15 research outputs found
Analisis Faktor Risiko Kejadian HIV/AIDS Berbasis Perilaku Manusia Di Kabupaten Madiun Tahun 2018
Background: HIV / AIDS is a behavior-based disease. The HIV epidemic is a serious problem and challenge to public health in the world both in developed and developing countries such as Indonesia. In Asia, the factors driving the HIV / AIDS epidemic are three high-risk behaviors, namely unprotected commercial sex, sharing syringes in drug users and sex between unprotected men. This study is an observational-analytic study that aims to analyze the influence of human behavior factors included in the practice of free sex, alcohol consumption practices, drug use practices, attitudes and practices of weak religious teachings against the incidence of HIV / AIDS in Madiun Regency.Methods: The research design used was case control, with a purposive sampling technique. Data was taken through interviews to respondents using questionnaires and analyzed using logistic regression tests. This research was conducted in the working area of the Madiun District AIDS Eradication Commission (KPAD) for 6 months, starting from January to June 2018. The case group in this study were 20 HIV-AIDS sufferers selected and the control group was family / neighboring of the HIV / AIDS sufferers who does not suffer from HIV / AIDS as many as 20 people.Result: The results of this study show that the practice of injecting drug use (p> 0.005 which is 1,000) and alcoholic consumption practices (p> 0.005 which is 0.355) is not a risk factor for HIV / AIDS in Madiun Regency. Whereas the risky sex practices and weak religious teaching practices are the risk factors for HIV / AIDS in Madiun Regency which value of p is 0.017 and 0.021.Conclusion : Thus there is a need for counseling efforts about safe sex and to increase faith and piety in order to reduce the risk of transmission of HIV / AIDS in Madiun regency.
Adiksi Internet: Kesehatan Fisik, Mental, dan Sosial
Sekitar 40% populasi di dunia mengakses internet. Meningkatnya jumlah populasi tersebut memunculkan kasus klinis berkenaan dengan gejala-gejala penyalahgunaan/adiksi. Beberapa tahun terakhir, istilah adiksi diperluas lebih dari ketergantungan zat, sehingga perilaku yang tidak terkait zat yang menyebabkan masalah dan gangguan juga termasuk ke dalamnya. Adiksi zat dan adiksi perilaku mungkin terlihat serupa dalam pengaruhnya terhadap pola perilaku, emosi, dan fisiologi. Secara psikologis, adiksi internet menjadi prediktor kuat terhadap kondisi psikiatri, di antaranya depresi dan kecemasan. Adiksi internet dapat menurunkan konsentrasi, prestasi akademik, sehingga stresor tersebut dapat meningkat menjadi kejadian depresi maupun kecemasan. Secara sosial, adiksi internet telah menggeser kehidupan sosial di dunia nyata. Individu lebih suka berkomunikasi melalui situs jejaring sosial atau chat room, dan mulai kehilangan makna pertemanan karena menggantikannya dengan teman-teman virtual di jejaring sosial. Adiksi internet juga dilaporkan menyebabkan banyak masalah kesehatan fisik berupa sakit kepala, rasa kaku, sakit punggung, sakit leher, dan insomnia
Review : Pendekatan Metabolomik Untuk Authentifikasi Kehalalan Daging Berdasarkan Cara Penyembelihannya
Halal meat is a concern in many countries, including Indonesia. This is because halal meat can not only be accepted by Muslims but also by non-Muslims. The process of slaughtering meat is one of the critical points to authenticate the halalness of meat. Halal meat that is slaughtered not according to sharia will make meat that should be halal become non-halal. Therefore, a method is needed that is able to authenticate the halalness of meat based on the slaughter process, through a metabolomics approach. Metabolites are the result of gene expression with the environment so that the metabolites of meat slaughtered not according to sharia will be different from metabolites that are slaughtered according to sharia. To facilitate visualization of halal authentication, chemometric analysis is needed. Chemometrics will reduce a lot of metabolite data to be simpler so that it is easier to understand. The metabolomics approach combined with chemometrics will be an alternative method that can be used to authenticate the halalness of meat based on the slaughter process
Hubungan Pengetahuan Tentang Obat Dengan Tindakan Swamedikasi NSAIDs di Desa Klampisan
Tindakan swamedikasi NSAIDs merupakan upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat atas inisiatif diri sendiri dalam melakukan pengobatan untuk mengatasi keluhan nyeri yang dialami tanpa berkonsultasi dengan dokter. NSAIDs (Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatori Drugs) merupakan salah satu golongan obat analgesik yang sering digunakan untuk swamedikasi nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang obat dengan tindakan swamedikasi NSAIDs di desa Klampisan tahun 2022. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain Cross Sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan motode Stratified Random Sampling dengan instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner, data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik chi square. Besar sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 322 responden. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui sebagian besar masyarakat desa Klampisan memiliki pengetahuan tentang obat yang baik (77%) dengan tindakan swamedikasi NSAIDs (59%). Berdasarkan hasil uji chi square diperoleh nilai p-value sebesar 0,000 maka nilai p-value < 0,05. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan tentang obat dengan tindakan swamedikasi NSAIDs di desa Klampisan tahun 2022
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is still a health problem in Madiun City. Based on data from the Madiun City Health Office (2011-2015) there has been a significant increase in DHF incidence over the past 5 years. Most DHF patients in Madiun City are elementary school children. This indicates that the program of DHF especially in primary school in Madiun is still less effective, especially routine health counseling by the heakth service centre related to PSN through 3M plus activities. This study aims to analyze the influence of routine health counseling by the health service centre to the incidence of DHF in Primary School in Madiun City. This research is an observational analytic research with case control design. The population in this study is divided into 2 groups, namely the case population (SD with DHF incidence) of 33 SD and control population (SD not with DHF incidence). The sample in this study is divided into 2 groups, namely the case sample (SD with selected DHF incidence) of 30 SD and control sample (SD not with DHF incidence) of 30 SD. Sampling technique is by Simple Random Sampling. From the result of the analysis test, it is found out that the routine health education of Puskesmas has an effect on the occurrence of DHF in Primary School in Madiun City (p = 0,001)
Pengaruh Dukungan Orang Dekat terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) di Kabupaten Madiun
Background: The proper and correct ARV therapy requires social support, especially from family and close people, in order to be able to reduce negative impacts of the infection.Methods: This study is an observational-analytic study to analyze the influence of support from close people for adherence to taking ARV drugs in PLWH in Madiun district. The research design used in this study was cross sectional with purposive sampling technique. Data was taken through interviews with respondents without giving any treatment. The sample in this study were patients who had been diagnosed with HIV positive for more than 6 months in 2018 which was randomly selected. The research location is the working area of the Local AIDS Eradication Commission (KPAD) of Madiun district. The study was conducted for 7 months, starting from June to December 2018.Result: From the results of bivariate analysis, it was concluded that the support from close people has influence on medication adherence in PLHIV (p = 0.000).Conclusion : From this research, it is expected to be an input for the government in determining health policy, especially to increase the rate of compliance with medication for PLWHA in Madiun district
Faktor Sosio-Demografi yang Berhubungan dengan Penggunaan Suplemen dan Jamu selama Pandemi: Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa UNIPMA Tahun 2022
Background: Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID-19) is a global pandemic declared in 2020 by WHO. The high incidence and death rates of COVID-19 affect human social activities in all countries, including Indonesia. This pandemic has had an impact on various sectors including education. Students are one of the groups prone to contracting COVID-19 from the campus cluster. So it is necessary to strengthen one's immunity by consuming supplements and herbs. This study aims to analyze socio-demographic factors related to the use of supplements and herbs in UNIPMA students.Methods: This research is an analytic observational study (cross-sectional design) in which the researcher conducted indirect interviews using a questionnaire instrument distributed through the media google form. This study involved 361 UNIPMA students using a purposive sampling technique. Then the results of the study were analyzed using the chi square test.Result: Based on statistical tests, the results obtained for the gender variable were p = 0.014, the type of study program variable was p = 0.011, the income variable of both parents was p = 0.679 and the access variable to pharmacies and drug stores was p = 0.193.Conclusion : Based on the research results, it can be concluded that socio-demographic factors related to the use of supplements and herbs in UNIPMA students are gender and type of study program. Meanwhile, socio-demographic factors such as the income of both parents and access to pharmacies and drug stores are not related to the use of supplements and herbs in UNIPMA students
Pengaruh Pengetahuan Terhadap Preferensi Penggunaan Obat Pegal Linu di Desa Dungmiri
Pegal linu adalah gangguan nyeri otot dan termasuk keluhan yang sering diderita masyarakat pada umumnya. Penyebab umum pegal linu yaitu gangguan otot dimana otot mengalami ketegangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap preferensi penggunaan obat pegal linu di Desa Dungmiri. Penelitian ini memiliki desain observational analytic, dimana responden tidak diberikan intervensi maupun perlakukan apapun oleh peneliti. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat memiliki pengetahuan baik (76,47%). Dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,000 (p<0,05). Sehingga terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan terhadap preferensi penggunaan obat pegal linu obat tradisional Desa Dungmiri
Kajian Perilaku Kepatuhan Medikasi Pasien Tuberculosis Paru di Kabupaten Ngawi: Sebuah Model Matematis
Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is currently still a health issue in Indonesia. Indonesia is the country that contributes the second largest number of tuberculosis cases after India. Ngawi is one of the cities in East Java Province with a large number of tuberculosis cases. In 2022, tuberculosis cases in Ngawi Regency will double from the previous year with the death rate also increasing from the previous year. This shows that tuberculosis control in Ngawi Regency has not been effective. Efforts are needed to increase medication compliance in tuberculosis sufferers so that therapeutic success can be achieved so that the death rate and tuberculosis transmission rate can be reduced.Methods: This research is an analytical observational study with a cross sectional research design which aims to create a mathematical model of medication adherence in pulmonary TB sufferers in Ngawi Regency. This research involved 102 pulmonary TB sufferers at Dr. Soeroto Hospital, Widodo Hospital and Ngawi Regency Health Center. Pulmonary TB sufferers were selected using a purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using multiple logistic regression tests.Result: Based on interviews conducted with 102 respondents, the results obtained were that the variables age, length of treatment, motivation to recover, self-perception, knowledge, access to health facilities, medication assistance, family support, drug side effects and health facility administration were candidates for bivariate testing.Conclusion : The variables of self-perception, knowledge, family support and health facility administration are the dominant factors influencing medication compliance in pulmonary TB sufferers in Ngawi Regency in 2023
Edukasi Gizi Seimbang dan Penyakit Degeneratif bagi Lansia Desa Kenongrejo Kabupaten Madiun
This service aims to increase the knowledge of the elderly in Kenongrejo Village regarding balanced nutrition and degenerative diseases. The method of implementing this service was socialization and mentoring. The evaluation instrument for this activity was the help of an evaluation rubric which was then analyzed descriptively. The results of this service showed that the knowledge of the elderly regarding food menu arrangements for the elderly increased by 45%; participants' understanding of various degenerative diseases that occurred in the elderly increased by 30%; awareness of the importance of routine health control for the elderly increased by 42%; participants' motivation in participating in outreach/counseling increased 30%; and implementation of socialization/counseling programs increased 100%. Based on the service activities that had been carried out, socialization and mentoring activities were going well and could provide changes in behavior patterns for the elderly in Kenongrejo Village