6 research outputs found

    Lost photon enhances superresolution

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    Quantum imaging can beat classical resolution limits, imposed by diffraction of light. In particular, it is known that one can reduce the image blurring and increase the achievable resolution by illuminating an object by entangled light and measuring coincidences of photons. If an nn-photon entangled state is used and the nnth-order correlation function is measured, the point-spread function (PSF) effectively becomes n\sqrt n times narrower relatively to classical coherent imaging. Quite surprisingly, measuring nn-photon correlations is not the best choice if an nn-photon entangled state is available. We show that for measuring (n−1)(n-1)-photon coincidences (thus, ignoring one of the available photons), PSF can be made even narrower. This observation paves a way for a strong conditional resolution enhancement by registering one of the photons outside the imaging area. We analyze the conditions necessary for the resolution increase and propose a practical scheme, suitable for observation and exploitation of the effect

    Efficiently reconstructing compound objects by quantum imaging with higher-order correlation functions

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    Quantum imaging has a potential of enhancing the precision of objects reconstruction by exploiting quantum correlations of the imaging field, in particular for imaging with low-intensity fields up to the level of a few photons. However, it generally leads to nonlinear estimation problems. The complexity of these problems rapidly increases with the number of parameters describing the object and the correlation order. Here we propose a way to drastically reduce the complexity for a wide class of problems. The key point of our approach is to connect the features of the Fisher information with the parametric locality of the problem, and to reconstruct the whole set of parameters stepwise by an efficient iterative inference scheme that is linear on the total number of parameters. This general inference procedure is experimentally applied to quantum near-field imaging with higher-order correlated light sources, resulting in super-resolving reconstruction of grey compound transmission objects