49 research outputs found
The paper disentangles gross savings into government and private savings and investigate their impact on gross investment. Our methodology is based on a balanced panel of four MENA countries (Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon) for the period 2000-2017 by employing the Panel Vector Autoregressive Model (PVAR). Our findings show that government savings as a ratio of GDP does not have any impact on investment while private savings as a ratio of GDP does. Both variables exhibit the correct signs. The results also show that mobility of private saving is high and seemingly statistically inconsistent with the Fielstein and Horioka (1980) puzzle. Our paper also reveals that even though OECD countries are more open than our sample countries, the higher capital mobility of our sample is driven by the economic and political instability in the region.Rad razgraničava bruto štednju na državnu i privatnu štednju te istražuje njihov utjecaj na bruto investicije. Metodologija se temelji na uravnoteženom panelu četiri zemlje Bliskog istoka i Afrike (Tunis, Jordan, Egipat i Libanon) za razdoblje od 2000. do 2017. primjenom panel vektorskog autoregreijskog modela (PVAR). Rezultati pokazuju da državna štednja kao omjer BDP-a nema utjecaja na investicije, dok privatna štednja kao omjer BDP -a ima. Obje varijable potvrđuju očekivani predznak. Rezultati također pokazuju da je mobilnost privatne štednje velika i naizgled statistički neusklađena s zagonetkom Fielstein i Horioka (1980.). Ovaj članak također otkriva da, iako su zemlje OECD-a otvorenije od zemalja promatranog uzorka, veća mobilnost kapitala promatranog uzorka je posljedica ekonomske i političke nestabilnosti u regiji
This study examines the effect of defi cit fi nancing on economic stability in Jordan during the period 2005-2017, using quarterly data by employing the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) after seasonally adjusting the variables. This paper is unique as it is the fi rst of its kind that tackles the issue of stability in Jordan. It provides empirical evidence that external borrowing (EBDT) and domestic bank fi nancing (BANK) negatively affect economic stability in Jordan. The bank effect is due to crowding out the private sector. External borrowing negative impact is driven by the current high level of outstanding public debt, 98 percent of GDP. Public debt is mainly channeled to fi nance current expenditures at the expense of capital expenditures, which has a minimal impact on growth. Interest rate (REPO) effect is in line with the fi nance theory as higher rates lead to lower growth. Nonbank fi nancing (NonBank), although not statistically signifi cant, exhibits the right sign as it has a positive effect. Future research may extend this work by including other macroeconomic variables such as current account defi cit, money supply and direct foreign investment.U ovom se radu ispituje utjecaj financiranja deficita na ekonomsku stabilnost u Jordanu u razdoblju od 2005. do 2017. godine, temeljem tromjesečnih podataka, korištenjem vektorskog modela korekcije pogreške (VECM) nakon sezonskog prilagođavanja varijabli. Ovaj je rad jedinstven jer je prvi takve vrste koji se bavi pitanjem stabilnosti u Jordanu. Rad pruža empirijske dokaze da vanjsko zaduživanje (EBDT) i financiranje domaćih banaka (BANK) negativno utječu na ekonomsku stabilnost u Jordanu. Učinak banke posljedica je istiskivanja privatnog sektora. Negativni utjecaj vanjskog zaduživanja utječe na trenutačno visoku razinu nepodmirenog javnog duga od 98 posto BDP-a. Javni dug uglavnom se usmjerava na financiranje tekućih rashoda na teret kapitalnih rashoda, što ima minimalan utjecaj na rast. Učinak kamatnih stopa (REPO) u skladu je s teorijom financija jer veće stope dovode do nižeg rasta. Nebankarsko financiranje (NonBank), iako nije statistički značajno, pokazuje pravi predznak, jer ima pozitivan učinak. Buduća istraživanja mogu proširiti ovaj rad uključivanjem ostalih makroekonomskih varijabli poput deficita tekućeg računa, novčane mase i izravnih stranih ulaganja
Review of Tax Incentive Legislations Conducive to Investments in Jordan
Generally, all countries will try and encourage economic growth by providing the right economic environment for investor. Tax incentives legislations are considered one of the most used tools that can encourage foreign and local investors to bring in and inject the required cash to any economy.
Jordan, like any country, has its own set of tax incentives legislation to help grow its own economy. In this article these tax incentives legislations will be looked at and scrutinised, as some of these legislations do contradicts others within the Jordanian law. These contradictions within the Jordanian tax legislations come from the following factors:
1) Lack of clarity in definition of “investment”.
2) Many sources of incentives legislations, that are not conducted or referenced by a single legislative body. This is clearer when looking at the Jordanian income and investors tax legislations.
3) Lack of legislative synchronising body that overlooks these legislations.
All the above points lead negatively on the Jordanian economy and its growth. This study came out to the conclusion that all the Jordanian tax incentive legislations should be centralised or centrally controlled by a single legislative body that controls these sets of law and make sure that they don’t contradicts each other. Also, the tax incentive legislations should be directly related to the growth of the economy that these investments bring
Review of Tax Incentive Legislations Conducive to Investments in Jordan
تعد الحوافز الضريبة من أهم صور الأنشطة الاستثمارية التي تحرص التشريعات على تحفيزها بشتى الوسائل، لخلق بيئة استثمارية جاذبة متمثلة في تخفيف العبء الضريبي على المستثمرين مقارنة بما هو مفترض في تحمل نصيبهم من الأعباء المالية العامة.
وقد سار المشرع الأردني بهذا الاتجاه أيضًا من حيث منح العديد من الحوافز الضريبية للمستثمرين، إلا أنه خالف العدالة التشريعية بإيراد نصوص تتضارب مع بعضها، سواء من حيث تحديد مفهوم الاستثمار، أو من حيث تعدد المرجعية القانونية الناظمة لهذه الحوافز، ففي الوقت الذي ذهب قانون الاستثمار إلى تحديد العبء الضريبي بشكل محفز للبيئة الاستثمارية؛ ذهب قانون ضريبية الدخل إلى خلاف ذلك في تباين لا نجد له ما يبرره بين القانونين.
ومن جانب آخر نجد أن قانون الاستثمار افتقر إلى التنظيم الضامن لتحقيق الحوافز الاستثمارية لهدفها، مما ينعكس سلباً على البيئة المفترضة لهذه الأنشطة، وخلص البحث إلى ضرورة توحيد المظلة التشريعية للحوافز الضريبية للأنشطة الاستثمارية وتوحيد الأعباء الضريبية من خلال إزالة التعارض في العبء الضريبي، وربط منح هذه الحوافز بمقدار انعكاسها أثرها إيجابياً على الأهداف المرجوة منها
How Spiritual Leadership Influences Creative Behaviors: the Mediating Role of Workplace Climate
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between spiritual leadership and creative behavior with workplace climate as mediating variable in the Jordanian banking.
Theoretical framework: The purpose of this study, which extends the theories of intrinsic motivation and social exchange, is to acquire a deeper knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between spiritual leadership and innovative workplace behavior.
Design/methodology/approach: The study used quantitative research approach through a survey based on random sampling method from (n= 358) employees of 13 Jordanian commercial banks in Amman. For purposes of analysis, structural equation modeling was then utilized for the examination of the research hypotheses.
Findings: The results of the research indicated that workplace climate mediates the link between spiritual leadership and creative behavior. Specifically, greater levels of creative behavior among employees were related to spiritual leadership, as was a favorable working environment.
Research, Practical & Social implications: The study offers managerial and theoretical implications while considering the study’s limitations to provide guidance for the future.
Originality/value: The study identifies the magnificent influence of spiritual leadership and the workplace climate by delineating how these factors stimulate creative behaviors among employees. Specifically, the study focuses on how spiritual leadership and the workplace climate stimulate creative behaviors among employees. We examine the consequences of these findings for both research and practice
Nexus of Strategic Thinking, Knowledge-Oriented Leadership, and Employee Creativity in Higher Education Institutes
Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine strategic thinking and knowledge-oriented leadership influence employees' creativity in the setting of Jordanian private universities.
Theoretical framework: The study employed Path Goal Theory to clarify the interaction of the variables used in Higher Education Institutes to address the issue.
Design/methodology/approach: The research used a “partial least squares-structural equation modeling” approach to examine the gathered data. For analysis purpose, was developed and empirically verified with data (n = 143) obtained from a random sample of private universities in Jordan.
Findings: The result found that Strategic thinking promotes and increases employee creativity. However, knowledge-oriented leadership moderates the causal association between strategic thinking and employee creativity.
Research implications: The results are presented taking into account the relevant research as well as the practical implications for higher education administrators.
Originality/value: The novel theoretical contribution that was made by this study is its emphasis on knowledge-oriented leadership as a moderator in the link between strategic thinking and employee creativity
Action learning:an effective intervention to improve cancer related pain management
Purpose To evaluate the efficacy of action learning for improving cancer related pain management in the acute healthcare settings. Despite the prevalent use of action learning in private, public, clinical and non-clinical settings, no studies were found in the literature that either examined cancer pain management or used action learning as an approach to improve patient care in acute healthcare settings. Methods An intervention pre – posttest design was adopted using an action learning programme (ALP) as the intervention. Healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and practice were assessed and evaluated before and after the implementation of the six-month ALP. A pre and post audit and survey were conducted for data collection. The data were collected from the entire population of 170 healthcare professionals in one healthcare organisation. Results The management of cancer related pain improved significantly following the intervention. Significant improvement were also seen in healthcare professionals’ knowledge, attitudes with improved cancer related pain management as a consequence of this. Conclusion Despite many organisational challenges to practice development and collaborative working in healthcare settings there is evidence that action learning can achieve positive outcomes for improving CRP and supporting collaborative working. Action learning needs to be considered as a strategy for achieving high quality standards
Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Heart Failure Patients: Insights from a Comprehensive Analysis and Machine Learning Model Using the Jordanian Heart Failure Registry [Corrigendum]
Izraiq M, Almousa E, Hammoudeh S, et al. Int J Gen Med. 2024;17:2253–2264.
The authors have advised that there are percentage errors in the DM (n=1388) and No DM (n=619) columns in Table 1 on page 2256. The correct Table 1 is as follows.
Table 1 Clinical Characteristics of Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients with Heart Failure
The authors apologize for these errors