39 research outputs found

    Rekayasa Nilai Kriteria Desain Fasilitas Produksi Gas Alam

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    Natural gas is one of the primary hydrocarbon energies in Indonesia. The construction of natural gas production facilities is essential to accommodate domestic energy needs. These facilities include production, pipelines, and processing facilities in an integrated manner. This study used the hydrocarbon composition of Field-X with an average of 7.62% CO2 and 0.06% H2S. The alternative design uses a fixed platform (fixed platform), MOPU (Mobile Offshore Production Unit), and a Semi-Submersible platform. The design comparison criteria are capital expenditure (CapEx), net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), work completion time, safety risk, and flexibility of future facility development. Through the comparison method, it is found that Option A is the best option, which has a design criterion value of 57%, a higher NPV of 43,537,469.58thanthesmallestNPVoption,anIRRof1943,537,469.58 than the smallest NPV option, an IRR of 19%, and a payout time (POT) of 5 years. Option A uses a fixed platform with a pipeline to the north, the hydrocarbon separation process is carried out on an offshore platform, and the processing is carried out onshore. ABSTRAKGas alam merupakan salah satu energi hidrokarbon utama di Indonesia. Pembangunan fasilitas produksinya sangat penting untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan energi dalam negeri. Fasilitas ini meliputi produksi, jalur pemipaan, dan fasilitas pengolahan hidrokarbon secara terintegrasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan komposisi hidrokarbon dari Lapangan-X dengan rata-rata CO2 7.62% dan H2S 0.06%. Alternatif desain menggunakan anjungan tetap (fix platform), MOPU (Mobile Offshore Production Unit), dan anjungan Semi-Submersible. Kriteria perbandingan desain adalah modal awal, nilai bersih saat ini (NPV), tingkat pengembalian internal (IRR), waktu penyelesaian pekerjaan, resiko keselamatan, dan flexibilitas pengembangan fasilitas kedepan. Melalui metode perbandingan yang dipadankan didapatkan Opsi A  adalah opsi terbaik, yang memiliki nilai kriteria desain 57%, NPV lebih tinggi 43,537,469.58 dibanding opsi NPV terkecil, IRR 19% dan waktu pembayaran (payout time/POT) 5 tahun. Opsi A  menggunakan anjungan tetap dengan jalur pemipaan ke arah Utara, proses separasi hidrokarbon dilakukan pada anjungan lepas pantai (offshore) dan pengolahannya dilakukan di darat (onshore).

    Revolutions in Chemical Engineering through the Development of Materials Science and Product Design for Sustainable Energy and Future Applications

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    Materials science is an interdisciplinary engineering and science area covering the nature of materials and their applications in various fields of science, chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, engineering, applied physics, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, civil, and electricity. Its main focus is to explore the key relation between the structure, properties and application of matter. Therefore, it is one of the broadest and most active areas in chemical engineering, involving the discovery, evaluation and manipulation of useful material properties of different substances. To date, materials science has been expanding the array of materials that have unique characteristics and are useful for the development and fabrication of desirable, imaginative, and revolutionary new products.  Related research has been contributing to great progress towards a sustainable future based on clean energy generation, through the development of ethanol production using syngas fermentation, transmission and distribution, the storage of electrical and chemical energy, energy efficiency, and better energy management systems. These advances aim to fulfill the widescale growing demand for energy in both developed and developing countries. Clean energy policy is also associated with the concerns about the detrimental effects of fossil fuels on the environment. Such environmental concerns have been at the forefront of limiting technological advances in various industrial sectors, prompting the intensive utilization of membrane filters, sensors and catalysts. In addition to the climate change associated with gas emissions from automobiles and factories, access to clean water, consumption of raw materials in the refining and separation processes of fossil fuels, and waste management have become important environmental issues, which scientists and engineers are actively trying to solve for present-day and future life. Innovative biocompatible materials, for instance, have improved the quality of life and lengthened people’s life spans. Chemical engineers have been at the forefront of these advances, creating applicable materials in the fields of biochemistry, thermodynamics and supercritical, nanomaterials and nanotechnology, chemical engineering management, separation and purification, renewable energy, water and waste treatment, food technology and pharmaceuticals, catalysts, chemical reactions, and engineering process systems. To address the abovementioned issues, the 1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering 2018 (ISIChem), with the main theme of “Chemical Engineering,” was held from October 4–6, 2018, at Kyriad Bumiminang Hotel, Padang, Sumatra Barat, Indonesia. The symposium, which was organized by Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Teknik Kimia Indonesia (APTEKIM), facilitated researchers, academics and industry practitioners to present and discuss their research in scientific forums in the field of chemical engineering and to share their  knowledge. In the symposium, twenty papers from various countries across the globe, including Japan, Libya, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia, were presented.  This Insight discusses the latest advances in materials science, which may boost the transition to a more sustainable environment and energy systems. In this issue of the International Journal of Technology, we provide coverage of the 1st International Symposium of Indonesian Chemical Engineering 2018 (ISIChem). At the symposium, the participants updated the current trends in new materials and approaches to the reuse of energy and waste, providing a space for discussion focusing on the methodology, technology, and empirical work of tropical renewable energy. Publishing information on the conference via traditional printed media, however, takes time and, for several reasons, the discussion presented might remain unknown to a wider audience. In this current special issue of the International Journal of Technology, we would therefore like to present the discussions in the form of research papers, thereby making them available to a wider readership. We are pleased to present 20 papers and, through the availability of the published materials, enrich and extend the ISIChem symposium reports


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    CO2 Absorption from Its Mixture with CH4 or N2 through Hollow Fiber Membrane Contactor using Water asSolvent. Hollow fiber membrane contactors have been widely used as gas-liquid contactors recently such as in the CO2absorption process from gas stream. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of hollow fiber membranecontactor to absorb CO2 from its mixture with CH4 or N2 using water through mass transfer and hydrodynamic tests.There are 3 membrane modules used in this research with shell diameter of 1.9 cm, length of 40 cm, outer fiberdiameter of 2.7 mm and fiber number in the contactors of 10, 15 and 20. Liquid flow rates in the hollow fiber membranecontactors are varied in this research. Research results show that mass transfer coefficients in the membrane contactorincrease with increasing liquid flow rate and decrease with increasing fiber number in the contactor. Flux of CO2 intowater can achieve 1.4x10-9 mol CO2 /m2.s and mass transfer coefficients can achieve 1.23 x 10-7 m/s. Meanwhile,hydrodynamic test results show that water pressure drop in the membrane contactors increase with increasing fibernumber in the contactors.Keywords: hollow fiber, contactor, mass transfe

    High Performance Plasma Electrolysis Reactor for Hydrogen Generation using a NaOH-Methanol Solution

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    In the plasma electrolysis process, hydrogen generation around the cathode is affected by the amount of evaporation energy. Utilizing a veil, minimizing the cooling in the liquid phase, and maximizing the cooling in the gas phase become important parameters to improve the process efficiency of hydrogen production. This research aims to obtain an optimum high-efficiency electrolysis plasma reactor based on decreased energy consumption and increased hydrogen gas production. The research method varied the NaOH concentration, voltage, veil length, cathode depth, and the volume of the methanol additive. In characterizing the current and voltage, as the concentration increases, the voltage needed to form the plasma will decrease. As the concentration and voltage increase, the rate of production, hydrogen content percentage, and the hydrogen ratio also increase, while the energy consumption decreases. The optimum condition, based on variations of veil length, is 5 cm when the depth of the cathode is 1 cm below the surface of the solution. Improving the efficiency of the hydrogen production process can be done by adding methanol. The best result was achieved using 15% volumes of methanol additive in 0.01 M NaOH, and higher hydrogen-ratio plasma-electrolysis results were found in comparison with Faraday electrolysis: the hydrogen ratio was 151.88 mol/mol, the lowest energy consumption was 0.89 kJ/mmol, and the highest hydrogen production rate was 31.45 mmol/min. The results show that this method can produce hydrogen 152 times more than Faraday electrolysis

    Innovation of Renewable Energy, CO2 Capture and Storage Materials for Better Applications

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    The 15th International Conference on Quality in Research (QiR) was held in Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia on July 24–27, 2017. The main theme was “Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable World.” This third book of special edition of International Journal of Technology (IJTech) present 18 papers in the research areas of chemical and metallurgy & materials engineering. The International Symposium on Chemical Engineering, QiR, covered various topics such as renewable energy business and economics, biomass conversion technologies, modeling and simulation, advanced thermal and chemical processes, waste to energy, advanced biofuel technology, catalysts, composites, photocatalysis, and adsorption. We have selected 10 papers from the 80 submitted for publication in the IJTech. The International Symposium on Materials and Metallurgy, QiR, covered topics such as carbon, graphene, oxides, nanocomposites, mesostructured materials, advanced superconducting, electrochemical water splitting, extraction, hydrometallurgy, and energy storage devices. We selected 8 papers from the 111 fullpapers for publication in the IJTech. The eighteen papers, from both symposia, are summarized below


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    This study uses DEA solution to absorb CO2 from the gas flow through the hollow fiber membrane contactors. Thisstudy aims to evaluate the performance of hollow fiber membrane contactors to absorb CO2 gas using DEA solution assolvent through mass transfer and hydrodynamics studies. The use of DEA solution is to reduce the mass transferresistance in the liquid phase, and on the other side, the large contact area of the membrane surface can cover thedisadvantage of membrane contactors; additional mass transfer resistance in the membrane phase. During experiments,CO2 feed flows through the fiber lumens, while the 0.01 M DEA solution flows in the shell side of membranecontactors. Experimental results show that the mass transfer coefficients and fluxes of CO2 increase with an increase inboth water and DEA solution flow rates. Increasing the amount of fibers in the contactors will decrease the masstransfer and fluxes at the same DEA solution flow rate. Mass transfer coefficients and CO2 fluxes using DEA solutioncan achieve 28,000 and 7.6 million times greater than using water as solvent, respectively. Hydrodynamics studiesshow that the liquid pressure drops in the contactors increase with increasing liquid flow rate and number of fibers inthe contactors. The friction between water and the fibers in the contactor was more pronounced at lower velocities, andtherefore, the value of the friction factor is also higher at lower velocities.Keywords: hydrodynamics, mass transfer, membrane contacto

    Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules for NOx Removal using a Mixture of NaClO3 and NaOH Solutions in the Shell Side as Absorbents

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    Nitrogen oxide (NOx) is one of the polluting gases harmful to humans and the environment. Nitrous oxide gas is mostly found in air, namely nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Nitrogen oxide gas in the air, which mostly comes from exhaust gases, needs to be reduced to minimize the threats to humans and the environment and comply with applicable regulations regarding hazards. The absorption process with a membrane contactor is an alternative to reduce NOx concentrations in the air. This study evaluates the hollow fiber membrane modules' performance in the NOx absorption process using sodium chlorate (NaClO3) and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) together as an absorbent solution. Based on the experimental results, the NOx reduction efficiency increased from 96.3 to 99.2% and from 99.4 to 99.7% with an increase in the concentration of NaClO3 from 0.02 to 0.05 M and the number of fibers in the membrane module from 50 to 150. However, the absorption efficiency declined from 99.7 to 99.2% by increasing the feed gas flow rate from 100 to 200 mL/min. The highest value of NOx reduction efficiency, the overall mass transfer coefficient, the flux, and the NOx loading obtained in the study were 99.7%, 0.01743 cm s-1, 9.510´10-8 mmole cm-2 s-1, and 0.026 mole NOx/mole NaClO3, respectively

    The Future of Nanotechnology and Quantum Dots for the Treatment of COVID-19

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    Today, drugs and vaccines for treating coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are being developed in Russia, China, the USA, Canada, Turkey, Germany, the UK, and Indonesia. Not all drugs for treating COVID-19 have the same functions or target the same aspects of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the cause of COVID-19. Very recently, some vaccines have been reported to effectively protect against COVID-19. Clinical vaccine trials are in phase 3 in several countries, including Indonesia, Turkey, Chile and Brazil. A virus is an intracellular parasite with a very simple structure. Viruses lack their own metabolism and thus require a host to replicate. That is why washing one’s hands with soap is the first step in preventing the spread of viruses with a lipid membrane, such as SARS-CoV-2. Soap effectively destroys such viruses because they are self-assembled structures. However, soap cannot be used to destroy the virus within a host because the same process that destroys the virus also destroys human cells. At the moment, much research in the area of nanotechnology is ongoing. Quantum dots (QDs) have been incorporated in many nanotechnological treatments, including drug delivery, bioimaging of cancer cells, and cancer diagnosis and treatment. Many researchers are investigating the use of new materials to treat COVID-19; possible therapies employ modified graphenes and QDs, among others. QDs are multifunctional crystalline semiconductors on a nanometer scale. Based on our studies, this QDs has fewer coordinating molecules on the surface. Nanometer-sized QDs are thermodynamically unstable but can be kept in a colloidal form to maintain stability. Due to their unique optical properties, QDs have significant potential for biomedical applications, including biomedical imaging, biosensors, drug delivery, clinical diagnosis, photodynamic therapy, DNA hybridization, and RNA profiling. Very recently, the potential of QDs for targeting virus cells has received attention. This function could be used to inhibit the activity of COVID-19. The use of QDs to treat COVID-19 still needs more evaluation and investigation. QDscan be functioned and coated with other molecules to improve their drug delivery profile. The chemical functionality of the surface of a QD can also be controlled by a capping agent such as Schiff base compound, which provides colloidal stability, prevents agglomeration and uncontrolled growth, increases solubility, and extends the exciton lifetime of QDs.The development of QDs and of nanostructured semiconductor crystals (which are usually under 10 nm in size) has opened new horizons in nanoscience and nanotechnology. QDs have been used in a wide range of applications in various fields, including biochemistry, physical chemistry, biomedicine, medicine, pharmaceuticals, microscopy, and engineering. QDs are also a powerful imaging probe for diagnostics and prognostics.     The development and manufacture of bioengineering and medical equipment and devices has become more efficient, and computational modelling and simulations are now used to gather insights into new products.&nbsp