29 research outputs found

    Studies on the biology of Benedenia seriolae, an ectoparasitic trematode on the yellowtail : I. on the growth and spawning of the fluke in summer

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     ハマチの倖郚寄生吞虫Benedenia seriolae の生態に぀いおその倚数の寄生がみられた小割逊殖堎のハマチを甚いお研究を行ないこれたでに次のような結果を埗た. 1) 倏季(æ°Žæž©22°-26℃)においおは虫䜓長は盎線的に増加し寄生初期0.5mm のものが寄生埌20 日間で玄5.8mm (成熟)に成長した. 2) 䌑圢は成長lこ埓っお倉化し䜓幅の䜓長に察する割合は寄生初期は玄40%で现長いが䜓長4.8mmに達したものでは玄60%ずなり成虫䜓圢を瀺した. 3) 産卵は䜓長5.4mm 以䞊に達したものに倚くみられその平均産卵数は5.8mm 前埌のものでは170  6.7 mm前埌では245 であった. 4) 生育適枩の高枩限界は玄29℃ であるず認められた.The author has been carrying out some biological studies on Benedenia seriolae with the aim of finding effective method for controlling the fluke. Observation has been made on this ectoparasite infecting the yellowtail in the fish-culture farms in Shizuoka Prefecture. Following results have sofar been obtained with special emphasis on the growth and spawning of the fluke during the summer. 1) At water temperatures of 22-26°C, the fluke attaching to the skin of host fish appears to grow in body length almost linearly in relation to time, since it was observed that the young fluke which measured about 0.5mm shortly after attachment attained the body length of about 2.8, 4.7 and 5.8 mm respectively in 10, 15 and 20 days. 2) The shape of the fluke gradually changes with growth; for instance, the ratio of body breadth to body length was 0.4 in the young with body length of 0.5 mm, while it was 0.6 in the individuals measuring 4.8mm in body length and resembling the adult in body shape. 3) The spawning of the fluke was observed in the mature individuals 5.1-7.1 mm in body length which were separated from host fish and kept alive in glass vessels for a few days. Average number of the eggs laid by each individual was 170 in the group of smaller flukes (about 5.8 mm) and 245 in the group of larger flukes (about 6.7 mm). It was also inferred that the fluke continues to grow in body size after attainment of maturity and spawns several times. 4) The fluke infecting the skin of host fish is apparently inaffected by water temperatures upto 28°C, but the majority leaves the host to die when exposed to temperatures of 29-30°C for 24 to 41 hours. Therefore, it may be that detachment of the fluke is caused at water temperatures of about 29°C and above

    Tigriopus japonicus(ハルパクチコむダ橈脚類)成䜓の䌑眠生態に぀いお

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    筆者らは逌料生物ずしおの利甚におけるT. japonicusの培逊ならびに保存に関する基瀎的研究を行なっおいるがここでは埌者に関連しお行なった本皮成䜓の䌑眠生態に関する二䞉の芳察結果に぀いお報告する。 (1) 25℃で培逊したものは48℃で1520℃で培逊したものは-22℃でそれぞれ党個䜓が䌑眠状態ずなり1日埌に元の氎枩に戻すずすべおが蘇生した。たた16℃で培逊し0℃で䌑眠した個䜓をそのたた0℃で保存した堎合1か月埌に80%(雌雄ずもに) 2か月埌に55%(雌)20%(雄)の蘇生率を瀺した。 (2) 飌育海氎の濃瞮による高塩分条件䞋では濃瞮速床(䜆し塩分玄150‰ぞ20100時間の範囲)ず特に関係なくいずれの堎合も塩分130150‰(æ°Žæž©2326℃)皋で党個䜓が䌑眠状態ずなりそれらを17℃に眮いた堎合1か月埌に60%(雌雄混圚)の蘇生率が埗られた。 (3) 䌑眠生起の条件ずしおの塩分ず枩床の関係に぀いおは断片的な怜蚎にずどたったが塩分濃床が高くなるに぀れいわゆる冷䌑止垯よりさらに高い氎枩で䌑眠状態になるこずが認められた。 (4) 以䞊の実隓を通じ抂しお雌は雄より䌑眠状態に陥り難い䞀方䌑眠からの蘇生率は若干良奜であった。Experiments have been done on the salinities and temperatures causing dormancy in the adults of Tigriopus japonicus. The results are as follows; (1) The animals cultured in sea-water media (salinity, 32.534‰) at 25℃ and 2015℃ wholly lie dormant in 84℃ and 2-2℃, respectively. (2) These dormant animals of both sexes show a revival rate of 80% after being stored at 0℃ for a month. (3) When the sea water containing the animals is gradually concentrated by evaporation at 2326℃, all the individuals fall into dormancy at salinities of 130150‰. At these salinities the dormant animals survive for more than one month at 17℃. (4) The animals fall into dormancy at higher temperatures as the environmental salinity is higher. (5) Females are slightly more resistant to falling into dormancy than males, either at lower temperatures or at raised salinities.The expenses for this study were partially covered by a research grant from the Ministry of Education

    Fundamental studies on techniques of mass-production of fry of the black porgy, Mylio macrocephalus : I. On the spawning induced by injection of a preparation of mammalian gonadotropic hormones

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     鹹氎逊池で粗攟的に逊殖されたクロダむ雌魚生殖腺刺激ホルモンずしおシナホリンを泚射した. のち雄魚ずずもに氎槜に収容しお䞋蚘のような結果を埗た. 1) 産卵期に入る前の未熟期から玄1ヶ月聞にわたり 4回の泚射により党量62RUを投䞎した満4 幎魚においお良奜な産卵結果が埗られたほか満3幎魚においおも産卵がみられた. 2) 産卵期における未完熟魚に同(20RU) たたは2回(40RU) の泚射により満4幎魚に産卵 個䜓が倚くみられた.Using the adults of 3 or 4 years of age of black porgy which were cultured extensively in the brackish-water fishponds, some trials were made in the artificial inducement of spawning of the fish. Female fish were mated with males in small concrete tanks after intramuscular injections of saline solution of "Synahorin" (mammalian gonadotropin preparation), and the results obtained were as follows. 1) Development of the ovaries of every semimature female recipient fish was evidently hastened by injections prior to the spawning season or early in that. 2) Then, two out of three females of 4 years of age successfully spawned after 62 RU in total dosage was respectively given by means of injecting in four doses during about one month, while partial spawning occurred in only one out of four females of 3 years with the above and additional injections. 3) In the spawning season, as the results of injections of respective dosage of 20 RU (once) or 40 RU (twice) into many females which were ripening but had not yet spawned, some of them mostly in females of 4 years of age could be induced to spawn

    Studies on the Usefulness of the Bluegill SunfishLepomis macrochirus Rafinesqueas an Experimental Standard Animal : II. On the Developmental Stages and Growth from the Egg through One Year

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    Bluegill sunfishを実隓動物ずしお甚いるための研究の䞀郚ずしお呚幎採卵を目的ずした研究を行なっおいるがその基瀎資料ずしお産卵習性に匕続いお卵内発生仔魚の成長及び0幎魚の成長等に぀いお実隓芳察を行なった. (1) 卵は盎埄1.23mm前埌の粘着卵で卵黄には1個の倧油球(箄0.38mm)ず倚数の小油球がある. (2) 卵埄は個䜓によりたた同䞀個䜓でも産卵の床に倉異があるが芪魚の幎什倧きさ産卵回数産卵数等ずの間には䞀定の関係は芋出されなかった. (3) æ°Žæž©24.5±1.0℃での孵化期間は平均40時間(3743時間)28.5±1.0℃では28時間(2729時間)18.5±1.0℃では79時間(7585時間)であった.18.5℃のものは46%もの奇圢率を瀺した.なお䞊蚘の3段階の氎枩での卵内発生の経過はTable 2に瀺した. (4) 人工採卵によっお埗た卵の受粟率孵化率は自然産卵のものに比べおかなり䜎かった. (5) 孵化仔魚は党長3.23mmで1.13×0.9mm䜍の卵黄を残し䜓のどの郚分にも色玠胞の出珟は芋られない. (6) ミゞンコ類は最も適した初期逌料でそれによる成長はコペポヌダ茪虫によるものより速かであった.å…šé•·13mm䜍で鰭の棘軟条の定数が珟われ14-15mmで鱗が出来瞞も認められる. (7) 皚魚の党長瀕床分垃曲線の怜蚎によっおトビの珟象は認められないこずが刀った. (8) 満1幎で䜓長玄5.3cm(3.0-8.3cm)に成長するが雄は雌に比べお倧きい.As part of research-work on the usefulness of the bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque, as an experimental standard animal in fisheries research, we have tried to find out a way of obtaining its fingerlings throughout the year-curriculum. In sequence to the previous study on the breeding habits, some examinations have been conducted mainly on the developmental stages and the growth from the egg till one year after the hatching, using spawned eggs by full three or four year old fish in rearing tanks. The results so far obtained are as follows: (1) The egg is adhesive and spherical in shape, measuring about 1.23 mm in diameter, with one large oil-globule (ea. 0.38 mm) and many minute ones. (2) The egg diameter varies in the individuals and also in the batches of the same fish. However, no certain relation was found between the egg diameter and the age, the size and the number of times of spawning of the mother fish nor with the number of eggs spawned. (3) The incubation period was about 40 hours (37-43 hours) at a temperature of 24.5°C, 28 hours (27-29 hours) at 28.5°C and 79 hours (75-85 hours) at 18.5°C, respectively. However, abnormal larvae appeared in a fairly high percentage (ea. 46%) at a temperature of 18.5°C, which is considered nearly out of the optimum spawning temperature. (4) A percentage of fertilization and hatching of the eggs taken by the artificial insemination was fairly lower than those of the natural spawning. (5) The newly hatched larva is about 3.23 mm in total length, with a yolk of 1.13×0.9 mm in size and no pigment in any part of the body. (6) Cladocera (Morina sp.) seems to be most adequate food in the early stages of the bluegill larva, those fed with them showed faster growth than those fed by rotifers or copepods. (7) The definite number of the spine and ray of each fin appeared at a total length of 13 mm, after that the lateral striped pattern appeared on the body side with the complete formation of the scale at a size of 14-15 mm in total length. (8) From the examination of the size-frequency of the reared fingerlings, it was recognized that the phenomenon of "shoot individual" does not occur. (9) The first year's growth of the bluegills is about 5.3 cm (3.0-8.3 cm). The average rate of growth of the female is below that of the male

    An Ecological Study on the Swarming of the So-called Japanese Palolo in Ashida River

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    芊田川河口域にはむトメのほか5皮類の倚毛環虫類が分垃しおおり,筆者らはそれらの生態に぀いお研究調査を行なっおいるが,そのうち,1968,69幎にわたりむトメ(生殖型個䜓はバチたたは日本パロロず云われる)の生殖矀泳に関する生態に぀いお行なった調査の結果,次のような知芋を埗た. 1) むトメは,河口(本孊箕島実隓所前,st15)より玄6.6km䞊流のst.4の蟺りを䞊限ずし,河口より玄1.9km䞊流のst.13付近を䞋限ずする玄4.7kmの区間にわたっお分垃する. 2) バチの生殖矀泳は毎幎旧暊10月および11月の3,4,5日即ち新月倧朮の頃の各3日間に出珟する. 3) 䞊蚘の出珟時期には,満朮埌3050分頃から矀泳が始たりやがお退朮に乗っお流䞋するが,矀泳は玄2時間(第3日は1時間䜙)で終焉する.たた,st.7(河口より玄5.5km䞊流)におけるバチの採集量は第1日が最も倚く,第2日は倧幅に枛り第3日は極めお少なかった. 4) 矀泳時間の埌半は退朮の流れが激しくなり,バチはすべお濡筋に収斂されるのでそこでは急激な増加がみられる反面,川の浅所では矀泳個䜓は殆どみられなくなる. 5) 矀泳の初期は雌の割合が著しく少ないが,次第に増加し終期には雄を䞊廻るようになった.1晩の党採集個䜓に぀いおみた性比は,ほが雌1:雄2であった. 6) バチの倧きさは,始めは雌雄ずも小圢のものが倚いが,倧圢のものが挞次その数を増すようになり,特に終期にはその割合が著しく倧きくなる. 7) バチの䜓色は枞出埌の時間経過に埓っお倉化し,雌の堎合は橙黄色から薄緑色になり,さらに青緑色になるず攟卵がみられ,雄は淡玅癜色から乳癜色に倉り攟粟する.この倉化は䜓壁が砎れ易くなる倉化ずずもに,矀泳出珟の第1日から第3日にかけ順次にその倚くの個䜓にみられる珟象でもあり,これらからバチの倚くは枞出埌矀泳を繰返し3日目に産卵するものず掚定される. 8) 孕卵数は個䜓による倉異が倧きく,53.5×103714.5×103を瀺した.As a part of the ecological studies on benthic animals in the estuary zone of the Ashida River, some researches on polychaete worms, especially on Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus, have been carried out since 1968. In those, we specialized on the swarming of epitocous individuals of the above mentioned species (viz., the so-called Japanese Palolo or "Bachi" in Japanese). The results of these researches can be summarized as follows: (1) Actocous individuals (viz., "home" in Japanese) were found in the area from st. 4 shown in Fig. 1 (about 6.6 km up from the river mouth) to st. 13 (about 1.9 km up from the river mouth), and they were densely distributed from st. 5 to st. 7. (2) The swarming of Japanese Palolo in this district took place in a definite period for three days following the new moon (that is from 3rd to 5th of October and November in the lunar calendar). (3) In each day of that period, the swarming began at the time of 30-50 minutes after high water and disappeared about two hours later when while they were swept downwards. The amount of the swarming individuals collected at st. 7 each day was the highest in the first day decreasing remarkably the next day and was very faint the last day. (4) As the downstream current became too swift in the latter half of the swarming time, the individuals were concentrated to a water-route, their number increased markedly there while they almost disappeared in the other areas. (5) In the early stage of the swarming time, the ratio of female amongst the collected individuals was very low (i.e. 17%) but increased gradually and exceeded one-half at the end. The sex ratio of female to male was about 1:2 for a whole group of individuals collected in one night. (6) In the early stage, individuals of small size were numerous in both sexes but later on large ones appeared more and more, until finally in the latest stage most of them were very large individuals. (7) The body color of the Japanese Palolo changes with the elapse of time in both sexes. Change of coloration of individual occurs from orange yellow to faint green, further to blue green in the females, and from orange white to milky white in the males. The discharge of ova and sperm was observed after the occurrence of such a change of coloration. This change as well as the fragility of body wall are the phenomena commonly observed in the majority of Palolo within three days of the swarming. Then, from the above mentioned facts, it can be presumed that the majority of Palolo in this district spawn in the third night after the repeated swarming in succeeding night. (8) The individual variation in egg number was not small, ranging between 53.5×103714.5×103

    淡氎魚に寄生する橈脚類Neoergasilus japonicus (Ergasilidae)に関する研究 : II. コペポデむッド期の発育

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    前報に匕き続き,寄生性橈脚類Neoergasilus japonicasのコペポディッド期の発育圢態を蚘茉した。ノヌプリりスの堎合は飌育実隓により埗られた各期の虫䜓に基づいお蚘茉したが,飌育実隓ではコペポディッドII期たでの虫䜓しか埗られなかったため,本報では䞻ずしお犏山垂の千塚池におけるネット採集により埗られたコペポディッド期暙本に基づき蚘茉を行なった。 その結果,本皮のコペポディッド期は6期から成るこずが明らかずなった。Neoergasilus属の特城である第1遊泳脚底節における歯状突起の発達は既にコペポディッドI期に認められ,同じく第1遊泳脚倖肢第2節の発達した棘(遊泳板)は第III期に認められるようになる。 雌雄の分化は第III期に始たり,この期より雄は顎脚を備えるが,雌では終始顎脚は認められない。そしお第VI期に至り,共に成熟し,亀尟をする。その埌雌は宿䞻をみ぀けお寄生し,産卵するが,雄は自由生掻に終わるものず思われる

    An Ecological Study on the So-called Mogai (Anadara subcrenata (LISCHKE)) cultured in Kasaoka Bay

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    笠岡湟倧島におけるモガむ逊殖堎の環境条件ず逊殖モガむの成長,成長に䌎う圢態の倉化等に関する調査䞊びにモガむの皮苗生産を目的ずしお生殖巣の成熟,産卵誘発,受粟及び初期発生に及がす塩分濃床の圱響等に぀いお実隓,芳察を行なっお次のような結果を埗た. (1) 笠岡湟倧島逊殖堎は,その氎質(図2)および底質調査結果(è¡š2,3)からみおモガむ逊殖に奜適な条件を備えおいる. (2) 1幎間(昭和45幎5月46幎5月)のモガむの成長は,殌長に぀いおみるず,1幎ものでは玄0.8cmのものが3.4cm(増長分2.64cm)に達し,2幎ものでは玄2.7cmのものが4.8cm(増長分2.06cm)に成長した. (3) 逊殖堎での党採集個䜓の蚈枬倀から埗られた殌長ず党重量,殌高及び殌幅の関係は,それぞれ図5,6及び7に瀺した通りである. (4) 笠岡湟で1幎逊殖したもののうち,九州産皮苗のものず倧阪産皮苗のものの圢態に぀いお比范したずころ,殌長ず殌幅の関係における"䜍眮"の差に有意性があり,同殌長の堎合九州皮は倧阪皮より殌幅の小さいこずが認められたが,それは小型のものに顕著であった. (5) 肥満床(肉重量/党重量)は,その倀の䜎い812月の期間ず17月の高い期間の二段階に倧別された.雌雄別にみた肥満床は,幎間を通した倀では差はなかった(t=0.542<tα0.05=1.96)が,抂しお産卵期前は雌の方が高く,産卵期の埌期およびそれ以埌暫くは雄の方が高い倀を瀺した. (6) 笠岡湟逊殖堎におけるサルボりの生殖巣に぀いお,その発達過皋を時期的に倧別するず,1月から4月たでは党䜓的に生殖现胞増殖期(生長前期,埌期)に圓り,5月から次第に成熟期に移る.6月から攟出期個䜓の出珟が芋られ,7,8,9月は攟出期に圓るずずもに,8月から攟出埌の濟胞期のものが増加し,それらは幎末にかけお次第に次の生殖现胞増殖期に移行する. (7) 笠岡湟逊殖堎における産卵期は6月から12月たでの長期間に及ぶが,産卵盛期は7月から9月たである. (8) 䞊蚘調査結果における生物孊的最小圢は雌雄ずも殌長玄1.5cm,重量箄1.0gであり,たた,産卵期間における性比は1:1であるず認められた. (9) 本皮の攟卵攟粟の誘発は,枩床,粟子懞濁液(攟卵のみに察し),NH40Hによる刺激は䜕れも有効なこずが認められたが,NaOH,KNO3の堎合は無効であった.これらの反応に察する塩分条件の関係をみたずころ,Cl14.0824.40‰においおは特にその圱響はみられなかったが,Cl8.16および26.00‰においおは誘発反応は阻止される. (10) 殌長35cmの倧きさのものの産卵数は倧䜓5001,000䞇個である.卵の倧きさは盎埄51.38±3.78Όである. (11) 未受粟卵を各塩分段階䞭に眮いた堎合,その受粟および発生の胜力はCl16.6‰前埌の堎合に最も長時間(22℃においお,箄13時間)保有されるず認められる. (12) 受粟卵の発育に察する塩分条件は,D状ラヌバに達するたでの歩留りからみるずCl15‰前埌が最も適しおいるず認められる.The so-called "Mogai", Anadara subcrenata (LISCHKE) (a kind of ark shell) is one of the most important bivalves in the Seto Inland Sea, but in recent years the area of its culturing grounds is gradually decreasing due to reclamation works and water pollution through the release of industrial wastes. This study was carried out mainly to clarify the environmental conditions of Mogai culturing grounds in Kasaoka Bay, Okayama Prefecture; the growth of Mogai as well as the maturation of gonad; the artificial inducing of spawning and the effect of chlorinity upon the fertilization and the early development. The results obtained are as follows: (1) Several items on the quality of water and bottom mud are shown in Fig. 2 and Table 2 & 3, signifying the fitness of the ground as to the culturing of this species. (2) The growth of shell length in one year period from May 1970 on was from 0.8 cm to 3.4 cm and from 2.7 cm to 4.8 cm in the one year old and two years old classes respectively. (3) The relations between shell length and total weight, shell height and also shell width which were calculated on the data obtained in 2,300 of cultured individuals are shown in Fig. 5, 6 and 7 respectively. (4) The shell width of Mogai derived from Kyushu was smaller than that from Osaka at the same size, particularly in their young stage. (5) The seasonal variation in fatness can be divided roughly into two periods, namely one from August to December when its evaluation is considerably low, and another from January to July. The difference of the evaluation of fatness between both sexes was not recognized. (6) Microscopic photographs of gonads of both sexes in each stages of development are shown in Fig. 12. (7) The spawning season seemed to happen from June to December. In the examined district, it was especially flourishing from July to September. (8) The biological minimum of this clam was about 1.5 cm in shell length and 1.0 g in weight in both sexes. Sex ratio observed in spawning season was 1:1. (9) The discharge of sexual products of this species was effectively induced by treatments of raising the water temperature, immersion in sperm suspended sea water (only to egg discharge) or suitable concentration of ammoniated sea water, but treatment by NaOH and KOH was not effective. In regard to the influence of chlorinity upon the discharge of sexual elements, no particular effect was observed in the range of Cl 14.08‰ to 24.40‰. However, discharge reactions were obstructed in chlorinity of 8.16‰ and 26.0‰. (10) Mogai of 3-5 cm in shell length discharged about five to ten millions eggs, the average diameter being 51.38±3.78µ. (11) On the treatment of unfertilized eggs in water of different grades of chlorinity, the eggs were safely kept the longest period (13 hours at 22℃) in chlorinity of about 16.6‰. (12) It was recognized that about 15‰ of chlorinity suits best the development of fertilized eggs of this species as can be judged by the survival rate up to the D-shaped larvae

    Life Cycle of Alella macrotrachelus (Copepoda) Parasitic on Cultured Black Sea-bream

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    Recently, industrial farming of black sea-bream, Acanthopagrus schlegeli (Bleeker), has grown prosperous in the Inland Sea of Japan. This species is said to be fairly resistant to environmental water pollution and diseases as compared with yellow tail, Seriola quinqueradiata, a popular species in mariculture of our country. However, some ectoparasites are known to attack cultured black sea-bream. Among them, Alella macrotrachelus (Brian, 1906) (Copepoda: Lerneopodidae) with which we deal here seems to be the most harmful gill parasite. In this paper the development of this parasite is described, based on specimens from laboratory experiments. The female life cycle proved to consist of seven stages; one nauplius stage, one copepodid stage, four chalimus stages (attached by frontal filament), and the adult stage (attached by bulla). The life cycle of the male could not be revealed thoroughly, but it is clear that the male gets into the life of superinfection on the female at its second chalimus stage. Sexual dimorphism becomes distinct in the second chalimus stage

    Pseudodiaptomus marinus(橈脚亜綱: カラヌス目)の各発育段階での倩然懞濁粒子の摂食

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    Comparative grazing experiments of various developmental stages and sexes of the inshore marine copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinus on naturally occurring particles were carried out. The feeding behavior was similar between both sexes of the adult, but different between developmental stages. The adult females were capable of consuming almost all particles from 2.8 to 63.3 ÎŒm diameter, showing selectivity for larger particles (ca. 50 ÎŒm) where the peak of particle concentration occurred. The nauplii consumed mainly smaller particles (<30 ÎŒm). The consumption by copepodites was intermediate between that of the nauplii and adult females, since they fed upon both smaller and larger particles. Such intraspecific differences of grazing behavior may lead to the effective utilization of heterogeneous natural food resources. The ingestion rates of the adult females increased linearly with the increase of particle concentrations, without indications of the threshold nor saturation response. The amount of ingested carbon rarely met the requirement for potential egg production which was observed for the wild population. Thus, it was surmised that the adult females could ingest sufficient food deposited on the sea-bottom during a daytime epibenthic phase to attain predicted egg production


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    クログむAcanthopagrus schlegeliの脂質代謝の改善に及がすアオサUlva pertusa粉末添加飌料の効果を、血挿リポタンパク質の挙動から調べた。1)電気泳動的に9成分のリポタンパク質を認め、これらを硫安塩析でアルブミンずグロブリンに分画した。党リポタンパク質の57%は分子量150,000のアルブミン牲リポタンパク質が占める。他の8成分は分子量70,000以䞊のグロブリン性であった。2)アオサ粉末の投䞎により、血挿リポタンパク質に圱響がみられ、アルブミン性リポタンパク質の割合が増加した。アルブミン性リポタンパク質の脂質クラス組成はアオサ投䞎により倉化はなかったが、グロブリン姓リポタンパク質の脂質クラスに倧きな倉化がみられ、Triglyceridesが枛少しリン脂質が盞察的に増加した。3)無絊逌による越冬で䞡区のアルブミン性リポタンパク質が電気泳動的に倉化したが、越冬埌の泳動像は䞡区で差異は認められなかった。4)アオサの投䞎により生じた脂質代謝の改善は、血挿リポタンパク質の挙動にも圱響を䞎えるこずを芳察した。Effect of Ulva pertusa meal supplement to diet on improvement in lipid metabolism was determined in regard with plasma lipoprotein in black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli, 1) At least 9 lipoproteins were electrophoretically detected. These lipoproteins were classified into albumin and globulin by salting-out. A lipoprotein classified as albumin having 150,000 in molecular weight was accounted for 57% in the total lipoproteins of control group. The Ulvu meal increased its proportion (67.6%). 2) Molecular weight of lipoproteins in globulin fraction was more than 700,000. While lipid class composition of albumin fraction did not changed, that of globulin fraction was highly variable under the influence of the dietary Ulva meal. 3) Wintering without feeding caused great changes in electrophoretic behavior of lipoprotein. However, no differences were found in lipoprotein composition between both groups after wintering. 4 The improvement of lipid metabolism by the Ulvu meal reflected on the plasma lipoprotein