53 research outputs found

    Anti-Inflammatory Therapy in Diabetic Retinopathy

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    Analysis of faecal bacteria isolated from air and seawater samples following an emergency sewage discharge into the Gulf of Gdansk in 2018 — preliminary study

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    Background: Knowing the numbers of bacteria in coastal atmospheric air as well as in coastal waters significantly contributes to a better understanding of the processes affecting the health of people who stay temporarily or permanently in areas where the synergistic effect of the atmospheric conditions and the aquatic environment on a human body is particularly strong. Materials and methods: Seawater and air samples were collected from 22 May to 22 July 2018 in the seaside towns of Hel, Puck, Gdynia, Sopot, Gdansk-Brzezno, all located along the Gulf of Gdansk. The number of psychrophilic, mesophilic as well as coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli was determined in both the water and the ambient air samples. In total, 232 seawater and coastal air samples were collected for the study purposes. Results: The study showed a deterioration of coastal waters and atmospheric air in the Gulf of Gdansk which may have resulted from an increase of potentially pathogenic mesophilic bacteria following the emergency discharge of raw sewage from the Gdansk-Wschod wastewater plant. Conclusions: An increase in the number of coliform bacteria and Escherichia coli in the seawater and in the air across the Gulf of Gdansk is related to the emergency sewage discharge

    Early Intervention and Nonpharmacological Therapy of Myopia in Young Adults

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    Myopia is a condition of the eye where parallel rays focus in front of, instead of on, the retina, which results in excessive refractive power of the cornea or the lens or eyeball elongation. Studies carried out in recent years show that the etiology of myopia is complex with genetic and environmental factors playing a role. Refraction defects decrease the quality of vision, while progressing myopia can lead to partial loss of vision, which can be particularly dramatic in young adults. Therefore, it is so crucial to take appropriate actions aimed at preventing myopia progression. This is a review of nonpharmacological therapeutic possibilities of refraction defect prevention in young adults, with special regard to myofascial therapy, osteopathy, and massage of acupuncture points surrounding the eye

    The contribution of the selected parameters of lipid metabolism to the development of diabetic nephropathy in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus type 1

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    WSTĘP. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena gospodarki lipidowej i jej wpływu na rozwój nefropatii cukrzycowej u dzieci chorych na cukrzycę typu 1. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniami objęto 185 dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 86 zdrowych dzieci. U wszystkich badanych dzieci oznaczono stężenie HbA1c, triglicerydów, cholesterolu całkowitego, jego frakcji LDL i HDL oraz oceniono dobowe wydalanie albumin w moczu. WYNIKI. W przeprowadzonym badaniu nie wykazano znamiennie statystycznych różnic między grupą dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 a grupą kontrolną. Porównując dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 i z mikroalbuminurią (grupa A) oraz bez udokumentowanej mikroalbuminurii (grupa B) z dziećmi zdrowymi, wykazano, że stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego i jego frakcji LDL były istotnie wyższe w grupie A, w porównaniu z grupą dzieci zdrowych, ale nie różniły się istotnie między grupą B a grupą kontrolną. Analiza statystyczna badanych parametrów lipidowych w grupie dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1, uwzględniająca stężenie HbA1c, wykazała znamienny statystycznie wzrost stężenia cholesterolu całkowitego (p < 0,001), jego frakcji LDL (p < 0,001), stężenia triglicerydów (p < 0,001) wraz z czasem trwania choroby. WNIOSKI. Prawidłowy profil lipidowy u dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1 w pierwszych latach choroby nie gwarantuje, że w dalszym przebiegu cukrzycy nie rozwiną się objawy kliniczne nefropatii cukrzycowej.BACKGROUND. The aim of the work was to evaluate lipid metabolism and its influence on the development of diabetic nephropathy in children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus type 1. MATERIAL AND METHODS. 185 children with diabetes mellitus type 1 were enrolled in the study. The control group consisted of 86 healthy children. All the children had HbA1c, triglycerides, total cholesterol and its HDL and LDL fractions as well as daily urinary albumin secretion assessed. RESULTS. No statistically significant differences were observed between children with diabetes mellitus type 1 and the healthy controls. When comparing children with diabetes mellitus type 1 presenting with microalbuminuria (group A) to patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 without overt microalbuminuria (group B) and healthy children it come out that the levels of total cholesterol and its LDL fraction were statistically significantly higher in group A with regard to the healthy children but were not significantly different between group B patients and the control group. Statistical analysis of the selected lipid parameters and HbA1c levels has shown a statistically significant increase in the level of total cholesterol (p < 0.001) its LDL fraction (p < 0.001) and triglycerides (p < 0.001) correspondingly to the duration of the disease. CONCLUSIONS. Presence of the proper lipid profile during the first years of diabetes mellitus type 1 in children cannot guarantee that afterward the patient will not demonstrate clinical symptoms of the diabetic nephropathy

    The orgin of advanced glycation endproducts and development of diabetic complications

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    Mimo że wykazano wiele koncepcji patofizjologii powstawania powikłań cukrzycowych, badania wciąż skupiają się na roli końcowych produktów glikacji (AGEs) w patogenezie późnych powikłań występujących w przebiegu cukrzycy. Stwierdzono, że stężenie AGEs koreluje ze stopniem wczesnych, przedklinicznych zmian charakterystycznych dla nefropatii i retinopatii cukrzycowej. Rola AGEs w pożywieniu jest, jak dotąd, mało znanym i rzadko opisywanym problemem. Wyniki badań z ostatnich lat świadczą o tym, że stężenie AGEs jest najwyższe w mięsie i produktach pochodzenia zwierzęcego. Poza tym ich stężenie znacznie wzrasta w potrawach smażonych, pieczonych oraz grillowanych. Natomiast przygotowywanie potraw w niższych temperaturach, w krótszym czasie lub na parze powoduje mniejszy wzrost stężenia AGEs. Wydaje się więc, że w przypadku chorych na cukrzycę bardzo istotne znaczenie ma zarówno dobór pokarmów, jak i sposób przygotowania posiłków; powinni o tym pamiętać pacjenci i zajmujący się nimi lekarze. (Diabet. Prakt. 2008; 9: 12-17)Despite the fact that there are many concepts regarding the processes leading to development of diabetic complications, investigations still focus on the role of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) in pathogenesis of late diabetic complications. Level of advanced glycation end products is correlated with early preclinical changes specific for diabetic nephropathy end retinopathy. Yet, so far the role of AGEs is not well understood. Recent studies have shown that the highest amount of AGEs is found in meat, meat-derived products and foods of the fat group. The amount of AGEs is related to the method of food preparation. It is increased in products after broiling, frying, roasting, while meal preparation in lower temperature, shorter time, on steam etc. results in lower AGEs&#8217; formation. Hence, it is important that the diabetic patients and their doctors are aware of the range of sources of AGEs in diet and their relative concentrations depending on the particular way of food preparation. (Diabet. Prakt. 2008; 9: 12-18

    Lower Frequency of CD62Lhigh and Higher Frequency of TNFR2+ Tregs Are Associated with Inflammatory Conditions in Type 1 Diabetic Patients

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    Diabetes type 1 is a chronic autoimmune disease in which insulin-producing cells are gradually destroyed by autoreactive T cells. Human regulatory cells play important role in controlling autoimmunity, and their qualitative or quantitative dysfunctions may result in ineffective suppression of autoreactive T cells. CD62L is a surface molecule that plays role in homing capabilities of Tregs, and only cells with high expression of CD62L have high suppressive potential. Tregs are also characterized by the constant expression of TNFR2. The frequency of Tregs carrying TNFR2 is higher in inflammatory conditions. We investigated blood regulatory T cells with CD62L expression and regulatory T cells expressing TNFR2 in type 1 diabetic patients. We found differences in these populations when comparing to healthy individuals. We propose that these may be associated with inflammatory conditions that are present in patients with type 1 diabetes. The lower percentage of Tregs and Treg CD62Lhigh may contribute to ineffective suppression of proinflammatory cytokines production during type 1 diabetes

    The use of low doses of long-acting insulin as an effective therapy in latent autoimmune diabetes in adults — cases report

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    Cukrzyca typu LADA jest chorobą o podłożu autoim­munologicznym wynikającą z obecności przeciwciał przeciw antygenom wysp trzustkowych, o powolnej progresji do całkowitej utraty funkcji komórek beta. W licznych badaniach dowiedziono, że u pacjentów z cukrzycą LADA leczonych insuliną funkcja komórek beta jest dłużej zachowana. Jednak optymalny spo­sób insulinoterapii nie został jednoznacznie ustalony. Celem pracy było przedstawienie trzech przypadków cukrzycy typu LADA, w których zastosowano leczenie małymi dawkami (&lt; 0,15 jm./kg) insuliny długodzia­łającej raz na dobę, uzyskując w kilkuletniej (3–6 lat) obserwacji dobre wyrównanie metaboliczne i kliniczne. Zaproponowana insulinoterapia może być dobrą alter­natywą w leczeniu cukrzycy typu LADA podtrzymującą długotrwale remisję kliniczną jako wyraz protekcji ko­mórek beta trzustki. Interesujące jest, przez jak długi okres insulinoterapia małymi dawkami insuliny długo­działającej może być skuteczna, dlatego też wskazane są dalsze badania. Latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA) is an autoimmune disorder due to the presence of anti­-islet antibodies with slow progression to complete beta-cell secretory insufficiency. Clinical trials proved that the insulin treated patients with LADA maintain better beta-cell function. However the optimal insulin therapy has not been established. We report three clinical cases of LADA. The treatment in those cases have been based on small doses (&lt; 0.15 IU/kg) long­-acting insulin injections once daily for 3 to 6 years with good metabolic and clinical control. It might be a good alternative for optimal management in LADA patients which maintains long clinical remission as a manifestation of beta-cell protection, but further studies exploring the best treatment in patients with LADA are needed

    Serum TNF-Alpha Level Predicts Nonproliferative Diabetic Retinopathy in Children

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    The aim of this study was identification of the immunologic markers of the damage to the eye apparatus at early stages of diabetes mellitus (DM) type 1 children. One hundred and eleven children with DM type 1 were divided into two groups: those with nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and without retinopathy. All the children had their daily urine albumin excretion, HbA1c, C-peptide measured, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, and ophthalmologic examination. Levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-12 in serum were measured by ELISA tests (Quantikine High Sensitivity Human by R&D Systems, Minneapolis, Minn, USA). The NPDR children demonstrated a significantly longer duration of the disease in addition to higher HbA1c, albumin excretion rate, C-reactive protein, systolic blood pressure, as well as TNF-α and IL-6 levels than those without retinopathy. The logistic regression revealed that the risk of NPDR was strongly dependent on TNF-α [(OR 4.01; 95%CI 2.01−7.96)]. TNF-α appears to be the most significant predictor among the analyzed parameters of damage to the eye apparatus. The early introduction of the TNF-α antagonists to the treatment of young patients with DM type 1 who show high serum activity of the TNF-α may prevent them from development of diabetic retinopathy