281 research outputs found

    Phase space polarization and the topological string: a case study

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    We review and elaborate on our discussion in hep-th/0606112 on the interplay between the target space and the worldsheet description of the open topological string partition function, for the example of the conifold. We discuss the appropriate phase space and canonical form for the system. We find a map between choices of polarization and the worldsheet description, based on which we study the behavior of the partition function under canonical transformations.Comment: 18 pages, invited review for MPL

    The Acceleration of the Universe, a Challenge for String Theory

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    Recent astronomical observations indicate that the universe is accelerating. We argue that generic quintessence models that accommodate the present day acceleration tend to accelerate eternally. As a consequence the resulting spacetimes exhibit event horizons. Hence, quintessence poses the same problems for string theory as asymptotic de Sitter spaces.Comment: JHEP, LaTeX, 12 pages, 4 figures. Added a reference, corrected typo

    Instanton Counting and Chern-Simons Theory

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    The instanton partition function of N=2, D=4 SU(2) gauge theory is obtained by taking the field theory limit of the topological open string partition function, given by a Chern-Simons theory, of a CY3-fold. The CY3-fold on the open string side is obtained by geometric transition from local F_0 which is used in the geometric engineering of the SU(2) theory. The partition function obtained from the Chern-Simons theory agrees with the closed topological string partition function of local F_0 proposed recently by Nekrasov. We also obtain the partition functions for local F_1 and F_2 CY3-folds and show that the topological string amplitudes of all local Hirzebruch surfaces give rise to the same field theory limit. It is shown that a generalization of the topological closed string partition function whose field theory limit is the generalization of the instanton partition function, proposed by Nekrasov, can be determined easily from the Chern-Simons theory.Comment: 39 pages, references added, typos corrected, cosmetic change

    Moduli Potentials in Type IIA Compactifications with RR and NS Flux

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    We describe a simple class of type IIA string compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds where background fluxes generate a potential for the complex structure moduli, the dilaton, and the K\"ahler moduli. This class of models corresponds to gauged N=2 supergravities, and the potential is completely determined by a choice of gauging and by data of the N=2 Calabi-Yau model - the prepotential for vector multiplets and the quaternionic metric on the hypermultiplet moduli space. Using mirror symmetry, one can determine many (though not all) of the quantum corrections which are relevant in these models.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor change

    The toroidal block and the genus expansion

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    We study the correspondence between four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories and two-dimensional conformal field theories in the case of N=2* gauge theory. We emphasize the genus expansion on the gauge theory side, as obtained via geometric engineering from the topological string. This point of view uncovers modular properties of the one-point conformal block on a torus with complexified intermediate momenta: in the large intermediate weight limit, it is a power series whose coefficients are quasi-modular forms. The all-genus viewpoint that the conformal field theory approach lends to the topological string yields insight into the analytic structure of the topological string partition function in the field theory limit.Comment: 36 page

    Evidence for Winding States in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory

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    We study noncommutative field theories at finite temperature to learn more about the degrees of freedom in the non-planar sector of these systems. We find evidence for winding states. At temperatures for which the thermal wavelength is smaller than the noncommutativity scale, there is a drastic reduction of the degrees of freedom in the non-planar sector. In this regime, the non-planar sector has thermodynamics resembling that of a 1+1 dimensional field theory.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Typos corrected and minor clarifications adde
