72 research outputs found

    A nonadiabatic semi-classical method for dynamics of atoms in optical lattices

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    We develop a semi-classical method to simulate the motion of atoms in a dissipative optical lattice. Our method treats the internal states of the atom quantum mechanically, including all nonadiabatic couplings, while position and momentum are treated as classical variables. We test our method in the one-dimensional case. Excellent agreement with fully quantum mechanical simulations is found. Our results are much more accurate than those of earlier semi-classical methods based on the adiabatic approximation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to European Physical Journal

    Relativistic Coupled-Cluster Theory of Atomic Parity Nonconservation: Application to 137^{137}Ba+^+

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    We report the result of our {\it ab initio} calculation of the 6s2S1/25d2D3/26s ^2S_{1/2} \to 5d ^2D_{3/2} parity nonconserving electric dipole transition amplitude in 137Ba+^{137}\text{Ba}^+ based on relativistic coupled-cluster theory. Considering single, double and partial triple excitations, we have achieved an accuracy of less than one percent. If the accuracy of our calculation can be matched by the proposed parity nonconservation experiment in Ba+^+ for the above transition,then the combination of the two results would provide an independent non accelerator test of the Standard Model of particle physics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, Submitted to PR

    Influence of the lattice topography on a three-dimensional, controllable Brownian motor

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    We study the influence of the lattice topography and the coupling between motion in different directions, for a three-dimensional Brownian motor based on cold atoms in a double optical lattice. Due to controllable relative spatial phases between the lattices, our Brownian motor can induce drifts in arbitrary directions. Since the lattices couple the different directions, the relation between the phase shifts and the directionality of the induced drift is non trivial. Here is therefore this relation investigated experimentally by systematically varying the relative spatial phase in two dimensions, while monitoring the vertically induced drift and the temperature. A relative spatial phase range of 2pi x 2pi is covered. We show that a drift, controllable both in speed and direction, can be achieved, by varying the phase both parallel and perpendicular to the direction of the measured induced drift. The experimental results are qualitatively reproduced by numerical simulations of a simplified, classical model of the system

    Polarization entangled photon-pair source based on quantum nonlinear photonics and interferometry

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    We present a versatile, high-brightness, guided-wave source of polarization entangled photons, emitted at a telecom wavelength. Photon-pairs are generated using an integrated type-0 nonlinear waveguide, and subsequently prepared in a polarization entangled state via a stabilized fiber interferometer. We show that the single photon emission wavelength can be tuned over more than 50 nm, whereas the single photon spectral bandwidth can be chosen at will over more than five orders of magnitude (from 25 MHz to 4 THz). Moreover, by performing entanglement analysis, we demonstrate a high degree of control of the quantum state via the violation of the Bell inequalities by more than 40 standard deviations. This makes this scheme suitable for a wide range of quantum optics experiments, ranging from fundamental research to quantum information applications. We report on details of the setup, as well as on the characterization of all included components, previously outlined in F. Kaiser et al. (2013 Laser Phys. Lett. 10, 045202).Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    Thermodynamics of quantum degenerate gases in optical lattices

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    The entropy-temperature curves are calculated for non-interacting Bose and Fermi gases in a 3D optical lattice. These curves facilitate understanding of how adiabatic changes in the lattice depth affect the temperature, and we demonstrate regimes where the atomic sample can be significantly heated or cooled by the loading process. We assess the effects of interactions on a Bose gas in a deep optical lattice, and show that interactions ultimately limit the extent of cooling that can occur during lattice loading.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to proceedings of Laser Physics 2006 Worksho

    Demonstration of a controllable three-dimensional Brownian motor in symmetric potentials

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    We demonstrate a Brownian motor, based on cold atoms in optical lattices, where isotropic random fluctuations are rectified in order to induce controlled atomic motion in arbitrary directions. In contrast to earlier demonstrations of ratchet effects, our Brownian motor operates in potentials that are spatially and temporally symmetric, but where spatiotemporal symmetry is broken by a phase shift between the potentials and asymmetric transfer rates between them. The Brownian motor is demonstrated in three dimensions and the noise-induced drift is controllable in our system.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    The time evolution of a two-level atom which is simultaneously exposed to the field of a running laser wave and a homogeneous gravitational field is studied. The result of the coupled dynamics of internal transitions and center-of-mass motion is worked out exactly. Neglecting spontaneous emission and performing the rotating wave approximation we derive the complete time evolution operator in an algebraical way by using commutation relations. The result is discussed with respect to the physical implications. In particular the long time and short time behaviour is physically analyzed in detail. The breakdown of the Magnus perturbation expansion is shown.Comment: 14 Pages, Late

    Band Gaps for Atoms in Light based Waveguides

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    The energy spectrum for a system of atoms in a periodic potential can exhibit a gap in the band structure. We describe a system in which a laser is used to produce a mechanical potential for the atoms, and a standing wave light field is used to shift the atomic levels using the Autler-Townes effect, which produces a periodic potential. The band structure for atoms guided by a hollow optical fiber waveguide is calculated in three dimensions with quantised external motion. The size of the band gap is controlled by the light guided by the fiber. This variable band structure may allow the construction of devices which can cool atoms. The major limitation on this device would be the spontaneous emission losses.Comment: 7 pages, four postscript figures, uses revtex.sty, available through http://online.anu.edu.au/Physics/papers/atom.htm