5 research outputs found

    Effects of Stochastic Resonance Whole-Body Vibration in Individuals with Unilateral Brain Lesion: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial: Whole-Body Vibration and Neuromuscular Function

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    Introduction. Stochastic resonance whole-body vibration (SR-WBV) devices are promising sensorimotor interventions to address muscle weakness and to improve balance and mobility particularly in the elderly. However, it remains inconclusive whether individuals with stroke or traumatic brain injury (TBI) can profit from this method. The aim of this prospective single-blind randomized controlled trial was to investigate the effects of SR-WBV on muscle strength as well as gait and balance performance in this population. Methods. Forty-eight individuals with stroke or TBI were randomly allocated to an experimental and a sham group. Participants were exposed daily to 5 consecutives 1-minute SR-WBV sessions, whereas the experimental group trained in a standing position with 5 Hz and the sham group in a seated position with 1 Hz. Isometric muscle strength properties of the paretic knee extensor muscles as well as balance and gait performance were measured at baseline, after the first session and after two weeks of SR-WBV. Results. Both groups showed short- and long-term effects in gait performance. However, no between-group effects could be found at the three measurement points. Discussion. Complementary SR-WBV showed no beneficial effects immediately after the intervention and after two weeks of conventional rehabilitation therapy. Future research is needed to identify the potential efficacy of SR-WBV in individuals with stroke and TBI using shorter and less exhausting test procedures and a generally prolonged intervention time

    Skilling up for training : a feasibility study investigating acute effects of stochastic resonance whole-body vibration on postural control of older adults

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    The present pilot study investigated the feasibility of applying a single bout stochastic resonance whole-body vibration in deconditioned elderly individuals and the effects on static and dynamic balance and reaction time. We report the results of a non-blinded randomized control trial with a pre-test/post-test design. Twenty elderly individuals were randomized into either single bout stochastic resonance whole-body vibration (SR-WBV) (n=10, frequency 5 Hz, Noise 4) or control (n=10). SR-WBV received 5 sets of 1 min stochastic whole-body vibration (5 Hz, Noise 4: vibration with a randomly varying frequency, 1=low, 4=high) with 1 min rest in between. The control group rested for 10 min without any intervention. Functional reach test (FRT), semi-tandem stand (STS), Expanded Timed Get Up-and-Go Test (ETGUG), single task- (ST) and dual task walking time (DT), chair rising (CR), and foot (RTF) and hand reaction time (RTH) were measured before and after the intervention. Within- and between group differences were analyzed using repeated measures. In order to assess the meaningfulness of pre-training to post-training changes, the effect size (ES) was calculated according to Cohen’s d. All participants in the study accepted and adhered to the WBV session and performed scheduled follow-up measurements. There were no adverse events. Change values for dynamic balance showed a strong trend towards improvement for FRT of about 4.5% (ES=0.52, P=0.161). Change values for RTF (5.9%; ES=0.55; P =0.169) showed a trend towards improvement in the SR-WBV only. The results suggest that stochastic resonance WBV is both safe and well accepted by elderly individuals in assisted living institutions, and might have beneficial effects on balance in these adults. Further research is warranted to determine whether this device might be of use in the skilling-up phase of an exercise program when training is initiated in strongly deconditioned and/or frail elderly. The new training protocol is expected to allow for safe skilling-up training of deconditioned older adults in assisted living institutions

    Effects of whole-body vibration on postural control in elderly: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>This systematic review was performed to summarize the current evidence for whole body vibration (WBV) interventions on postural control in elderly.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>English and German language papers in Medline, PEDro, Cinahl and the Cochrane databases were searched. Two reviewers extracted data on patients' characteristics, type of WBV intervention and outcomes. Two independent reviewers rated the methodological quality of these studies. Data were pooled using random-effects meta-analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifteen papers reporting quantitative data were included. Results from 15 papers could be pooled for a meta-analysis. The studies involved 933 participants. In 7 studies the authors investigated the effects of vibration plates generating vertical sinusoidal vibrations (VS-WBV) and 7 papers described the use of side-alternating sinusoidal vibrations (SS-WBV). One study investigated both VS-WBV and SS-WBV.</p> <p>Weak to moderate evidence of an overall effect as a result of VS-WBV and SS-WBV was observed for (a) static balance for post-intervention values with a standardized mean difference (SMD) -0.06, 95% CI -0.31 to 0.18 and for change values SMD -0.26, 95% CI -1.09 to 0.57, and (b) dynamic balance for post-intervention-values SMD -0.34, 95% CI -0.60 to -0.08. For functional balance (c) an overall outcome for post-intervention values with SMD of 0.34, 95% CI -0.19 to 0.87 was found.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The 15 studies reviewed were of moderate methodological quality. In summary, SS-WBV seems to have a beneficial effect on dynamic balance in elderly individuals. However, the current results should be interpreted with caution because of the observed heterogeneity of training parameters and statistical methods. Future studies are warranted to evaluate the effects of WBV on postural control in an elderly population.</p