21 research outputs found

    Identification of semiparametric discrete outcome models with bounded covariates

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    Identification of discrete outcome models is often established by using special covariates that have full support. This paper shows how these identification results can be extended to a large class of commonly used semiparametric discrete outcome models when all covariates are bounded. I apply the proposed methodology to multinomial choice models, bundles models, and finite games of complete information

    2022-5 Estimation of Parametric Binary Outcome Models with Degenerate Pure Choice-Based Data with Application to COVID-19-Positive Tests from British Columbia

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    I propose a generalized method of moments type procedure to estimate parametric binary choice models when the researcher only observes degenerate pure choices-based or presence-only data and has some information about the distribution of the covariates. This auxiliary information comes in the form of moments. I present an application based on the data on all COVID-19-positive tests from British Columbia. Publicly available demographic information on the population in British Columbia allows me to estimate the conditional probability of a person being COVID-19-positively tested conditional on demographic

    2022-4 Identification and Estimation of Multinomial Choice Models with Latent Special Covariates

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    Identification of multinomial choice models is often established by using special covariates that have full support. This paper shows how these identification results can be extended to a large class of multinomial choice models when all covariates are bounded. I also provide a new √n-consistent asymptotically normal estimator of the finite-dimensional parameters of the model

    Prices, Profits, Proxies, and Production

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    This paper studies nonparametric identification and counterfactual bounds for heterogeneous firms that can be ranked in terms of productivity. Our approach works when quantities and prices are latent rendering standard approaches inapplicable. Instead, we require observation of profits or other optimizing-values such as costs or revenues, and either prices or price proxies of flexibly chosen variables. We extend classical duality results for price-taking firms to a setup with discrete heterogeneity, endogeneity, and limited variation in possibly latent prices. Finally, we show that convergence results for nonparametric estimators may be directly converted to convergence results for production sets.Comment: This paper was previously circulated with the title "Prices, Profits, and Production

    2019-3 Discerning Solution Concepts

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    The empirical analysis of discrete complete-information games has relied on behavioral restrictions in the form of solution concepts, such as Nash equilibrium. Choosing the right solution concept is crucial not just for identification of payoff parameters, but also for the validity and informativeness of counterfactual exercises and policy implications. We say that a solution concept is discernible if it is possible to determine whether it generated the observed data on the players' behavior and covariates. We propose a set of conditions that make it possible to discern solution concepts. In particular, our conditions are sufficient to tell whether the players' choices emerged from Nash equilibria. We can also discern between rationalizable behavior, maxmin behavior, and collusive behavior. Finally, we identify the correlation structure of unobserved shocks in our model using a novel approach

    2022-3 A Random Attention and Utility Model

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    We generalize the stochastic revealed preference methodology of McFadden and Richter (1990) for finite choice sets to settings with limited consideration. Our approach is nonparametric and requires partial choice set variation. We impose a monotonicity condition on attention first proposed by Cattaneo et al. (2020) and a stability condition on the marginal distribution of preferences. Our framework is amenable to statistical testing. These new restrictions extend widely known parametric models of consideration with heterogeneous preferences

    Peer Effects in Consideration and Preferences

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    We develop a general model of discrete choice that incorporates peer effects in preferences and consideration sets. We characterize the equilibrium behavior and establish conditions under which all parts of the model can be recovered from a sequence of choices. We allow peers to affect only preferences, only consideration, or both. We exploit different types of variations to separate the peer effects in preferences and consideration sets. This allows us to recover the set (and type) of connections between the agents in the network. We then use this information to recover the random preferences and the attention mechanisms of each agent. These nonparametric identification results allow unrestricted heterogeneity across agents and do not rely on the variation of either covariates or the set of available options (or menus). We apply our results to model expansion decisions by coffee chains and find evidence of limited consideration. We simulate counterfactual predictions and show how limited consideration slows down competition

    2023-2 Dynamic and Stochastic Rational Behavior

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    We analyze consumer demand behavior using Dynamic Random Utility Model (DRUM). Under DRUM, a consumer draws a utility function from a stochastic utility process in each period and maximizes this utility subject to her budget constraint. DRUM allows unrestricted time correlation and cross-section heterogeneity in preferences. We fully characterize DRUM for a panel data of consumer choices and budgets. DRUM is linked to a finite mixture of deterministic behavior represented as the Kronecker product of static rationalizable behavior. We provide a generalization of the Weyl-Minkowski theorem that uses this link and enables conversion of the characterizations of the static Random Utility Model (RUM) of McFadden-Richter (1990) to its dynamic form. DRUM is more flexible than Afriat’s (1967) framework for time series and more informative than RUM. We show the feasibility of the statistical test of DRUM in a Monte Carlo study