245 research outputs found

    Postpartalni nastavak ciklične funkcije jajnika, prvi estrus i ponovno oplođenje i njihov odnos prema metabolizmu energije kod visoko-mlečnih krava

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    In the last few decades a continuous increase was observed in average milk production of dairy cows all over the world. Simultaneously, however, a dramatic decrease was seen in reproductive performance. This tendency is attributed to the increased incidence of bacterial complications in uterine involution, as well as to the high occurrence of ovarian malfunctions in the postpartum period. The aim of this paper is to review the physiology and pathology of the latter, really complex phenomenon. The nutritional basis of this process, that the requirements of high-producing dairy cows shift abruptly after parturition as the daily milk yield rapidly increases and the ensuing negative energy balance (NEB) will extend 10-12 weeks. In the context of the high genetic merit dairy cow, the pp NEB is the difference between the dietary intake of utilizable energy and the expenditure of energy for body mass maintenance and milk synthesis. In principle, it is a physiological phenomenon, which may, however, result in more or less severe disorders in both the metabolism and reproduction and so it may lead to great economic losses in modern dairy practice [112]. In the first 3-4 weeks after calving the NEB is highly correlated with both milk yield and the interval to first ovulation. Because the number of ovulatory estrous cycles preceding the insemination (AI) has been shown to influence the conception rate, the length of the pp interval to first ovulation provides an important parameter for assessing the effect of NEB on reproductive performance [19, 20].U proteklih nekoliko decenija uočeno je stalno povećanje prosečne proizvodnje mleka kod mlečnih krava Å”irom sveta. U isto vreme, međutim, zapaženo je dramatično smanjenje reproduktivnih rezultata. Ova tendencija je pripisana povećanom pojavljivanju bakterijskih komplikacija tokom involucije uterusa, kao i velikom broju disfunkcija jajnika u postpartalnom periodu. Cilj ovoga rada je da se razmotri fiziologija i patologija ove druge pojave, tog zaista kompleksnog fenomena. Nutriciona osnova ovog procesa je da se potrebe visoko mlečnih krava naglo promene posle partusa kada se dnevni prinos mleka naglo povećava, a posledični negativni energetski bilans se produžava na 10 do 12 sedmica. U kontekstu visoke genetske vrednosti mlečnih krava, postpartalni negativni energetski bilans je razlika između dijetetskog unosa iskoristive energije i potroÅ”nje energije za održavanje telesne mase i sinteze mleka. U principu, to je fizioloÅ”ki fenomen koji, međutim, može da rezultira u manje ili viÅ”e teÅ”kim poremećajima kako u metabolizmu, tako i u reprodukciji, i tako može da dovede i do velikih finansijskih gubitaka u savremenoj proizvodnji mleka [112]. U prvih tri do četiri sedmice posle teljenja, negativni energetski bilans je u visokoj korelaciji i sa prinosom mleka i intervalom do prve ovulacije. Zbog toga Å”to je ukazano da broj ovulatornih estrusnih ciklusa, koji prethode inseminaciji, utiče na stepen koncepcije, dužina postpartalnog intervala do prve ovulacije obezbeđuje važan parametar za procenu efekta negativnog energetskog bilansa na reproduktivne rezultate [19, 20]

    Essential pre-treatment imaging examinations in patients with endoscopically-diagnosed early gastric cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There have been no reports discussing which imaging procedures are truly necessary before treatment of endoscopically-diagnosed early gastric cancer (eEGC). The aim of this pilot study was to show which imaging examinations are essential to select indicated treatment or appropriate strategy in patients with eEGC.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In 140 consecutive patients (95 men, 45 women; age, 66.4 +/- 11.3 years [mean +/- standard deviation], range, 33-90) with eEGC which were diagnosed during two years, the pre-treatment results of ultrasonography (US) and contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen, barium enema (BE) and chest radiography (CR) were retrospectively reviewed. Useful findings that might affect indication or strategy were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>US demonstrated useful findings in 13 of 140 patients (9.3%): biliary tract stones (n = 11) and other malignant tumors (n = 2). Only one useful finding was demonstrated on CT (pancreatic intraductal papillary mucinous tumor) but not on US (0.7%; 95% confidential interval [CI], 2.1%). BE demonstrated colorectal carcinomas in six patients and polyps in 10 patients, altering treatment strategy (11.4%; 95%CI, 6.1-16.7%). Of these, only two colorectal carcinomas were detected on CT. CR showed three relevant findings (2.1%): pulmonary carcinoma (n = 1) and cardiomegaly (n = 2). Seventy-nine patients (56%) were treated surgically and 56 patients were treated by endoscopic intervention. The remaining five patients received no treatment due to various reasons.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>US, BE and CR may be essential as pre-treatment imaging examinations because they occasionally detect findings which affect treatment indication and strategy, although abdominal contrast-enhanced CT rarely provide additional information.</p

    Identification of the high-risk group for metastasis of gastric cancer cases by vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 overexpression in peripheral blood

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    Identification of an isolated tumour cell with metastatic ability is important for predicting the recurrence and prognosis of gastric cancer. A biological marker for evaluating the metastatic ability of gastric cancer cells has not yet been identified. We assessed vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 mRNA expression by quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 mRNA in peripheral blood was more highly expressed in perioperative metastasis-positive and postoperative recurrence cases than in normal control cases, early cancer cases and nonmetastatic advanced cancer cases. The peripheral blood vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 mRNA-positive group was associated with advanced clinical stage, deep invasion beyond the muscularis propria, lymphatic involvement, vascular involvement, lymph node metastasis, positive peritoneal lavage cytology, preoperative metastasis and postoperative recurrence. Flow cytometry analysis disclosed that vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 expressing cells in the peripheral blood were more abundant in cancer cases with metastases than in cases without metastases. Our data suggest that the amount of positive cells may provide information on the clinical features of gastric cancer, especially in regard to gastric cancer metastasis

    Application of magnifying narrow-band imaging endoscopy for diagnosis of early gastric cancer and precancerous lesion

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gastric carcinoma is the second commonest cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Early detection and diagnosis of gastric cancer in the stomach is important for improving the prognosis of gastric cancer. This retrospective study was designed to investigate the value of magnifying narrow-band imaging (NBI) in the diagnosis of precancerous lesions and early gastric cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This study included 122 patients who were diagnosed with early gastric cancer or precancerous gastric lesions by endoscopy. The patients underwent an examination with conventional endoscopy, magnifying NBI, and magnifying chromoendoscopy. Images resolution was evaluated, and the morphology, pit patterns and blood capillary forms of lesions were analyzed. The presence of gastric carcinoma and high grade intraepithelial neoplasia in the biopsy samples was considered as a positive pathological result, which is used to assess accuracy of endoscopic diagnosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For image resolution, magnifying NBI and magnifying chromoendoscopy were significantly superior to magnifying conventional endoscopy in morphology, pit pattern and blood capillary form (P < 0.01), and magnifying NBI was significantly superior to magnifying chromoendoscopy in blood capillary form (P < 0.01). IV, V<sub>1</sub>, and VI type of gastric pit pattern were detected in 14 cases, 43 cases, and 17 cases in patients with high grade intraepithelial neoplasia, respectively. V<sub>1 </sub>and VI type of gastric pit pattern were detected in 9 cases and 39 cases in patients with early gastric cancer, respectively. The presence of irregular minute vessels and variation in the caliber of vessels was found in 109 cases. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, false positive rate and false negative rate for diagnosis of early gastric cancer and precancerous gastric lesions were 68.9%, 95.1%, 63.1%, 24.5%, and 32.4% for conventional endoscopy, 93.6%, 92.7%, 94.5%, 5.7%, and 6.9% for magnifying NBI, and 91.3%, 88.6%, 93.2%, 13.2%, and 21.48% for magnifying chromoendoscopy, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study demonstrates that magnifying NBI is superior to conventional endoscopy in the diagnosis of early gastric cancer and precancerous gastric lesions, and can be used for screening early malignancies of the stomach.</p
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