531 research outputs found

    Customers’ Perception on Trust in the use of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Services in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    The growth and development of automated teller machine (ATM) in the banking sector contribute tremendously in shaping the perception of customers towards its usage. The usage of the services render by the banking sector through ATM depends on how much trust customers perceived towards it. But, research on customers’ perception on trust in the use of ATM services is scarce, most especially in Sokoto state of Nigeria. However, highlight on different perspectives of the factors that affects customers’ usage of electronic banking, their trust on ATM and how it influence their usage are given. Moreover, this paper reviewed literature that could be use in the study of customers’ perception on trust in the use of ATM banking. Also, this paper recommends the use of Giddens and Simmel perspectives on trust to support the findings. Therefore, this explanation is relevant to researchers and academician who have interest in furthering study on this area of interest. Keywords: electronic banking, customers’ perception on electronic banking, automated teller machine, determinants of automated teller machine usag

    Identifying Motivation of Parental Involvement and Problems in Homework Encountered By Blind and Low Vision Students

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    This study aims to understand the motivation of parents to assist their children who are blind or with low vision with their homework and its impact on their academic achievement. Three families have been selected, all of whom have a blind or low vision child who studies at secondary level in a public school. This study employs the in-depth interview to get the views from three pairs of parents. The result leads us to look beyond the relationship between homework management strategies and grades. Therefore, the key outcome of this study leads us to identify the problems in the process of doing homework for blind and low vision students who are taught in public schools. Solutions such as the learning skill in braille, strong parents support group and close engagement among parents and teachers are needed to create the stimulating learning environment to enable blind and low vision students to read, to learn and to write their homework independently. Therefore, the implications of this study are the need to amend the policy to facilitate parental engagement and establish the systematic assessment and planning to ameliorate the barriers faced by blind and low vision students

    The impact of regional cooperation on the development of Philippines- Malaysia bilateral relations, 1957-2010

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    This article examines the impact of regional alliances in the shaping of Philippines-Malaysia relations. Philippines-Malaysia bilateral relations have been predominantly driven by the Philippines’ Sabah claim. This is a long-held misconception that warrants a reevaluation by considering other driving factors such as regional cooperation, which has played a big part in Philippines-Malaysia relations which is indeed the novelty of this article. A shared vision by Philippine and Malaysian leaders was the key factor in the formation of the ASA and ASEAN. Their involvement in initiating regional cooperation began when President Garcia met Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Malaysia Prime Minister, in Manila in January 1959. This effort led to the formation of the Association of South-East Asia (ASA) in July 1961 which was the first regional body established in Southeast Asia. Garcia and Tunku shared a vision to establish a regional organization to counter communist threats and enhance mutual security in the region. The establishment of ASA has been a factor in the establishment of ASEAN. Through ASEAN, concepts such as musyawarah and muafakat are accepted by the Philippines and Malaysia to resolve the Sabah issue. This article also discusses the geopolitical situation in the region during the 1960s and beyond, influenced by the spread of communist ideology was an important factor for non-communist countries in Southeast Asia to stay united. This article will explore the extent to which commitment to regional alliances such as ASA, MAPHILINDO (Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia) and ASEAN emerged as driving forces in the development Philippines-Malaysia bilateral relations. Philippines and Malaysia have cooperated in various regional initiatives which have generated many and tremendous mutual benefits. Successful cooperation and collaboration in many areas brought positive impacts and significance in bilateral ties which have been overlooked in other studies. Furthermore, this article also contributes to the understanding that regional cooperation was and is the cornerstone of the Philippines’ and Malaysia’s foreign policy direction

    Pemberontakan Masyarakat Islam Di Mindanao Pengaruhnya Terhadap Hubungan Filipina-Malaysia 1965-1286

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pemberontakan masyarakat Islam di Mindanao dan impaknya terhadap hubungan Filipina-Malaysia antara tahun 1965-1986. Penduduk Islam di selatan Filipina berjumlah 3.5 juta, beranggapan bahawa kerajaan Filipina adalah beragama Kristian dan mengamalkan diskriminasi terhadap orang Islam. Mereka juga terpaksa berhadapan dengan masalah penghijrahan berterusan orang Kristian ke Mindanao. Menjelang tahun 1960, kemasukan orang Kristian telah mula mengancam kepentingan politik, ekonomi serta budaya penduduk Islam dan telah mencetuskan konflik. Sungguhpun pemberontakan masyarakat Islam di Mindanao merupakan masalah domestik di Fiiipina namun kerajaan Malaysia turut terseret dalam pergolakan tersebut kerana kemasukan pelarian Islam, Filipina ke Sabah dalam bilangan yang besar. Pada tahun 1981, ketika Tun Mahathir melawat Sabah, beliau menyatakan terdapat di antara 60,000 -70,000 pelarian Islam Filipina di Sabah ketika itu. Perangkaan tidak rasmi pula menganggarkan terdapat seramai 120,000 - 200,000 orang pelarian Islam Filipina di Sabah pada tahun 1981. Situasi semakin rumit kerana kemasukan pelarian telah mencetuskan masalah kewangan,, sosial serta ekonomi di Sabah. Kerajaan Filipina pula menuduh bahawa Ketua Menteri Sabah, Tun Mustapha merupakan dalang yang telah memberikan sokongan kepada MNLF. Selepas peristiwa Corregidor/ Operasi Jabidah, Tun Mustapha semakin vokal dalam penentangannya ke atas kerajaan Marcos malah beliau telah membenarkan Sabah diguna sebagai kem latihan, depot bekalan, pusat perhubungan dan tempat perlindungan untuk pemisah-pemisah Islam antara tahun 1912-1976. Ramai pakar yang mengkaji gerakan pemisahan di selatan Filipina menegaskan bahawa penubuhan MNLF sebagai natijah daripada peristiwa Corregidor /Operasi Jabidah. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitati dan dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah pengkajian sejarah melalui kajian perpustakaan dengan merujuk kepada sumber pertama dan sumber kedua

    Students' Educational Preferences And Occupational Aspirations

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    Educational preferences and occupational aspirations of students from three educational stages were investigated. Quantitative data were collected from three samples of approximately 500 students each: form five students in the states of Kedah (excluding Pulau Langkawi) and Penang; first year students in Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, excluding Kubang Krian branch); and final year students in USM (excluding Kubang Krian branch). Two samples of 15 first year and 15 final year USM students were drawn for qualitative data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses were used to determine factors that influence students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations. The process of making occupational choices spans over many years. Students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations have a reciprocal relationship with one another. The process of occupational choice for students who are in their late adolescence and early adulthood can be divided into four stages: during secondary school; while applying for a bachelor's degree programme; when accepting and enrolling in a bachelor's degree programme; and, prior to the completion of a bachelor's degree programme. The three most important variables influencing students' occupational aspirations found from the quantitative data analysis are students' results, father's education and father's occupation. Other than these variables, gender, ethnicity and mother's education show some influence on students' occupational aspirations. Students' results, father's occupation, father's education and mother's education show influence on students' educational preferences. The analysis of qualitative data on the other hand, yielded results of students, parents' expectations, interests and job opportunity as some of the factors influencing students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations. These four factors were the most common factors mentioned by the first and final year students when interviewed

    Nostalgia of Thaipusam celebration during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Nostalgia is an emotion that has meaning associated to a group or community of people. Similar to other type of emotions, nostalgia is learnt and interpreted through social relationships. Nostalgia is associated with the recollection of the past; often something with special meaning to a person or a group of people. Nostalgia is often associated with past positive experiences that brought joy, pleasure, or happiness. It may bring happiness or sadness, but studies have shown that it brings more positive emotions compared to negative emotions. This article focuses on the nostalgia of participating in Thaipusam prior to the pandemic. Thaipusam is a Hindu festival celebrated mostly in places where there is a large group of Tamil Hindus. In Malaysia, Thaipusam is not merely a Hindu festival, it is attended by people of various religious background and culture. This is a qualitative study with data collected by interviewing five women living in Kedah who have attended Thaipusam in Penang for more than four decades. There was no celebration of Thaipusam in 2021 due to the pandemic. For the first time in their lives they were not part of this important festival. Their experiences shows both collective and individual nostalgia. Sharing nostalgia is seen as a way of going through a lonely period in their lives. They also shared how they used online darshan to go through this difficult period. Their experiences may be expressed as personal, but it is often related to their collective identity as a Malaysian Indian and as a member of a minority community

    Students' Educational Preferences And Occupational Aspirations

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    Educational preferences and occupational aspirations of students from three educational stages were investigated. Quantitative data were collected from three samples of approximately 500 students each: form five students in the states of Kedah (excluding Pulau Langkawi) and Penang; first year students In Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, excluding Kubang Krian branch); and final year students in USM (excluding Kubang Krian branch). Two samples of 15 first year and 15 final year USM students were drawn for qualitative data collection. Quantitative and qualitative data analyses were used to determine factors that influence students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations. The process of making occupational choices spans over many years. Students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations have a reciprocal relationship with one another. The process of occupational choice for students who are in their late adolescence and early adulthood can be divided into four stages: during secondary school; while applying for a bachelor's degree programme; when accepting and enrolling in a bachelor's degree programme; and, prior to the completion of a bachelor's degree programme. The three most important variables influencing students' occupational aspirations found from the quantitative data analysis are students' results, father's education and father's occupation. Other than these variables, gender, ethnicity and mother's education show some influence on students' occupational aspirations. Students' results, father's occupation, father's education and mother's education show influence on students' educational preferences. The analysis of qualitative data on the other hand, yielded results of students, parents' expectations, interests and job opportunity as some of the factors influencing students' educational preferences and occupational aspirations. These four factors were the most common factors mentioned by the first and final year students when interviewed

    The Capability Approach: Comparing Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum

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    Capability approach pioneered by Amartya Sen has been a new milestone for analyzing poverty through gender perspective. Since the introduction of the approach, numerous scholars from various fields have applied this approach in their studies. One of the prominent scholars who has contributed and expanded the approach is Martha Nussbaum. Though there have been some agreements but the arguments between the two scholars have shed new insights about the poor and their situation. Therefore, this paper attempts to compare Sen‘s and Nussbaum‘s capability approach by focusing on their core concepts, main arguments and rationality of the criticism of the approach. The methodology of this paper is based on document research

    The orchestrated functions of innate leukocytes and t cell subsets contribute to humoral immunity, virus control, and recovery from secondary poxvirus challenge

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    A pivotal role for antigen-specific recall responses to secondary virus infection is well established, but the contribution of innate immune cells to this process is unknown. Recovery of mice from a primary orthopoxvirus (ectromelia virus [ECTV]) infection requires the function of natural killer (NK) cells, granulocytes, plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), T cells, and B cells. However, during a secondary challenge, resolution of infection is thought to be dependent on antibody but not T cell function. We investigated the contribution of NK cells, granulocytes, and pDC to virus control during a secondary virus challenge in mice that had been primed with an avirulent, mutant strain of ECTV. Mice depleted of NK cells, granulocytes, or pDC effectively controlled virus, as did mice depleted of both CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets. However, mice concurrently depleted of all three innate cell subsets had elevated virus load, but this was significantly exacerbated in mice also depleted of CD4 and/or CD8 T cells. Increased viral replication in mice lacking innate cells plus CD4 T cells was associated with a significant reduction in neutralizing antibody. Importantly, in addition to T-dependent neutralizing antibody responses, the function of CD8 T cells was also clearly important for virus control. The data indicate that in the absence of innate cell subsets, a critical role for both CD4 and CD8 T cells becomes apparent and, conversely, in the absence of T cell subsets, innate immune cells help contain infectio