32 research outputs found

    Skuteczność ruksolitynibu w leczeniu chorych na mielofibrozę z chorobami współistniejącymi

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    Myelofibrosis (MF) is a heterogenous Philadelphia-myeloproliferative neoplasm that is characterized by bone marrow fibrosis and impaired hematopoiesis. Clinical hallmarks of MF are increased splenomegaly, cytopenias and general symptoms. Deregulation of JAK–STAT signaling pathway plays a key role in the pathogenesis of MF. Ruxolitinib is a selective and oral JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor that in clinical trials demonstrated significant efficacy in the reduction of clinical symptoms, improved the quality of life and increased overall survival of patients with MF.Mielofibroza (MF) jest heterogennym nowotworem układu krwiotwórczego, cechującym się brakiem chromosomu Filadelfia i włóknieniem szpiku oraz wynikającym z tego upośledzeniem hematopoezy. Objawami klinicznymi MF są powiększenie śledziony, cytopenie oraz objawy ogólne. W patogenezie MF szczególną rolę odgrywają zaburzenia szlaku JAK–STAT. Ruksolitynib jest selektywnym, doustnym inhibitorem JAK1/JAK2, który w badaniach klinicznych wykazał istotną skuteczność w zmniejszeniu objawów klinicznych, poprawie jakości życia oraz wydłużeniu całkowitego przeżycia chorych na MF

    CD200:CD200R Interactions and Their Importance in Immunoregulation

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    The molecule CD200, described many years ago as a naturally occurring immunomodulatory agent, capable of regulating inflammation and transplant rejection, has attracted additional interest over the past years with the realization that it may also serve as an important marker for progressive malignancy. A large body of evidence also supports the hypothesis that this molecule can contribute to immunoregulation of, among other diseases, infection, autoimmune disease and allergy. New data have also come to light to characterize the receptors for CD200 (CD200R) and their potential mechanism(s) of action at the biochemical level, as well as the description of a novel natural antagonist of CD200, lacking the NH2-terminal region of the full-length molecule. Significant controversies exist concerning the relative importance of CD200 as a ligand for all reported CD200Rs. Nevertheless, some progress has been made in the identification of the structural constraints determining the interaction between CD200 and CD200R, and this information has in turn proved of use in developing novel small molecule agonists/antagonists of the interaction. The review below highlights many of these newer findings, and attempts to place them in the broad context of our understanding of the role of CD200-CD200R interactions in a variety of human diseases

    CD200:CD200R Interactions and Their Importance in Immunoregulation

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    The molecule CD200, described many years ago as a naturally occurring immunomodulatory agent, capable of regulating inflammation and transplant rejection, has attracted additional interest over the past years with the realization that it may also serve as an important marker for progressive malignancy. A large body of evidence also supports the hypothesis that this molecule can contribute to immunoregulation of, among other diseases, infection, autoimmune disease and allergy. New data have also come to light to characterize the receptors for CD200 (CD200R) and their potential mechanism(s) of action at the biochemical level, as well as the description of a novel natural antagonist of CD200, lacking the NH2-terminal region of the full-length molecule. Significant controversies exist concerning the relative importance of CD200 as a ligand for all reported CD200Rs. Nevertheless, some progress has been made in the identification of the structural constraints determining the interaction between CD200 and CD200R, and this information has in turn proved of use in developing novel small molecule agonists/antagonists of the interaction. The review below highlights many of these newer findings, and attempts to place them in the broad context of our understanding of the role of CD200-CD200R interactions in a variety of human diseases

    Skuteczność i bezpieczeństwo stosowania nilotynibu w leczeniu przewlekłej białaczki szpikowej współistniejącej z cukrzycą typu 2

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    Przewlekła białaczka szpikowa (CML) jest nowotworem mieloproliferacyjnym powstałym wskutek mutacji w obrębie pluripotencjalnej macierzystej komórki szpiku kostnego, której cytogenetycznym wyznacznikiem jest obecność t(9;22)(q34;q11). „Złotym standardem” w leczeniu tej jednostki chorobowej są inhibitory kinaz tyrozynowych (TKI) stosowane od prawie dwóch dekad. Istotnym problemem w wyborze TKI u pacjentów z CML są choroby współistniejące. Dlatego na podstawie wyników dotychczas przeprowadzonych wieloośrodkowych badań klinicznych ustalono ścisłe kryteria włączenia i wyłączenia TKI stosowanego w leczeniu CML

    Synthesis of chiral pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazine sulfonamides with tyrosinase and urease inhibitory activity

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    A new series of sulfonamide derivatives of pyrazolo[4,3-e][1,2,4]triazine with chiral amino group has been synthesized and characterized. The compounds were tested for their tyrosinase and urease inhibitory activity. Evaluation of prepared derivatives demonstrated that compounds (8b) and (8j) are most potent mushroom tyrosinase inhibitors whereas all of the obtained compounds showed higher urease inhibitory activity than the standard thiourea. The compounds (8a), (8f) and (8i) exhibited excellent enzyme inhibitory activity with IC50 0.037, 0.044 and 0.042 μM, respectively, while IC50 of thiourea is 20.9 μM

    Exploring the Synergistic Anticancer Potential of Benzofuran–Oxadiazoles and Triazoles: Improved Ultrasound- and Microwave-Assisted Synthesis, Molecular Docking, Hemolytic, Thrombolytic and Anticancer Evaluation of Furan-Based Molecules

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    Ultrasound- and microwave-assisted green synthetic strategies were applied to furnish benzofuran–oxadiazole 5a–g and benzofuran–triazole 7a–h derivatives in good to excellent yields (60–96%), in comparison with conventional methods (36–80% yield). These synthesized derivatives were screened for hemolysis, thrombolysis and anticancer therapeutic potential against an A549 lung cancer cell line using an MTT assay. Derivatives 7b (0.1%) and 5e (0.5%) showed the least toxicity against RBCs. Hybrid 7f showed excellent thrombolysis activity (61.4%) when compared against reference ABTS. The highest anticancer activity was displayed by the 5d structural hybridwith cell viability 27.49 ± 1.90 and IC50 6.3 ± 0.7 μM values, which were considerably lower than the reference drug crizotinib (IC50 8.54 ± 0.84 μM). Conformational analysis revealed the spatial arrangement of compound 5d, which demonstrated its significant potency in comparison with crizotinib; therefore, scaffold 5d would be a promising anticancer agent on the basis of cytotoxicity studies, as well as in silico modeling studies

    Synthetic Transformations and Medicinal Significance of 1,2,3-Thiadiazoles Derivatives: An Update

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    The 1,2,3-thiadiazole moiety occupies a significant and prominent position among privileged heterocyclic templates in the field of medicine, pharmacology and pharmaceutics due to its broad spectrum of biological activities. The 1,2,3-thiadiazole hybrid structures showed myriad biomedical activities such as antifungal, antiviral, insecticidal, antiamoebic, anticancer and plant activators, etc. In the present review, various synthetic transformations and approaches are highlighted to furnish 1,2,3-thiadiazole scaffolds along with different pharmaceutical and pharmacological activities by virtue of the presence of the 1,2,3-thiadiazole framework on the basis of structure–activity relationship (SAR). The discussion in this review article will attract the attention of synthetic and medicinal researchers to explore 1,2,3-thiadiazole structural motifs for future therapeutic agents

    Mitsunobu Reaction: A Powerful Tool for the Synthesis of Natural Products: A Review

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    The Mitsunobu reaction plays a vital part in organic chemistry due to its wide synthetic applications. It is considered as a significant reaction for the interconversion of one functional group (alcohol) to another (ester) in the presence of oxidizing agents (azodicarboxylates) and reducing agents (phosphines). It is a renowned stereoselective reaction which inverts the stereochemical configuration of end products. One of the most important applications of the Mitsunobu reaction is its role in the synthesis of natural products. This review article will focus on the contribution of the Mitsunobu reaction towards the total synthesis of natural products, highlighting their biological potential during recent years

    An Update on Synthesis of Coumarin Sulfonamides as Enzyme Inhibitors and Anticancer Agents

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    Coumarin is an important six-membered aromatic heterocyclic pharmacophore, widely distributed in natural products and synthetic molecules. The versatile and unique features of coumarin nucleus, in combination with privileged sulfonamide moiety, have enhanced the broad spectrum of biological activities. The research and development of coumarin, sulfonamide-based pharmacology, and medicinal chemistry have become active topics, and attracted the attention of medicinal chemists, pharmacists, and synthetic chemists. Coumarin sulfonamide compounds and analogs as clinical drugs have been used to cure various diseases with high therapeutic potency, which have shown their enormous development value. The diversified and wide array of biological activities such as anticancer, antibacterial, anti-fungal, antioxidant and anti-viral, etc. were displayed by diversified coumarin sulfonamides. The present systematic and comprehensive review in the current developments of synthesis and the medicinal chemistry of coumarin sulfonamide-based scaffolds give a whole range of therapeutics, especially in the field of oncology and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors. In the present review, various synthetic approaches, strategies, and methodologies involving effect of catalysts, the change of substrates, and the employment of various synthetic reaction conditions to obtain high yields is cited