57 research outputs found

    Freeze Frame: Alaska Eskimos in the Movies by, Ann Fienup-Riordan

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    Theme Schools: From Manifesto to Paradigm for Undergraduate Students

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    In sciences, when anomalies or discrepant observations generate a crisis, so that the old way of looking at things no longer suffices to explain or predict observable events, scientists construct a new paradigm (Kuhn, 1996). Despite vast differences in our backgrounds and in the attributes of our widely separated home institutions, we have arrived at strikingly similar perceptions of the need to fashion a new paradigm within undergraduate education. By aligning the anomalies and assembling experiences from several correlative efforts within the old paradigm, we have begun to distill some tenets of a coherent rationale for student-centred learning, built around the concepts inherent in a "theme school." These tenets are especially relevant to small, widely dispersed northern communities. Much of the following discussion originates in our shared disappointments with the effectiveness of education by the traditional Euro-American undergraduate paradigm when applied to northern environments and rural communities. Nevertheless, we are not institution-bashing: we owe much, after all, to the institutions that provided us with a point of departure for exploring alternatives and supplements

    Medicinal Plant Use and Health Sovereignty: Findings from the Tajik and Afghan Pamirs

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    Medicinal plants are indicators of indigenous knowledge in the context of political volatility and socio-cultural and ecological change in the Pamir Mountains of Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Medicinal plants are the primary health care option in this region of Central Asia. The main objective of this paper is to demonstrate that medicinal plants contribute to health security and sovereignty in a time of instability. We illustrate the nutritional as well as medicinal significance of plants in the daily lives of villagers. Based on over a decade and half of research related to resilience and livelihood security, we present plant uses in the context of mountain communities. Villagers identified over 58 cultivated and non-cultivated plants and described 310 distinct uses within 63 categories of treatment and prevention. Presence of knowledge about medicinal plants is directly connected to their use. © 2010 The Author(s)

    Measurements meet human observations : integrating distinctive ways of knowing in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan to assess local climate change

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>In mountain environments dimensions of climate change are unclear because of limited availability of meteorological stations. However, there is a necessity to assess the scope of local climate change, as the livelihood and food systems of subsistence-based communities are already getting impacted. To provide more clarity about local climate trends in the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan, this study integrates measured climate data with community observations in the villages of Savnob and Roshorv. Taking a transdisciplinary approach, both knowledge systems were considered as equally pertinent and mutually informed the research process. Statistical trends of temperature and snow cover were retrieved using downscaled ERA5 temperature data and the snow cover product MOD10A1. Local knowledge was gathered through community workshops and structured interviews and analysed using a consensus index. Results showed, that local communities perceived increasing temperatures in autumn and winter and decreasing amounts of snow and rain. Instrumental data records indicated an increase in summer temperatures and a shortening of the snow season in Savnob. As both knowledge systems entail their own strengths and limitations, an integrative assessment can broaden the understanding of local climate trends by (i) reducing existing uncertainties, (ii) providing new information, and (iii) introducing unforeseen perspectives. The presented study represents a time-efficient and global applicable approach for assessing local dimensions of climate change in data-deficient regions.</jats:p&gt
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