10 research outputs found

    Indonesian Rock-phosphate Effectivity for Maize Crop on Ultisols Soils

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    Rock phosphate is a slow release phosphate source which can be directly used on acid soils. There are some rock phospahate deposits in Indonesia. Total phosphate and calcium content in rock phosphate vary between 8.79 – 31.88% P2O5, and 0.60 – 57.50% Ca. The objective of these research is to study the Indonesian rock phosphate effectivity for maize on Ultisol soil. The research wasconducted at green house using randomized complete block design, 8 treatments and 5 replications. The treatments consist of 5 kinds of different Indonesian rock phosphate, control, supherphos fertilizer and Tunisia Rock Phosphate as a standard comparison of P fertilizer.Relative Agronomic Effectivenes Analyses was used to see the effectivity of each rock phosphate. The result of these study shows that the effectiveness of Rock Phosphate from Jampang Tengah Sukabumi (DE-1), Brati Kayen Pati (DE-9), Padaherang Ciamis (DE-3), and Karang Mulya Ciamis (DE-5) were aqually the same as Superphos. Indonesian Rock Phosphate\u27s effectivenesswas almost the same as Tunisian Rock Phosphate. Phosphate fertilizing using rock phosphate obviously increased the soil content of phosphorus, both the available P and the reserved ones, and Superphos did better than the rock phosphate. Rock phosphate effectivity on Typic Plintudults was lower than thaton Typickanhapludults

    Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Kacang Tunggak

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    Kacang tunggak tergolong komoditas yang secara alamiah beradaptasi baik pada lahan kering atau lahan marginal sehingga memiliki harapan yang baik untuk dikembangkan pada lahan kering dalam rangka peningkatan produktivitas lahan.Perbaikan varietas kacang tunggak diutamakan pada peningkatan potensi hasil, sedangkan umur panen,kualitas biji,dan ketahanan terhadap hama utama tidak dilakukan secara khusus melainkan bersamaan saat seleksi atau pengujian daya hasil. Untuk jangka pendek (3tahun), Perbaikan varietas kacang tunggak dilakukan dengan introduksi dan seleksi, sedangkan jangka panjang dilakukan melalui hibridisasi.Kegiatan penuliaan kacang tunggak di Balitkabi dimulai pada tahun anggaran 1987 yang meliputi karakterisasi plasma nutfah untuk sifat kualitatif dan kuantitatif, pembentukan populasi bersegregasi melalui hibridisasi yang dilanjutkan dengan seleksi galur, pengujian daya hasil, dan uji multilokasi. Persilangan dilaksanakan pada tahun 1991 dengan metode silang tunggal; seleksi mulai dilakukan pada generasi F2-F5 dengan metode pedigree dan bulk (tahun 1992-1994). Galur-galur homosigot terpilih mulai diuji daya hasilnya pada tahun 1994-1995 melalui uji daya hasil pendahuluan yang dilanjutkan dengan pengujian daya hasil lanjut/multilokasi hingga tahun 1997. Hasil,warna biji,serta toleransi terhadap hama polong digunakan sebagai tolok ukur.Perbaikan kacang tunggak dengan cara hibridisasi mendapatkan tiga varietas unggul yakni KT-6,KT-7,dan KT-8 yang hasilnya di atas hasil rata-rata varietas dan diatas varietas pembanding tertinggi KT-5 dengan warna biji coklat muda dan merah. Selain itu ketiga varietas tersebut tergolong toleran terhadap hama polong pada tingkat serangan sedang, dan varietas KT-7 juga teridentifikasi agak tahan terhadap penyakit virus CAMV. Sedangkan varietas KT-2,KT-4,KT-5 dan KT-9 merupakan varietas hasil program jangka pendek. KT-2 dan KT-5 teridentifikasi tahan terhadap virus CAMV

    The Effect of P Fertilizer Application on Soil Phosphate Form and Corn Yield on Typic Plintudults and Placic Petraquepts

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    Phosphorus is one of macro nutrient for crops, but on the acid soils it become a main limiting factor for increasing plant growth and yield. Phosphorus availability and forms in the soil are influenced by the level of soil acidity, Fe and Al oxide content and the kind of P fertilizer added on the soil. The objective of this research is to study the effect of three source of P fertilizer application on weight of dry corn and on forms of phosphorus on the soil. The experiment had been conducted on Typic Plintudults in Jagang, North Lampung and on Placic Petraquepts in Cicadas, Bogor. The treatments consist of three source of P fertilizer i.e.:SP-36, DAP, and TSP, and control treatment (without P). The P fertilizer rate is 40 kg ha-1. The results of the study show that the P fertilizer application can increase the dry corn weight from 2 t ha-1 to 6 t ha-1, Al-P from 13 ppm to 41-48 ppm, Fe-P from 176 ppm to 263-300 ppm, Rs-P from 27 ppm to 64-73 ppm, and Ca-P from 14 ppm to 18-34 ppm. The increasing of dry corn weight is influenced by the increasing of Al-P, Rs-P, and Ca-P content on the soils. The increasing weight of dry corn is most influenced by the increasing of Ca-P. Phosphate fertilizer on the Placic Petraquepts Cicadas, Bogor can\u27t increase weight of dry corn. SP-36 and DAP fertilizer can increase of Al-P and Rs-P, whereas TSP fertilizer decreases of Rs-P and Ca-P. TSP fertilizer is suitable for annual crops, increasing of Ca-P and yield of corn

    Analysis of the biceps brachii muscle by varying the arm movement level and load resistance band

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    Biceps brachii muscle illness is one of the common physical disabilities that requires rehabilitation exercises in order to build up the strength of the muscle after surgery. It is also important to monitor the condition of the muscle during the rehabilitation exercise through electromyography (EMG) signals. The purpose of this study was to analyse and investigate the selection of the best mother wavelet (MWT) function and depth of the decomposition level in the wavelet denoising EMG signals through the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) method at each decomposition level. In this experimental work, six healthy subjects comprised of males and females (26 ± 3.0 years and BMI of 22 ± 2.0) were selected as a reference for persons with the illness. The experiment was conducted for three sets of resistance band loads, namely, 5 kg, 9 kg, and 16 kg, as a force during the biceps brachii muscle contraction. Each subject was required to perform three levels of the arm angle positions (30°, 90°, and 150°) for each set of resistance band load. The experimental results showed that the Daubechies5 (db5) was the most appropriate DWT method together with a 6-level decomposition with a soft heursure threshold for the biceps brachii EMG signal analysis

    Point of Zero Charge Determination and the Inluence of P, Basic Slag, Organic Matter and Lime Applications on Colloidal Charge and Quality of Oxisols

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    The colloidal charge manipulation of highly weathered soils using point of zero charge (PZC or pHo) approach is important in improving soil chemical properties. The objective of this study was to determine the PZC and manipulate colloidal charge surfaces of Oxisols in order to increase their quality. PZC was determined by adjusting pH values from 3 to 7 using potentiometric titration. The change of colloidal surface charges was measured using two extractants; NH4-acetat pH 7 and NH4Cl. A glass house experiment was carried out using 4.5 kg soil/pot. Soil was taken from Sonay, South East Sulawesi and from Sitiung, West Sumatra. Soil was taken from surface layer (0-20 cm) and subsurface layer (20-40 cm) for each location. Four factors consisted of P fertilizer, basic slag, organic matter and lime were used to manipulate colloidal surface charge. The treatment rates were 100, 200 and 400 ppm P for P fertilizer; 2, 4 and 8 t/ha for basic slag; 10, 20 and 40 t/ha for organic matter; 1.5, 3 and 6 t/ha for lime, and a complete control. All 13 treatments with three replications, were arranged using a randomized complete block design in which each layer of two Oxisols is used as a block. The results showed that values of PZC for a surface layer of Sonay Oxisol (OSY) and for surface and subsurface layers of Sitiung Oxisol (OSG) are similar, i.e, pHo was 3.5. In addition, the PZC value for the subsurface layer of OSY occurs at pH 5 which is the highest pHo value compared to three other layers. The PZC value of OSY, at a surface layer is higher than its soil pH value (5.0 vs 4.4) suggesting that colloidal surfaces bear a positive charge. In contrast, the PZC values for the surface layer of OSY and surface and subsurface layers of OSG were lower than their soil pH values, indicating the colloidal surfaces bear a negative charge. Application of P, basic slag, organic matter, and lime was able to manipulate colloidal charge surfaces having positive charges become negative and that the low negative charge of colloidal surfaces become more negative as evidenced from the increase cation exchange capacity (measured in NH4Cl) compared to a control treatment. Application of P, basic slag,organic matter, and lime could increased quality of Oxisols as shown by decreasing K leaching and by increased soybean yields, which drastically increased compared to a control treatment