13 research outputs found

    Effects of an Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Conditioned medium and TGF-β1 on Human Keratinocytes In Vitro

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    Human keratinocytes play a crucial role during skin wound healing and in skin replacement therapies. The secretome of adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) has been shown to secrete pro-healing factors, among which include TGF-β1, which is essential for keratinocyte migration and the re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds during skin wound healing. The benefits of an ASC conditioned medium (ASC-CM) are primarily orchestrated by trophic factors that mediate autocrine and paracrine effects in keratinocytes. Here, we evaluated the composition and the innate characteristics of the ASC secretome and its biological effects on keratinocyte maturation and wound healing in vitro. In particular, we detected high levels of different growth factors, such as HGF, FGFb, and VEGF, and other factors, such as TIMP1 and 4, IL8, PAI-1, uPA, and IGFBP-3, in the ASC-CM. Further, we investigated, using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry, the distinct effects of a human ASC-CM and/or synthetic TGF-β1 on human keratinocyte proliferation, migration, and cell apoptosis suppression. We demonstrated that the ASC-CM increased keratinocyte proliferation as compared to TGF-β1 treatment. Further, we found that the ASC-CM exerted cell cycle progression in keratinocytes via regulating the phases G1, S, and G2/M. In particular, cells subjected to the ASC-CM demonstrated increased DNA synthesis (S phase) compared to the TGF-β1-treated KCs, which showed a pronounced G0/G1 phase. Furthermore, both the ASC-CM and TGF-β1 conditions resulted in a decreased expression of the late differentiation marker CK10 in human keratinocytes in vitro, whereas both treatments enhanced transglutaminase 3 and loricrin expression. Interestingly, the ASC-CM promoted significantly increased numbers of keratinocytes expressing epidermal basal keratinocyte markers, such DLL1 and Jagged2 Notch ligands, whereas those ligands were significantly decreased in TGF-β1-treated keratinocytes. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the ASC-CM is a potent stimulator of human keratinocyte proliferation in vitro, particularly supporting basal keratinocytes, which are crucial for a successful skin coverage after transplantation. In contrast, TGF-β1 treatment decreased keratinocyte proliferation and specifically increased the expression of differentiation markers in vitro

    Bio-engineering a prevascularized human tri-layered skin substitute containing a hypodermis

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    Severe injuries to skin including hypodermis require full-thickness skin replacement. Here, we bioengineered a tri-layered human skin substitute (TLSS) containing the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The hypodermal layer was generated by differentiation of human adipose stem cells (ASC) in a collagen type I hydrogel and combined with a prevascularized dermis consisting of human dermal microvascular endothelial cells and fibroblasts, which arranged into a dense vascular network. Subsequently, keratinocytes were seeded on top to generate the epidermal layer of the TLSS. The differentiation of ASC into adipocytes was confirmed in vitro on the mRNA level by the presence of adiponectin, as well as by the expression of perilipin and FABP-4 proteins. Moreover, functional characteristics of the hypodermis in vitro and in vivo were evaluated by Oil Red O, BODIPY, and AdipoRed stainings visualizing intracellular lipid droplets. Further, we demonstrated that both undifferentiated ASC and mature adipocytes present in the hypodermis influenced the keratinocyte maturation and homeostasis in the skin substitutes after transplantation. In particular, an enhanced secretion of TGF-β1 by these cells affected the epidermal morphogenesis as assessed by the expression of key proteins involved in the epidermal differentiation including cytokeratin 1, 10, 19 and cornified envelope formation such as involucrin. Here, we propose a novel functional hypodermal-dermo-epidermal tri-layered skin substitute containing blood capillaries that efficiently promote regeneration of skin defects. Statement of significance The main objective of this study was to develop and assess the usefulness of a tri-layered human prevascularized skin substitute (TLSS) containing an epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis. The bioengineered hypodermis was generated from human adipose mesenchymal stem cells (ASC) and combined with a prevascularized dermis and epidermis. The TLSS represents an exceptional model for studying the role of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in vitro and in vivo. In particular, we observed that enhanced secretion of TGF-β1 in the hypodermis exerted a profound impact on fibroblast and keratinocyte differentiation, as well as epidermal barrier formation and homeostasis. Therefore, improved understanding of the cell-cell interactions in such a physiological skin model is essential to gain insights into different aspects of wound healing

    Induction of angiogenic and inflammation-associated dermal biomarkers following acute UVB exposure on bio-engineered pigmented dermo-epidermal skin substitutes in vivo

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    PURPOSE Ultraviolet (UV) radiation adversely affects skin health at cellular and molecular levels. Hence, UV radiation can directly induce inflammatory responses in the dermis by inducing erythema, edema, inflammation, dermal fibroblasts alterations, and extracellular matrix modifications. METHODS Human keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from skin biopsies, cultured, and expanded in vitro. Fibroblasts were seeded into collagen type I hydrogels that were subsequently covered by keratinocytes and melanocytes. These pigmented dermo-epidermal skin substitutes (pigmDESS) were transplanted for 5 weeks onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats, exposed to a single UVB dose of 250 mJ/cm or unexposed and excised after 1 week. The effects onto the dermis were assessed regarding cell number, cell phenotype, and cell proliferation. Local inflammation by granulocytes (HIS48) or macrophages (CD11b, iNOS) was analyzed by immunohistochemistry staining. RESULTS We observed a significantly enhanced ingrowth rate of blood capillaries, but not of lymphatic capillaries at 1 week post-irradiation. Moreover, the enhanced vascularization of pigmDESS after UVB exposure was concomitant with a high infiltration of granulocytes and monocytes/macrophages to the dermal part of grafts. In addition, a heterogeneous expression of HIF-1α and TNFα was detected at this early phase after UVB exposure. In local cellular response examination, results only show a moderate cell proliferation in the dermis. CONCLUSIONS We were able to define early markers of UVB-induced effects in the dermis of pigmDESS. Overall, a single UVB dose induces temporary acute angiogenic and immune responses during the early post-irradiation phase in vivo

    Expression Profile of CD157 Reveals Functional Heterogeneity of Capillaries in Human Dermal Skin

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    CD157 acts as a receptor, regulating leukocyte trafficking and the binding of extracellular matrix components. However, the expression pattern and the role of CD157 in human blood (BEC) and the lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) of human dermal microvascular cells (HDMEC), remain elusive. We demonstrated constitutive expression of CD157 on BEC and LEC, in fetal and juvenile/adult skin, in situ, as well as in isolated HDMEC. Interestingly, CD157 epitopes were mostly localized on BEC, co-expressing high levels of CD31 (CD31High), as compared to CD31Low BEC, whereas the podoplanin expression level on LEC did not affect CD157. Cultured HDMEC exhibited significantly higher numbers of CD157-positive LEC, as compared to BEC. Interestingly, separated CD157− and CD157+ HDMEC demonstrated no significant differences in clonal expansion in vitro, but they showed distinct expression levels of cell adhesion molecules, before and after cytokine stimulation in vitro. In particular, we proved the enhanced and specific adherence of CD11b-expressing human blood myeloid cells to CD157+ HDMEC fraction, using an in vitro immune-binding assay. Indeed, CD157 was also involved in chemotaxis and adhesion of CD11b/c monocytes/neutrophils in prevascularized dermo–epidermal skin substitutes (vascDESS) in vivo. Thus, our data attribute specific roles to endothelial CD157, in the regulation of innate immunity during inflammation

    The influence of CD26+ and CD26− fibroblasts on the regeneration of human dermo-epidermal skin substitutes

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    CD26, also known as dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV), is a multifunctional transmembrane protein playing a significant role in the cutaneous wound healing processes in the mouse skin. However, only scarce data are available regarding the distribution and function of this protein in the human skin. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of CD26 deficiency in human primary fibroblasts on the regeneration of human tissue-engineered skin substitutes in vivo. Dermo-epidermal skin analogs, based on collagen type I hydrogels, were populated either with human CD26+ or CD26knockout fibroblasts and seeded with human epidermal keratinocytes. These skin substitutes were transplanted onto the back of immune-incompetent rodents. Three weeks post-transplantation, the grafts were excised and analyzed with respect to specific epidermal and dermal maturation markers. For the first time, we show here that the expression of CD26 protein in human dermis is age-dependent. Furthermore, we prove that CD26+ fibroblasts are more active in the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) both in vitro and in vivo and are necessary to achieve rapid epidermal and dermal homeostasis after transplantation

    Expression Profile of CD157 Reveals Functional Heterogeneity of Capillaries in Human Dermal Skin

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    CD157 acts as a receptor, regulating leukocyte trafficking and the binding of extracellular matrix components. However, the expression pattern and the role of CD157 in human blood (BEC) and the lymphatic endothelial cells (LEC) of human dermal microvascular cells (HDMEC), remain elusive. We demonstrated constitutive expression of CD157 on BEC and LEC, in fetal and juvenile/adult skin, in situ, as well as in isolated HDMEC. Interestingly, CD157 epitopes were mostly localized on BEC, co-expressing high levels of CD31 (CD31High), as compared to CD31Low BEC, whereas the podoplanin expression level on LEC did not affect CD157. Cultured HDMEC exhibited significantly higher numbers of CD157-positive LEC, as compared to BEC. Interestingly, separated CD157− and CD157+ HDMEC demonstrated no significant differences in clonal expansion in vitro, but they showed distinct expression levels of cell adhesion molecules, before and after cytokine stimulation in vitro. In particular, we proved the enhanced and specific adherence of CD11b-expressing human blood myeloid cells to CD157+ HDMEC fraction, using an in vitro immune-binding assay. Indeed, CD157 was also involved in chemotaxis and adhesion of CD11b/c monocytes/neutrophils in prevascularized dermo–epidermal skin substitutes (vascDESS) in vivo. Thus, our data attribute specific roles to endothelial CD157, in the regulation of innate immunity during inflammation

    Impact of human mesenchymal cells of different body site origins on the maturation of dermo-epidermal skin substitutes

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    AIM OF THE STUDY The use of autologous bio-engineered dermo-epidermal skin substitutes (DESS) yields a pivotal opportunity to cover large skin defects in human patients. These skin grafts consist of both epidermal and dermal compartments necessary for robust and permanent functional wound closure. In this study, we investigated the impact of mesenchymal cells derived from different body site origins on the expression pattern of diverse markers within DESS. METHODS Human keratinocytes were obtained from interfollicular epidermis, and mesenchymal cells were isolated from foreskin, palmar skin, fat tissue, and tonsils. After expansion, epidermal cells were seeded on collagen I hydrogels containing stromal cells. These human DESS were transplanted on the back of immune-incompetent rats. After 3 weeks, transplants were excised and analyzed using immunohistology techniques. MAIN RESULTS The macroscopic appearance of skin grafts containing tonsil, fat tissue, or palmar derived mesenchymal cells, was similar to substitutes with foreskin derived dermal fibroblasts. All skin grafts had a strong membrane-localized expression of Lingo-1 in the epidermis. Additionally, we observed an intense expression of transglutaminase 5 in upper epidermal cell layers of the skin grafts confirming a proper keratinocyte differentiation. Tropoelastin was localized throughout the dermal compartments and tightly in contact with the dermo-epidermal junction suggesting an advanced maturation of all skin grafts. CONCLUSIONS Our data implicate that stromal cells derived from tonsil, fat tissue, and palmar skin can assume fibroblast functions supporting keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation. These findings indicate that distinct types of mesenchymal cells can be clinically used for skin engineering purposes

    The Role of CD200–CD200 Receptor in Human Blood and Lymphatic Endothelial Cells in the Regulation of Skin Tissue Inflammation

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    CD200 is a cell membrane glycoprotein that interacts with its structurally related receptor (CD200R) expressed on immune cells. We characterized CD200–CD200R interactions in human adult/juvenile (j/a) and fetal (f) skin and in in vivo prevascularized skin substitutes (vascDESS) prepared by co-culturing human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMEC), containing both blood (BEC) and lymphatic (LEC) EC. We detected the highest expression of CD200 on lymphatic capillaries in j/a and f skin as well as in vascDESS in vivo, whereas it was only weakly expressed on blood capillaries. Notably, the highest CD200 levels were detected on LEC with enhanced Podoplanin expression, while reduced expression was observed on Podoplanin-low LEC. Further, qRT-PCR analysis revealed upregulated expression of some chemokines, including CC-chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21) in j/aCD200+ LEC, as compared to j/aCD200− LEC. The expression of CD200R was mainly detected on myeloid cells such as granulocytes, monocytes/macrophages, T cells in human peripheral blood, and human and rat skin. Functional immunoassays demonstrated specific binding of skin-derived CD200+ HDMEC to myeloid CD200R+ cells in vitro. Importantly, we confirmed enhanced CD200–CD200R interaction in vascDESS in vivo. We concluded that the CD200–CD200R axis plays a crucial role in regulating tissue inflammation during skin wound healing