2 research outputs found
Factors related to perinatal mortality
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Ahokas
- Anderson
- Auer
- Baumbach
- Beck
- Beeson
- Benedetti
- Borges
- Brick
- Brodie
- Brosens
- Brown
- Brown
- Browne
- Call
- Carpenter
- Chesley
- Coan
- Colosimo
- Combs
- Cotton
- Coyaji
- Crawford
- Cree
- Crowther
- Cunningham
- Dawn
- Dinsdale
- Dommisse
- Donaldson
- Duffus
- Dunn
- Finelli
- Fisher
- Fredriksson
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Friedman
- Furchgott
- Gaitz
- Gant
- Garner
- Geraghty
- Gibbs
- Goldman
- Govan
- Hallum
- Harlan
- Hibbard
- Honig
- John T. Repke
- Jost
- Kaplan
- Kaplan
- Kasturilal
- Khong
- Kirby
- Klebanoff
- Kolstad
- Koontz
- Krauss
- Kristoffersen
- Landesman
- Lazard
- Lean
- Lindheimer
- Link
- Lipsitz
- MacGillivray
- MacGillivray
- MacLean
- Maheshwari
- McCall
- McIntosh
- McKay
- Michael
- Morris
- Myatt
- Naheedy
- Niswander
- Parks
- Peter W. Kaplan
- Pijnenborg
- Porapakkam
- Pritchard
- Rappaport
- Raps
- Raroque
- Redman
- Repke
- Repke
- Richards
- Richards
- Rodgers
- Rote
- Ryan
- Ryan
- Saleh
- Samuels
- Sanchez-Ramos
- Schwartz
- Sheehan
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Sibai
- Slater
- Slater
- Stander
- Stasheff
- Stirrat
- Strandgaard
- Talledo
- Trommer
- Tuffnell
- Walsh
- Watson
- Weinstein
- Will
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study