6 research outputs found
Antioxidative defense enzyme inhibition in erythrocytes of patients with acute myocardial infarction
Increased amount of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species were detected during myocardial ischemia after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Decreased activity of some antioxidative defense enzymes in erythrocytes creates conditions for oxidative stress and propagation of thus induced damages. In this study, we tried to detect changes in antioxidative defense enzyme activities in erythrocytes of patients with AMI and to determine a nature of this changes. Activity of copper zinc super oxide dismutase (CuZn SOD, EC, catalase (CAT, EC, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px, EC and glutathione reductase (GR, EC were determined in AMI patiens and compared with controls. Activities of CuZn SOD (p<0.005) and CAT (p<0.05), as well as, GSH-Px (p<0.02) were significantly lower comparing with controls. Activity of GR was significantly higher (p<0.005) with respect to controls. Activity of CuZn SOD in patients with AMI were more inhibited (47 Ā± 5 %) with 6 mM diethyldithiocarbamate (DDC) than corresponding controls (32 Ā± 3 %). In vitro inhibition of control samples with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and electrophoretic analysis indicate H2O2 as potential inhibitor of CuZn SOD in patient with AMI.PoveÄana koliÄina reaktivnih vrsta kiseonika i azota i snižena aktivnost prirodnih odbrambenih sistema detektovana je tokom srÄane ishemije. Enzimske komponente antioksidacione zaÅ”tite u eritrocitima smanjuju aktivnost stvarajuÄi uslove za propagaciju oÅ”teÄenja izazvanih oksidacionim stresom. U ovom radu, pokuÅ”ali smo da detektujemo promene u aktivnosti antioksidacionih enzima u eritrocitima pacijenata obolelih od AIM-a i utvrdimo prirodu promena. OdreÄivana je aktivnost bakar cink sadržavajuÄe superoksid dismutaze (CuZn SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px) i glutation reduktaze (GR) kod pacijenata obolelih od AIM-a i uporeÄivana sa aktivnoÅ”Äu kod kontrola. Aktivnosti SOD (p<0.005) i CAT (p<0.05), kao i GSH-Px (p<0.02) bile su znaÄajno niže u odnosu na kontrole. Aktivnost GR (p<0.005) bila je znaÄajno viÅ”a u odnosu na kontrolu. Aktivnost CuZn SOD bila je inhibirana 6 mM dietilditiokarbamatom (DDC-om) viÅ”e kod pacijenata obolelih od akutnog infarkta miokarda (47 Ā± 5 %) nego kod kontrola (32 Ā± 3 %). In vitro inhibicija kontrolnih uzoraka sa vodonik peroksidom i elektroforetska analiza ukazuju na vodonik peroksid kao moguÄi inhibitor CuZn SOD kod AIM-a.nul
Introduction: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of
anxiolytic sedatives and the most prescribed drugs in the world. The aim in ours study was to evaluate the differences in the exposure
of the population to benzodiazepines (in period from 2014-2018) be tween Serbia, Slovenia and Croa tia, the three countries of th e
Southwestern Balkans with varying degrees of socioeconomic development.
Study design: A academic investigator initiated, pharmacoepidemiological difference-in -difference time se ries analysis of
population exposure to benzodiazepines between the three, geogr aphically close Balkans countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia) wi th
varying degrees of socioeconomic developmen t has been carried out. Study was conducted as academic investigator initiated, in a
retrospective manner on monthly basis international data set from January 2014 to December 2018.
Results: At the annual level, during the study period from Januar y 2014 to December 2018, compared to Slovenia, Serbia and
Croatia had higher DIDs, from 5 fold (Croatia) to 6 fold (Serbi a), for all benzodiazepines in total. By analyzing the differenc es-in-
difference, we have shown that influence of both time (month) and c ountry on DIDs is significant as well as their mutual intera ction
(the country Ć month) for all benzodiazepines in total.
Conclusion: Serbia and Croatia must implement exp licit measures of reduci ng benzodiazepine prescription in health primary
care based on evidence-based recommendations in the indicati ons where general medicine practitioners/family doctors most
commonly prescribe these medicines. Without providing a realistic supplement/alternative to benzodiazepines such as increasing
the availability of psychotherapy and impr oving the structure of psyc hiatric professionals in healthcare settings, implicit
measures are not recommended for reducing pr escription, implementing accountability measures for prolonged prescription of
benzodiazepines, and in particular forā masked āsomatic diseases . All this comes to the fore by raising economic development
and socioeconomic stabilit
Introduction: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of
anxiolytic sedatives and the most prescribed drugs in the world. The aim in ours study was to evaluate the differences in the exposure
of the population to benzodiazepines (in period from 2014-2018) be tween Serbia, Slovenia and Croa tia, the three countries of th e
Southwestern Balkans with varying degrees of socioeconomic development.
Study design: A academic investigator initiated, pharmacoepidemiological difference-in -difference time se ries analysis of
population exposure to benzodiazepines between the three, geogr aphically close Balkans countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia) wi th
varying degrees of socioeconomic developmen t has been carried out. Study was conducted as academic investigator initiated, in a
retrospective manner on monthly basis international data set from January 2014 to December 2018.
Results: At the annual level, during the study period from Januar y 2014 to December 2018, compared to Slovenia, Serbia and
Croatia had higher DIDs, from 5 fold (Croatia) to 6 fold (Serbi a), for all benzodiazepines in total. By analyzing the differenc es-in-
difference, we have shown that influence of both time (month) and c ountry on DIDs is significant as well as their mutual intera ction
(the country Ć month) for all benzodiazepines in total.
Conclusion: Serbia and Croatia must implement exp licit measures of reduci ng benzodiazepine prescription in health primary
care based on evidence-based recommendations in the indicati ons where general medicine practitioners/family doctors most
commonly prescribe these medicines. Without providing a realistic supplement/alternative to benzodiazepines such as increasing
the availability of psychotherapy and impr oving the structure of psyc hiatric professionals in healthcare settings, implicit
measures are not recommended for reducing pr escription, implementing accountability measures for prolonged prescription of
benzodiazepines, and in particular forā masked āsomatic diseases . All this comes to the fore by raising economic development
and socioeconomic stabilit
Oral squamous cell carcinoma detection by salivary biomarkers in a Serbian population
Early detection of oral squamous cell cancer (OSCC) is the key to improve the low 5-year survival rate. Using proteomic and genomic technologies we have previously discovered and validated salivary OSCC markers in American patients. The question arises whether these biomarkers are discriminatory in cohorts of different ethnic background. Six transcriptome (DUSP1, IL8, IL1B, OAZ1, SAT1, and S100P) and three proteome (IL1B, IL8, and M2BP) biomarkers were tested on 18 early and 17 late stage OSCC patients and 51 healthy controls with quantitative PCR and ELISA. Four transcriptome (IL8, IL1B, SAT1, and S100P) and all proteome biomarkers were significantly elevated (p lt 0.05) in OSCC patients. The combination of markers yielded an AUC of 0.86, 0.85 and 0.88 for OSCC total, T1-T2, and T3-T4, respectively. The sensitivity/specificity for OSCC total was 0.89/0.78, for T1-T2 0.67/0.96, and for T3-T4 0.82/0.84. In conclusion, seven of the nine salivary biomarkers (three proteins and four mRNAs) were validated and performed strongest in late stage cancer. Patient-based salivary diagnostics is a highly promising approach for OSCC detection. This study shows that previously discovered and validated salivary OSCC biomarkers are discriminatory and reproducible in a different ethnic cohort. These findings support the feasibility to implement multi-center, multi-ethnicity clinical trials towards the pivotal validation of salivary biomarkers for OSCC detection
Operating cost analysis of anaesthesia: Activity based costing (ABC analysis)
Introduction. Cost of anaesthesiology represent defined measures to determine a precise profile of expenditure estimation of surgical treatment, which is important regarding planning of healthcare activities, prices and budget. Objective. In order to determine the actual value of anaestesiological services, we started with the analysis of activity based costing (ABC) analysis. Methods. Retrospectively, in 2005 and 2006, we estimated the direct costs of anestesiological services (salaries, drugs, supplying materials and other: analyses and equipment.) of the Institute of Anaesthesia and Resuscitation of the Clinical Centre of Serbia. The group included all anesthetized patients of both sexes and all ages. We compared direct costs with direct expenditure, āeach cost object (service or unit)ā of the Republican Health-care Insurance. The Summary data of the Departments of Anaesthesia documented in the database of the Clinical Centre of Serbia. Numerical data were utilized and the numerical data were estimated and analyzed by computer programs Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and SPSS for Windows. We compared using the linear model of direct costs and unit costs of anaesthesiological services from the Costs List of the Republican Health-care Insurance. Results. Direct costs showed 40% of costs were spent on salaries, (32% on drugs and supplies, and 28% on other costs, such as analyses and equipment. The correlation of the direct costs of anaestesiological services showed a linear correlation with the unit costs of the Republican Healthcare Insurance. Conclusion. During surgery, costs of anaesthesia would increase by 10% the surgical treatment cost of patients. Regarding the actual costs of drugs and supplies, we do not see any possibility of costs reduction. Fixed elements of direct costs provide the possibility of rationalization of resources in anaesthesia
Chromosomes aberations and enviromental factors
Explanation the topic: Changes in genetic material can lead to aberrant cell in the direction of disorders of cellular regulation, malignant transformation, cell death, or if the adjustment was made at the level of the reproductive cells, to genetic changes in some of the consequent off spring. The topic position in scientific/professional public: Breaking of chromosomes can occur spontaneously or can be induced. Chromatid/chromosome breakings can be induced by different environmental factors: chemicals, biological clastogenic agents, accidentally or intentionally. Conclusions: The authors suggest: - making conditions for strong respect of environmental regulations; - to use higher plants for the early detection of environmental mutagens; - create and orderly update National radionuclide database