1,162 research outputs found

    Global Strong Well-posedness of the Three Dimensional Primitive equations in LpL^p-spaces

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    In this article, an LpL^p-approach to the primitive equations is developed. In particular, it is shown that the three dimensional primitive equations admit a unique, global strong solution for all initial data a∈[Xp,D(Ap)]1/pa \in [X_p,D(A_p)]_{1/p} provided p∈[6/5,∞)p \in [6/5,\infty). To this end, the hydrostatic Stokes operator ApA_p defined on XpX_p, the subspace of LpL^p associated with the hydrostatic Helmholtz projection, is introduced and investigated. Choosing pp large, one obtains global well-posedness of the primitive equations for strong solutions for initial data aa having less differentiability properties than H1H^1, hereby generalizing in particular a result by Cao and Titi (Ann. Math. 166 (2007), pp. 245-267) to the case of non-smooth initial data.Comment: 26 page

    Splitting Madsen-Tillmann spectra II. The Steinberg idempotents and Whitehead conjecture

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    We show that, at the prime p=2p=2, the spectrum Σ−nD(n)\Sigma^{-n}D(n) splits off the Madsen-Tillmann spectrum MTO(n)=BO(n)−γnMTO(n)=BO(n)^{-\gamma_n} which is compatible with the classic splitting of M(n)M(n) off BO(n)+BO(n)_+. For n=2n=2, together with our previous splitting result on Madsen-Tillmann spectra, this shows that MTO(2)MTO(2) is homotopy equivalent to BSO(3)+∨Σ−2D(2)BSO(3)_+\vee\Sigma^{-2}D(2).Comment: Comments are welcome

    Obstructions to shellability, partitionability, and sequential Cohen-Macaulayness

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    For a property P\cal P of simplicial complexes, a simplicial complex Γ\Gamma is an obstruction to P\cal P if Γ\Gamma itself does not satisfy P\cal P but all of its proper restrictions satisfy P\cal P. In this paper, we determine all obstructions to shellability of dimension ≤2\le 2, refining the previous work by Wachs. As a consequence we obtain that the set of obstructions to shellability, that to partitionability and that to sequential Cohen-Macaulayness all coincide for dimensions ≤2\le 2. We also show that these three sets of obstructions coincide in the class of flag complexes. These results show that the three properties, hereditary-shellability, hereditary-partitionability, and hereditary-sequential Cohen-Macaulayness are equivalent for these classes

    Penalty method with Crouzeix-Raviart approximation for the Stokes equations under slip boundary condition

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    The Stokes equations subject to non-homogeneous slip boundary conditions are considered in a smooth domain Ω⊂RN (N=2,3)\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N \, (N=2,3). We propose a finite element scheme based on the nonconforming P1/P0 approximation (Crouzeix-Raviart approximation) combined with a penalty formulation and with reduced-order numerical integration in order to address the essential boundary condition u⋅n∂Ω=gu \cdot n_{\partial\Omega} = g on ∂Ω\partial\Omega. Because the original domain Ω\Omega must be approximated by a polygonal (or polyhedral) domain Ωh\Omega_h before applying the finite element method, we need to take into account the errors owing to the discrepancy Ω≠Ωh\Omega \neq \Omega_h, that is, the issues of domain perturbation. In particular, the approximation of n∂Ωn_{\partial\Omega} by n∂Ωhn_{\partial\Omega_h} makes it non-trivial whether we have a discrete counterpart of a lifting theorem, i.e., right-continuous inverse of the normal trace operator H1(Ω)N→H1/2(∂Ω)H^1(\Omega)^N \to H^{1/2}(\partial\Omega); u↦u⋅n∂Ωu \mapsto u\cdot n_{\partial\Omega}. In this paper we indeed prove such a discrete lifting theorem, taking advantage of the nonconforming approximation, and consequently we establish the error estimates O(hα+ϵ)O(h^\alpha + \epsilon) and O(h2α+ϵ)O(h^{2\alpha} + \epsilon) for the velocity in the H1H^1- and L2L^2-norms respectively, where α=1\alpha = 1 if N=2N=2 and α=1/2\alpha = 1/2 if N=3N=3. This improves the previous result [T. Kashiwabara et al., Numer. Math. 134 (2016), pp. 705--740] obtained for the conforming approximation in the sense that there appears no reciprocal of the penalty parameter ϵ\epsilon in the estimates.Comment: 21 page
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