13 research outputs found
INTRODUCTION - Different kinds of additional burdening; heavy jackets, belts etc. have traditionally being used during the training of shooters. The practice shows, however, that the efficiency of their usage is not high as they distort natural human biomechanical structure of strength inter-relations with medium. As an alternative to it we have used during the trainings of athletes the hypergravitational costume which makes it possible to increase both the module of strength interrelations of athlete's and the support, preserving natural geometry of his body masses as well as kinematics of movements. [Laputin A.N., 19811. RESULTS - The results of biomechanical experiments show that the total time of taking sight decreases, the amplitude of big and small vibrations of pistol and general centre of mass increases and also the rate-rhythmic structure of shot changes for the shooters being traditionally burdened with different loads. The truth of changes is proved by calculation values of Student's criterion (3.26)' which exceeds the limit value (2.06) for selection of volume 30 of elements and reliability P4 0.95. The shooters having the hypergravitational costume on (mass ml and m2; m
Assessment and analysis components of physical fitness of students
It is assessed components of a physical fitness of students. It is analyzed the internal and external factors affecting the quality of life for students. The study involved more than 200 students. Found that students represent a category of people with elevated risk factors, which include the nervous and mental tension, constant violations of the food, work and leisure, in their way of life there is a lack of care about their health. It is noted that the existing approaches to promoting physical fitness of students are inefficient and require the development and implementation of brand new contemporary theoretical foundations and practical approaches to the problem of increasing the activity of students. It is proved that sold today in the practice of higher education forms, methods, learning tools do not allow to fully ensure the implementation of approaches to promoting physical fitness of students do not meet the requirements for the preparation of the modern health professional
To the question of the using of information technologies in the educational process of cadets of MIA of Ukraine
Theoretical and practical material on questions of the use of information technologies in the system of higher education is presented. The necessity of update and perfection of technologies of education on the base of introduction in the pedagogical process of modern computer technologies is marked. Recommended to take into account psychological features of man at the development of informative methodical systems: perception and occupying, zoning of information on the screen, color and form, sizes and arrangement of objects on the screen. The prospects of the use of computer multimedia technologies in the process of teaching the motive actions of students are certain
Modeling of movements in sports training
Aggregate data are expounded about methodical approaches at the modeling of technique of motor actions in sport. Practical material is presented on questions of design and perfection of technique of motor actions on the example of different types of sport. The model of technique of running step is offered on a line in short-track. A cross-correlation analysis between resulting speed of general centre-of-mass body of sportsmen and biomechanics descriptions exposed six important indexes. These indexes are plugged in a statistical model at run on a line. It is set that on the initial stages of preparation of sportsmen it is necessary to take into account the biokinematics and biodynamic structure of technique of motive actions
Modern knowledge about prevention and correction of functional disorders of the supporting-motor apparatus of the senior preschool age children in the process of physical education
Technology of correction of violations of carriage is developed for the children of senior preschool age taking into account spatial organization of their body. Possibilities of application of technology are rotined in the system of physical education of child preschool age and in a medical physical culture. The flowsheet of organization of employments is offered correction-prophylactic macrocycle. Pulling in is selected in a chart, correcting and supporting sanitary the stages
Use of interactive technologies in the system of preparing specialists in the field of physical education and sport
The article reviews the results from previous experimental studies that attempted to establish transfer from chess abilities to general abilities. We also discuss the data of the current research on use of the developed interactive complex Brainteaser, which includes a diagnostic unit, testing logical reasoning, spatial ability and short-term visual memory, and a set of programmes, aimed at improving the cognitive abilities of sports students
Biostatic and goniometric indicators of the senior preschool age children with functional disorders of the supporting-motor apparatus
Influence of functional violations of carriage is considered on the goniometric and biostatic indexes of carriage of children. The most widespread types of violations of carriage are presented. Their influence is rotined spatial organization of body. The most widespread functional violations of locomotorium are violations of carriage: in a frontal plane (47,5 %), in sagittal planes (18,75 %), combined (13,75%). Violations of carriage influence on the biostatic indexes of stability of body of children
Modern approaches to preservation of health at students in the course of physical education.
The analysis of the special scientific literature is conducted on issue health of economy for students, approaches and features of forming for the students of requirement in the healthy physically active way of life in the process of physical education. It is set that creation of environment, cooperant the physical and moral making healthy of students must become the strategic purpose of higher education. Also - to maintenance of health level, strengthening of health, forming of skills of healthy way of life. It is marked that education of culture of health is reduced negative action of external and internal средовых factors. The theoretical going is generalized near research of problem health of economy for the participants of educational process. Possible directions activity are rotined on realization health of saving technologies in the institute of higher. Essence, components, criteria and directions of development, is certain health of saving technologies in the process of teaching in the system of trade education. It is well-proven that development and realization of ideology and policy of economy of health of students, overcoming of crisis demographic situation, must be fixed in basis of activity of all of public organs of power. Main strategies of decision of problems of national development and safety of Ukraine are rotined, further effective socio-economic development of country
Modern approaches to formation health-saving technologies in the sports training of young athletes.
Generalization of theoretical knowledges in area of the use of technologies saving and correctings a health in the process of preparation of young sportsmen is conducted. The necessity of revision of going is marked near organization of process of preparation of sportsmen. Contradictions between increasing requirements to preparedness of young sportsmen and limited functional possibilities of their growing organism are considered. The ways of removal of failings in physical development and preparedness of sportsmen are rotined. The pedagogical aspects of increase of interest to employments by physical exercises are selected