155 research outputs found
Religion and gender in migration to and from Central and Eastern Europe : introductory reflections
Since the beginning of the 1980s, the previously one-dimensional economic approach that was once dominant in migration studies has been critically reviewed and, as a result, migration has become problematised. The incorporation of other dimensions in the analysis of the processes of migration allowed for more complex diagnoses of global inequalities and related socio-cultural phenomena
Gender as a differentiating category in migrant religious organisations
Celem artykułu jest analiza wzorów działań kobiet i mężczyzn w polskich migracyjnych organizacjach religijnych Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego na przykładzie Polskich Misji Katolickich (PMK) w Anglii, Belgii i Szwecji, rozpatrywanych jako izomorficzne, to znaczy zależne od środowiska społecznego i zmieniające się w jego kontekście. PMK to organizacje, które działają w społeczeństwach migracyjnych, pełniące wobec Polek i Polaków funkcje religijne, społeczne i kulturowe. Wykorzystując podejścia jakościowe, analizę treści indywidualnych i zbiorowych wywiadów pogłębionych z 96 osobami - zarówno świeckimi, konsekrowanymi, jak i ordynowanymi, aktywnymi w strukturach PMK, rekonstruujemy trzy główne wzory płciowe, które (re)produkowane 1 artykuł powstał w ramach finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki grantu SONATA BIS, "Płeć kulturowa jako czynnik różnicujący organizacje religijne. Płciowe praktyki społeczne i ich interpretacje w organizacjach Polskiej Misji Katolickiej w Anglii, Szwecji i Belgii", nr 2014/14/E/HS6/00327.
302 Katarzyna Leszczyńska, Sylwia Urbańska, Katarzyna Zielińska
są w praktykach społecznych w organizacjach misyjnych. Wśród nich
rozpoznajemy tradycyjne wzory kobiecości i męskości, które są esencjalistyczne i homogeniczne w ramach dychotomicznego podziału. Wyodrębniamy także praktyki emancypujące kobiecość, zwracając szczególną uwagę na rolę otoczenia organizacyjnego kraju przyjmującego migrantów w produkowaniu egalitarnych wzorów płciowych. W końcu, wskazujemy na praktyki podejmowane przez religijnych mężczyzn, które określamy mianem retradycjonalizujących, ukierunkowanych na restytucję hegemonicznej męskości.The aim of the article is to analyze the patterns of social practices
of women and men in the Polish migratory religious organizations
of the Roman Catholic Church, i.e. Polish Catholic Missions (PCM) in
England, Belgium and Sweden. We consider them as isomorphic, i.e. dependent on the social environment and prone to changes stemming from the context in which they function. PCMs function in migrant societies
and fulfil religious, social and cultural functions for Poles. Using qualitative
methodology of content analysis of individual and collective in-depth
interviews conducted with 96 people - lay, consecrated, and ordained men
and women, active in PCM structures - we reconstruct the three main gender patterns (re)produced in social practices within these organizations. Among them, we recognize traditional patterns of femininity and masculinity, which are essentialistic and homogeneous within the dichotomous division. We also distinguish practices of emancipating femininity, paying particular attention to the role of the organizational environment of the host country of migrants in the production of egalitarian gender patterns. Finally, we point to the practices of religious men, which we call retraditionalization, directed at the restitution of hegemonic masculinity
Comparison of fetal myocardial contractility before and after laser photocoagulation of communicating vessels in twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
Objectives: To evaluate changes in myocardial contractility that occur after selective laser photocoagulation of communicating vessels (SLPCV) in fetuses from pregnancies complicated with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS). Methods: The study included 51 pregnant women between 16 and 26 weeks of gestation who underwent SLPCV due to TTTS. Ultrasonography was performed before SLPCV and on postoperative day 1, 3(4) and 7. Fetal heart contractility in both fetuses was evaluated by determining the shortening fractions of the left and right ventricles (FS LV and FS RV), and the myocardial performance index (Tei-Index). Results: There was a significant increase in postoperative FS LV and FS RV in recipients (from 35.7% to 44%, P=0.037 and from 27.6% to 32.9%, P=0.021, respectively). Pre-operative Tei-Index values for both the left (0.55) and right ventricle (0.6) were above normal. The mean postoperative Tei-Index for the left ventricle decreased significantly to 0.49 (P=0.011), while no significant change was observed in the right ventricle (0.57). No significant differences between pre- and postoperative FS and Tei-Index values were noted in the donors. Conclusions: SLPCV is reflected by a significantly increased myocardial contractility in recipients
Ocena pobrania energii oraz podstawowych składników pokarmowych przez wychowanków krakowskich domów dziecka i ośrodków szkolno-wychowawczych
Assesment of the energy and basic nutrients intake with daily diets by of residents of chosen orphanages located in KrakowThe aim of this study was to assess the intake of energy, proteins, fat, carbohydrates and fiber by residents of selected orphanages in Krakow.Intake of basic nutrients and dietary fiber was performed based on chemical analysis of the daily diets, collected for four days of week (including Sunday and Friday, due to the different nutritional habits). Chemical analysis included determination of selected nutrients: proteins, fat and fiber. Digestible carbohydrate content and energy values were calculated using the appropriate formulas.Assessment of dietary intake indicated numerous nutritional mistakes such as low supply of energy, carbohydrates, fat and fiber. Daily diets of children had an excessive amount of protein, (5-times more).Increasing the intake of total fat, whit the proper amount of Essential Fatty Acids, would create the possibility to compensate energy deficit, observed in this study. Similarly, diets rich in carbohydrates, particularly complex (slowly digestible starch), would allow to cover the daily requirements for these compounds, fiber and energy
Influence of Phosvitin and Calcium Gluconate Concentration on Permeation and Intestinal Absorption of Calcium Ions
The effect of egg yolk phosvitin on the permeation and absorption of calcium was investigated in vitro in relation to calcium gluconate concentration. Obtained results indicate that phosvitin significantly reduces the intestinal calcium absorption from 1 and 10 mM of calcium gluconate solution. It is associated with the formation of the complex of Ca (II) ions with phosvitin. The process of calcium permeation increases under phosvitin influence when calcium gluconate concentrations rise up to 10 mM. At a higher concentration of calcium gluconate (20 mM), no effect of phosvitin was seen on permeation of calcium ions
Prenatal diagnosis of Cri du chat, complicated with complex heart defect with many contraindications to cardiac surgery - a case report.
Przedstawiono przypadek prenatalnie rozpoznanego zespołu Cri du chat, powikłanego złożoną wrodzoną wadą serca, z wieloma problemami dodatkowymi, które ostatecznie stały się podstawą do dyskwalifikacji dziecka ze złożonego leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Ze względu na występowanie złożonej morfologii wrodzonej wady serca, z potencjalną koniecznością wieloetapowego leczenia, ciężką postać zespołu genetycznego potwierdzonego w szczegółowych badaniach cytogenetycznych, ciężki przebieg kliniczny oraz liczne przeciwwskazania związane z dysfunkcją wielu narządów, dziecka ostatecznie nie zakwalifikowano do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Posiadanie wiedzy opartej na diagnostyce prenatalnej pozwala wstępnie przewidzieć ciężkie konsekwencje u noworodka oraz objęcie kompleksową opieką paliatywną dziecka i jego rodziny. Szczegółowe poradnictwo genetyczne umożliwia przygotowanie rodziców na urodzenie dziecka z wadą genetyczną i złożoną wrodzoną wadą serca niekwalifikującą się do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego.It was presented a case of prenatally diagnosed Cri du chat syndrome, complicated by multiple congenital heart disease, with many additional problems that eventually may become the basis for disqualification the child from complex cardiac surgery. Due to the complexity of congenital heart disease, the potential for multistage treatment, the severe form of the genetic syndrome confirmed by detailed cytogenetic studies, severe clinical course, and multiple organ dysfunction, patient has not been qualified for cardiac surgery. Knowledge based on prenatal diagnosis allows to predict severe consequences in the newborn. Detailed genetic counseling makes it possible to prepare parents for a genetic birth defect and a congenital heart defect not eligible for cardiac surgery
Image analysis discloses differences in nuclear parameters between ERG+ and ERG- prostatic carcinomas
Prostatic carcinoma (PC) is the most frequent urologic cancer and one of the most frequent cancers in males; it is a heterogeneous disease, in terms of molecular features, morphology and prognosis. About half of cases depends on TMPRSS2-ETS translocation which leads to a production of ERG transcription factor. ERG+ and ERG– cancers seem to differ in a number of features, which could lead to an altered nuclear structure; the aim of the study was to test this hypothesis. The material consisted of total 39 PC cases, representing ERG+ and ERG–, as well as Gleason pattern 3 and 4. Filtering by color deconvolution and automatic segmentation were used, and the properly detected nuclei were manually selected. From each case fifty nuclei were obtained; then geometric features and texture parameters were assessed. The analysis of the collected data showed differences both between ERG+/ERG– and Gleason pattern 3 and 4 cases in most of the features analyzed. Our results suggest that indeed the ERG status, thus likely TMPRSS2-ETS translocation, has an impact on morphology of nuclei in PC, and their differences are evident enough to be detectable by image analysis
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