6 research outputs found

    Immune-related health-relevant changes in natural populations of Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769): White blood cell counts, leukocyte activity, and peripheral organ infiltration

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    Basic immune-related health-relevant changes (total and differential white blood cell counts and activity, leukocyte tissue infiltration, and related pathohistology) were assessed in wild Norway rats from urban habitats. Comparative measurements were conducted in individuals of several laboratory strains of Norway rat in order to gain insight into environmental effects on the health of wild rats. Changes in leukocyte counts and activity along with tissue infiltration were noted only in wild rats, indicating systemic as well as tissue inflammation in these animals. Coincidence of these changes with chronic inflammatory pulmonary and kidney disease was observed in the majority of affected rats.U radu su ispitane osnovne imunološke zdravstveno značajne promene kod jedinki sivog pacova iz urbanih staništa (ukupan broj i diferencijalni sastav, kao i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi, tkivna infiltracija leukocita i patohistološke promene). Uporedo su rađena ispitivanja na nekoliko laboratorijskih sojeva pacova da bi se stekao uvid u efekte spoljašnje sredine na zdravlje jedinki iz prirodnih populacija. Promene u broju i aktivnosti leukocita, kao i infiltracija u organe su primećene samo kod jedinki iz prirodnih populacija i ukazuju na sistemsku i tkivnu inflamaciju kod tih jedinki. Kod većine obolelih jedinki je pokazana povezanost ovih promena i hroničnih inflamatornih oboljenja pluća i bubrega.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Helminth fauna of Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 from the suburban area of Belgrade, Serbia

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    The helminth fauna of the house mouse (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) was studied on the basis of 429 host individuals from the suburban area of Belgrade. Eleven helminth species were recorded: three cestode species - Catenotaenia pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna, and Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris [larval stage of Taenia taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1821)]; and eight nematode species - Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Syphacia sp., Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia obvelata, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris, and Gongylonema sp. Within the general helminth fauna, H. polygyrus was found to be the most prevalent species (39.2%) and caused the highest infection intensity. Prevalences of A. tetraptera, C. pusilla, and S. obvelata ranged from 12.8% to 6.1%, while the remaining species showed prevalences ranging from 4.9% (for Syphacia sp.) to 0.2% (for Gongylonema sp.). All the species found in males were also present in females, with the exceptions of M. muris and Gongylonema sp. No significant differences were found between males and females regarding prevalence (P%), mean infection intensity (MI), or mean abundance (MA).Helmintofauna kućnog miša (Mus musculus) istraživana je kod 429 jedinki izlovljenih sa suburbanog područja Beograda (selo Jabuka, 15 km severoistočno od Beograda), a prisustvo 3 vrste pantljičara (Cestoda) i 8 vrsta valjkastih crva (Nematoda) utvrđeno je u 262 jedinke (61.1%). Od pantljičara su bile prisutne Catenotaena pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna i larveni stadijum Taenia taeniaeformis - Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris, a od valjkastih crva Helygmosomoides polygirus, Syphacia sp., S. obvelata, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris i Gongylonema sp. Dominantna vrsta bila je H. polygyrus sa prevalencom od 39,2% i prouzrokovala je najviši intenzitet infekcije. Za A. tetraptera, C. pusilla i S. obvelata prevalence su iznosile od 12,8 do 6,1%, a za ostale vrste helminata od 4,9 (za Syphacia sp.) do 0,2% (za Gongylonema sp.). Sve vrste nađene u mužjacima kućnog miša bile su nađene i u ženkama, izuzimajući M. muris i Gongylonema sp. Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike između mužjaka i ženki kućnog miša u pogledu prevalence (P%) i srednjih vrednosti intenziteta infekcije (MI) i abundancije (MA).Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Helminth fauna of Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 from the suburban area of Belgrade, Serbia

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    The helminth fauna of the house mouse (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) was studied on the basis of 429 host individuals from the suburban area of Belgrade. Eleven helminth species were recorded: three cestode species - Catenotaenia pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna, and Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris [larval stage of Taenia taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1821)]; and eight nematode species - Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Syphacia sp., Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia obvelata, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris, and Gongylonema sp. Within the general helminth fauna, H. polygyrus was found to be the most prevalent species (39.2%) and caused the highest infection intensity. Prevalences of A. tetraptera, C. pusilla, and S. obvelata ranged from 12.8% to 6.1%, while the remaining species showed prevalences ranging from 4.9% (for Syphacia sp.) to 0.2% (for Gongylonema sp.). All the species found in males were also present in females, with the exceptions of M. muris and Gongylonema sp. No significant differences were found between males and females regarding prevalence (P%), mean infection intensity (MI), or mean abundance (MA).Helmintofauna kućnog miša (Mus musculus) istraživana je kod 429 jedinki izlovljenih sa suburbanog područja Beograda (selo Jabuka, 15 km severoistočno od Beograda), a prisustvo 3 vrste pantljičara (Cestoda) i 8 vrsta valjkastih crva (Nematoda) utvrđeno je u 262 jedinke (61.1%). Od pantljičara su bile prisutne Catenotaena pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna i larveni stadijum Taenia taeniaeformis - Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris, a od valjkastih crva Helygmosomoides polygirus, Syphacia sp., S. obvelata, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris i Gongylonema sp. Dominantna vrsta bila je H. polygyrus sa prevalencom od 39,2% i prouzrokovala je najviši intenzitet infekcije. Za A. tetraptera, C. pusilla i S. obvelata prevalence su iznosile od 12,8 do 6,1%, a za ostale vrste helminata od 4,9 (za Syphacia sp.) do 0,2% (za Gongylonema sp.). Sve vrste nađene u mužjacima kućnog miša bile su nađene i u ženkama, izuzimajući M. muris i Gongylonema sp. Nisu nađene statistički značajne razlike između mužjaka i ženki kućnog miša u pogledu prevalence (P%) i srednjih vrednosti intenziteta infekcije (MI) i abundancije (MA).Projekat ministarstva br. 14303

    Helminth fauna of Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 from the suburban area of Belgrade, Serbia

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    The helminth fauna of the house mouse (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) was studied on the basis of 429 host individuals from the suburban area of Belgrade. Eleven helminth species were recorded: three cestode species - Catenotaenia pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna, and Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris [larval stage of Taenia taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1821)]; and eight nematode species - Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Syphacia sp., Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia obvelata, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris, and Gongylonema sp. Within the general helminth fauna, H. polygyrus was found to be the most prevalent species (39.2%) and caused the highest infection intensity. Prevalences of A. tetraptera, C. pusilla, and S. obvelata ranged from 12.8% to 6.1%, while the remaining species showed prevalences ranging from 4.9% (for Syphacia sp.) to 0.2% (for Gongylonema sp.). All the species found in males were also present in females, with the exceptions of M. muris and Gongylonema sp. No significant differences were found between males and females regarding prevalence (P%), mean infection intensity (MI), or mean abundance (MA)