5 research outputs found


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    International production cooperation is becoming a major factor determining the relationship between the Russian economy and the global economy as well as the possibility of the country’s transition to a new technological level. The methods used to carry out the economic study include: observation and collection of facts, analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical method, mathematical modeling. Through building and using the econometric model, the author comes to the conclusion that the development of international economic relations has a positive effect on the growth of the national economy: an increase in imports by 1% results in Russian GDP growth by 1.83% (according to the first model) and 1.26% (according to the second model), while an increase in exports by 1% leads to Russian GDP reduction by 0.06% (as per the first model) and to growth by 0.84% (as per the second model). The article offers the author’s viewpoint on the results obtained from the econometric model, in particular the author finds that development of production cooperation in mechanical engineering (its share in exports is less than 10% while in imports it is 80%) as well as support of export-oriented high-tech enterprises have a clear positive impact on the national economy. The author’s approach to the study of the impact of international cooperation on the development of the national economy has an unquestionable theoretical and practical value. The obtained results correlate with the findings of other researchers [5, 6, 9].Международная производственная кооперация становится важнейшим фактором, определяющим характер взаимоотношений экономики Российской Федерации с мировой экономикой и возможность перехода страны на новый технологический уровень. В работе применялись такие методы экономического исследования, как наблюдение и сбор фактов, анализ и синтез, абстрактно-логический метод, математическое моделирование. На основании полученной эконометрической модели сделан вывод о том, что развитие международных экономических отношений оказывает положительное влияние на рост отечественной экономики: при увеличении импорта на 1% ВВП РФ растет на 1,83% (первая модель) и 1,26% (вторая модель); а при увеличении экспорта на 1% ВВП РФ сокращается на 0,06% (первая модель) и растет на 0,84% (вторая модель). В статье предложена авторская трактовка результатов эконометрической модели: положительное влияние на рост отечественной экономики оказывают налаживание производственной кооперации в машиностроении (доля которого в экспорте менее 10%, импорте 80%) и стимулирование экспортно-ориентированных высокотехнологичных предприятий. Предложенный авторский подход к исследованию влияния международной кооперации на развитие национальной экономики имеет несомненную теоретическую и практическую значимость. Полученные результаты соотносятся с выводами других ученых [5, 6, 9]


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    To reveal the role of openness of a national economy in the system of conditions and factors of international industrial cooperation development.The system approach based on such scientific methods of theoretical and empirical studies as observation and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as mathematical and statistical methods for economic analysis.The main types of openness of the economy were identified; contradictory impact of economic openness on international cooperation was defined; at the same time, it was shown, based on projections of reproductionalopenness of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan as a region of the Russian Federation and the interpretation of their results, that the subjects of the Russian economy were deeply embedded into the global reproduction networks.Scientific novelty: In the article, through the use of complex of methods, the role of openness of the economy in the context of innovative development and economic security of the country was investigated; embeddedness of international production networks in the Russian economic system was proved; first time the term “cooperational openness of the economy” was presented and analyzed.Practical value: Key points and conclusions of the article may be used in the development of the main directions of foreign economic activity of the country and its regions.Цель статьи - раскрыть роль открытости экономики в системе условий и факторов развития международной производственной кооперации. Использованы системный подход, основанный на общенаучных методах эмпирического и теоретического исследования, таких как наблюдение и сравнение, анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, а также математико-статистические методы экономического анализа.В результате выделены основные виды открытости экономики; определено противоречивое влияние открытости экономики на международную кооперацию; вместе с тем на основе прогнозов воспроизводственной открытости экономики Республики Татарстан как региона Российской Федерации и интерпретации их результатов показано, что субъекты российской экономики глубоко укоренены в глобальные воспроизводственные сети.В статье на основе комплекса методов исследована роль открытости экономики в контексте инновационного развития и экономической безопасности страны; доказана укорененность международной производственной кооперации в российской экономической системе; впервые представлено и раскрыто понятие «кооперационная открытость экономики». Основные положения и выводы статьи могут быть использованы при разработке направлений внешнеэкономической деятельности региона и страны


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    To reveal the role of openness of a national economy in the system of conditions and factors of international industrial cooperation development.The system approach based on such scientific methods of theoretical and empirical studies as observation and comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as mathematical and statistical methods for economic analysis.The main types of openness of the economy were identified; contradictory impact of economic openness on international cooperation was defined; at the same time, it was shown, based on projections of reproductionalopenness of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan as a region of the Russian Federation and the interpretation of their results, that the subjects of the Russian economy were deeply embedded into the global reproduction networks.Scientific novelty: In the article, through the use of complex of methods, the role of openness of the economy in the context of innovative development and economic security of the country was investigated; embeddedness of international production networks in the Russian economic system was proved; first time the term “cooperational openness of the economy” was presented and analyzed.Practical value: Key points and conclusions of the article may be used in the development of the main directions of foreign economic activity of the country and its regions


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    International production cooperation is becoming a major factor determining the relationship between the Russian economy and the global economy as well as the possibility of the country’s transition to a new technological level. The methods used to carry out the economic study include: observation and collection of facts, analysis and synthesis, abstract-logical method, mathematical modeling. Through building and using the econometric model, the author comes to the conclusion that the development of international economic relations has a positive effect on the growth of the national economy: an increase in imports by 1% results in Russian GDP growth by 1.83% (according to the first model) and 1.26% (according to the second model), while an increase in exports by 1% leads to Russian GDP reduction by 0.06% (as per the first model) and to growth by 0.84% (as per the second model). The article offers the author’s viewpoint on the results obtained from the econometric model, in particular the author finds that development of production cooperation in mechanical engineering (its share in exports is less than 10% while in imports it is 80%) as well as support of export-oriented high-tech enterprises have a clear positive impact on the national economy. The author’s approach to the study of the impact of international cooperation on the development of the national economy has an unquestionable theoretical and practical value. The obtained results correlate with the findings of other researchers [5, 6, 9]