14 research outputs found
The Development of an Interaction Analysis Support System for asynchronous CSCL
近年、初等中等教育や高等教育における協調学習の重要性がますます指摘されるようになっている。また、学校へのインターネット接続が急速に進み、CSCL(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning)に関する研究が多く行われ、実践でも掲示板等を使ったWeb上での協調学習が多く見られる。しかし、授業実践者が学習者の学習過程を分析する際、対話の履歴が保存されることは大きな利点となるが、学習者の知識構造が変化する過程といった質的な分析は授業実践者が対話の内容を一つ一つチェックして行うしかなく、この困難さが掲示板によるCSCL実践のネックの一つであると言える。そこで本研究では、授業実践者が蓄積された対話のデータをいくつかの観点からカテゴライズすることによって、協調学習を量的・質的に分析するのを支援するシステムの開発を行う。Recently, the importance of collaborative learning in school education is coming to be recognized more. And, internet connectivity to each school is proceeding rapidly. By these reasons, much research about CSCL (Computer Support Collaborative Learning) and much collaborative learning on the Web bulletin board in school education are being done. But, a teacher must check each content of the learner's dialogue in detail to analyze learning process in CSCL. This difficutty is one of the bottlenecks of the CSCL using the bulletin board. So, in this research, we develop a support system that supports a teacher to analyze collaborative learning by categorizing the dialog data based on some viewpoints
Production of Aquatic Organism Cultivation Kit and Its Development in STEAM Education
A Difference in Professional Ability that Young Teachers Feel from Skilled Teachers through Lesson Study -Basic Investigation Toward Development of a System that Supports Young Teachers for Enhancement of Professional Ability-
Study on the Teaching Strategy of an Elementary School and Improving the Program for Training Students to be Teachers of University (2) :In the Case of Social Studies, Music, Physical Education and Information Ethics Education
A Learning Material on the Web for the Preparation of Laboratory Works in Physics <Articles>
Evaluation of a learning material on the Web for preparations of laboratory works developed previously is reported. It shows that contents of this material are effective as much as advises of teaching stuffs for laboratory works and the learning material provides homogeneous contents for students, in spite of contents of advises given by teaching stuffs depending on them
Development of a System that Provides Teachers with Useful Resources from Various Viewpoints Based on Ontology
Abstract: In Japan, teaching of the subject &quot;Information &quot; was started in the high schools in April 2003, and interest in IT/information education has continued to grow since then. It is very difficult to design IT/information education materials, and there are very few specialist teachers of IT/information education. For this reason, it is necessary an
Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. A Semantic Web system for supporting teachers using ontology alignment
Abstract: In Japan, it is important to provide teachers of Information Technology Education (IT) with a powerful help system that can locate and provide access to a variety of useful information resources. To this end, we built an ontology of the goal of IT education and its applications based on Semantic Web technology. This application was based on the alignment of ontologies to reuse the results of other research. Furthermore, we propose a Goal Transition Model to show a skeleton of the transition of instructional goals based on ontologies. Finally, we propose support functions that are used in the model