataka prikupljenih povlačnim alatima tijekom 2008. godine. Ovaj rad je prvi sustavni rad, iz ovog važnog grčkog područja, koji donosi saznanja za bolje razumijevanje dekapodnih zaliha. Ustanovljeno je 28 vrsta dekapodnih rakova tijekom 42 koćarska potega na tri dubine (50-100 m, 100-200 m, 500-600 m). Zabilježene su slijedeće vrste dekapodnih rakova: 6 Dendrobranchiata (5 Penaeoidea, 1 Sergestoidea), 22 Pleocyemata (9 Brachyura, 8 Caridea, 2 Anomura, 1 Palinurid, 1 stacideum, 1 Stenopodidea). Najbrojnija komercijalna vrsta koja je pronađena u obje pliće zone (50-100 m, 100-200 m) je P. longirostris, dok je u najdubljoj zoni (500-600 m) bio najbrojniji A. foliacea. Tijekom istraživanja u istočnom Sredozemnom moru su ustanovljeni novi nalazi o raspodjeli nekih vrsta prema dubini