41 research outputs found

    Occurrence of the invasion associated marker (iam) in Campylobacter jejuni isolated from cattle

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    Background The invasion associated marker (iam) has been detected in the majority of invasive Campylobacter jejuni retrieved from humans. Furthermore, the detection of iam in C. jejuni isolated from two important hosts, humans and chickens, suggested a role for this marker in C. jejuni\u27s colonization of multiple hosts. However, no data exist regarding the occurrence of this marker in C. jejuni isolated from non-poultry food-animals such as cattle, an increasingly important source for human infections. Since little is known about the genetics associated with C. jejuni\u27s capability for colonizing physiologically disparate hosts, we investigated the occurrence of the iam in C. jejuni isolated from cattle and assessed the potential of iam-containing cattle and human isolates for chicken colonization and human cell invasion. Results Simultaneous RAPD typing and iam-specific PCR analysis of 129 C. jejuni isolated from 1171 cattle fecal samples showed that 8 (6.2%) of the isolates were iam-positive, while 7 (54%) of human-associated isolates were iam-positive. The iam sequences were mostly heterogeneous and occurred in diverse genetic backgrounds. All iam-positive isolates were motile and possessed important genes (cadF, ciaB, cdtB) associated with adhesion and virulence. Although certain iam-containing isolates invaded and survived in INT-407 cells in high numbers and successfully colonized live chickens, there was no clear association between the occurrence, allelic sequence, and expression levels of the iam and the aforementioned phenotypes. Conclusions We show that the prevalence of iam in cattle C. jejuni is relatively lower as compared to isolates occurring in humans and chickens. In addition, iam was polymorphic and certain alleles occur in cattle isolates that were capable of colonizing and invading chickens and human intestinal cells, respectively. However, the iam did not appear to contribute to the cattle-associated C. jejuni\u27s potential for invasion and intracellular survival in human intestinal cells as well as chicken colonization


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    This study was conducted to compare two culture methods for the isolation of Campylobacter spp from commercial layer chickens and subsequently confirmed by Polymerase Chain Reaction assays (PCR). Furthermore, the antimicrobial resistance profiles of PCR positive Campylobacter isolates were determined.Cloacal swab samples (550) from chickens randomly selected from five poultry farms in the four geographical zones in Ogun State were cultured for Campylobacter using modified charcoal Cefoperazone deoxycholate agar (MCCDA) and an improved culture method involving Preston broth pre-enrichment and subsequent subculture on Mueller Hinton agar with Campylobacter growth supplements. Putative isolates were later confirmed by PCR assay and sequencing analysis.Other isolates that grew on MCCDA and confirmed by sequencing analysis are Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichis coli, Comamonas kerstli and Pseudomonas aeroginusa . The antibiotic resistant profile of all the isolates were evaluated genotypically for resistance genes to tetracyclines (tetO), multiclasses (cmeB), aminoglycosides (aphA-3-1) and β-lactams (Blaoxa-61) using multiplex PCR (mPCR), and phenotypically for chlortetracycline, tylosin, streptomycin, ciprofloxacin and erythromycin resistance by microbroth dilution method which correspond to the antibiotic resistance genes. The apparent prevalence of Campylobacter was 16.8% by MCCDA while none of the isolates was positive to PCR. Meanwhile, prevalence rate of 26% was obtained using Preston broth pre-enrichment and Mueller Hinton agar with Campylobacter growth supplements, of which 11/50 (22%) of the isolates was confirmed positive by PCR. Genotypic characterization of PCR positive isolates showed 10/11(90%) were C. coli, 1/11(10%) other Campylobacter species and 0% C. jejuni. All the isolates carried both tetO and cmeB resistant genes. The results of minimum inhibitory concentration presented all PCR positive isolates had resistance of 10/10(100%), 9/10(90%), 6/10(60%), 9/10(90%), and 8/10(80%) to tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, spectinomycin and tylosin respectively. In addition, all isolates carried multiple resistance to most antibiotics tested which are commonly used in poultry practice in Nigeria. Campylobacter spp in the study areas showed diverse genotypic characteristics, and gene mediated multidrug resistance.   &nbsp

    Parasitic Contamination of Fresh Leafy Green Vegetables Sold in Northern Lebanon

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    Contaminated, raw or undercooked vegetables can transmit parasitic infections. Here, we investigated parasitic contamination of leafy green vegetables sold in local markets in the Tripoli district, Lebanon, during two consecutive autumn seasons (2020–2021). The study involved the microscopic examination of 300 samples of five different types of vegetables (60 samples per type) and used standardized qualitative parasitological techniques for some protozoa and helminths. The results showed that 16.7% (95% interval for p: 12.6%, 21.4%) (50/300) of the vegetable samples were contaminated with at least one parasite. The most frequently detected parasite was Blastocystis spp. (8.7%; 26/300); this was followed in frequency by Ascaris spp. (3.7%; 11/300). Among the different vegetable types, lettuce (23.3%; 14/60) was the most contaminated, while arugula was the least contaminated (11.7%; 7/60). The statistical analysis did not reveal any significant association between the prevalence of parasitic contamination and the investigated risk factors, which included collection date, vegetable type, market storage status, and wetness of vegetables at the time of purchase (p > 0.05). The high prevalence of parasitic contamination also suggested the potential presence of other microbial pathogens. These findings are important because leafy green vegetables are preferentially and heavily consumed raw in Lebanon. Thus, implementing effective measures that target the farm-to-fork continuum is recommended in order to reduce the spread of intestinal pathogens

    First report of the plasmid-borne colistin resistance gene (mcr-1) in Proteus mirabilis isolated from a toddler in non-clinical settings

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    We report the detection of a plasmid-borne mobile colistin-resistance-gene, mcr-1, in Proteus mirabilis, a known community and hospital pathogen, that was isolated from a toddler (2 years old) in the community in Lebanon. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the occurrence of mcr-1 in human-associated P. mirabilis as well as mcr-1 in humans in the Lebanese community. Keywords: mcr-1, Humans, Lebanon, colistin, Proteus mirabilis, antimicrobial resistanc

    In Vitro Evaluation of the Impact of the Probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 on Campylobacter jejuni’s Invasion and Intracellular Survival in Human Colonic Cells

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial food poisoning in humans. Due to the rise in antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter, there exists a need to develop antibiotic-independent interventions to control infections in humans. Here, we evaluated the impact of Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 (EcN), a probiotic strain, on C. jejuni’s invasion and intracellular survival in polarized human colonic cells (HT-29). To further understand how EcN mediates its impact, the expression of 84 genes associated with tight junctions and cell adhesion was profiled in HT-29 cells after treatment with EcN and challenge with C. jejuni. The pre-treatment of polarized HT-29 cells with EcN for 4 h showed a significant effect on C. jejuni’s invasion (∼2 log reduction) of the colonic cells. Furthermore, no intracellular C. jejuni were recovered from EcN pre-treated HT-29 cells at 24 h post-infection. Other probiotic strains tested had no significant impact on C. jejuni invasion and intracellular survival. C. jejuni decreased the expression of genes associated with epithelial cells permeability and barrier function in untreated HT-29 cells. However, EcN positively affected the expression of genes that are involved in enhanced intestinal barrier function, decreased cell permeability, and increased tight junction integrity. The results suggest that EcN impedes C. jejuni invasion and subsequent intracellular survival by affecting HT-29 cells barrier function and tight junction integrity. We conclude that EcN might be a viable alternative for controlling C. jejuni infections

    Of energy and survival incognito: A relationship between viable but non-culturable cells (VBNC) formation and inorganic polyphosphate and formate metabolism in Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a Gram-negative foodborne bacterium that can cause mild to serious diseases in humans. A variety of stress conditions including exposure to formic acid, a weak organic acid, can cause C. jejuni to form viable but nonculturable cells (VBNC), which was proposed as a potential survival mechanism. The inability to detect C. jejuni VBNC using standard culturing techniques may increase the risk of exposure to foods contaminated with this pathogen. However, little is known about the cellular mechanisms and triggers governing VBNC formation. Here, we discuss novel mechanisms that potentially affect VBNC formation in C. jejuni and emphasize the impact of formic acid on this process. Specifically, we highlight findings that show that impairing inorganic polyphosphate (poly-P) metabolism reduces the ability of C. jejuni to form VBNC in a medium containing formic acid. We also discuss the potential effect of poly-P and formate metabolism on energy homeostasis and cognate VBNC formation. The relationship between poly-P metabolism and VBNC formation under acid stress has only recently been identified and may represent a breakthrough in understanding this phenomenon and its impact on food safety

    Prevalence and Loads of Fecal Pollution Indicators and the Antibiotic Resistance Phenotypes of Escherichia coli in Raw Minced Beef in Lebanon

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    Meat is an important source of high biological value proteins as well as many vitamins and minerals. In Lebanon, beef meats, including raw minced beef, are among the most consumed of the meat products. However, minced beef meat can also be an important source of foodborne illnesses. This is of a major concern, because food safety in Lebanon suffers from well-documented challenges. Consequently, the prevalence and loads of fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli were quantified to assess the microbiological acceptability of minced beef meat in Lebanon. Additionally, antibiotic resistance phenotypes of the E. coli were determined in response to concerns about the emergence of resistance in food matrices in Lebanon. A total of 50 meat samples and 120 E. coli isolates were analyzed. Results showed that 98% and 76% of meat samples harbored fecal coliforms and E. coli above the microbial acceptance level, respectively. All E. coli were resistant to at least one antibiotic, while 35% of the isolates were multidrug-resistant (MDR). The results suggest that Lebanon needs to (1) update food safety systems to track and reduce the levels of potential contamination in important foods and (2) implement programs to control the proliferation of antimicrobial resistance in food systems